Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 4: The swarm of moths reappeared


The swarm of moths reappeared on the seventh day of March, and the East Garden was full of flowers.

The smoke also flies.

In fact, it's not smoke, it's rain.

Silky spring rain, like smoke, enveloped the entire courtyard, with Cui Beihai in the courtyard.

Between his eyebrows, there was still the fear of last night, but his heart was not as heavy as last night, because he had written a letter secretly, and had secretly sent Cui Yifeima to Chang Huhua.

A letter asking for help simply stated his current situation and stated that he needed the protection of Chang Huhua.

He does not write to others, only to Chang Huhua.

This is not only because of Chang Huhua's martial arts, but also because Chang Huhua is a thief, but a gentleman among thieves, a righteous swordsman.

Even if there are demons and monsters, I believe that they would not dare to violate a righteous swordsman.

He only hoped that Chang Huhua would arrive in time, but he was not worried that Chang Huhua would not come.

He has not forgotten that they are no longer friends, but he has not forgotten that he had saved Chang Huhua's life when they were still friends.

Chang Huhua is by no means an ungrateful person, he knows this better than anyone else.

Chang Huhua will never be ungrateful, so why is he willing to beg for retribution? It's just that his whole person is about to collapse, and he really can't think of a second person who can ask for help.

The spring rains are endless, the wind blows again, and the courtyard is full of flowers.

The flowers fall like rain like fog.

Flowers fall in one place.

Apricot blossom.

When the apricot blossoms are over, spring will be over.

Cui Beihai looked at the sky and flowers, and he couldn't help but hurt the spring.

Unconsciously, he raised his hand and took an apricot flower.

There were blood-red raindrops on the pale petals.

Cui Beihai was startled, and there was a sting like acupuncture on the tip of his middle finger.

Between the blood-red raindrops, a blood-red spike suddenly appeared at this moment, and the pale petals turned green! Blood sucking moth! A blood-sucking moth lay quietly on the apricot flower. As soon as Cui Beihai caught the flower, the thorn of the blood-sucking moth spit out from his mouth and pierced his middle finger! Cui Beihai was shocked, that hand hurriedly slammed out, and fell off the falling flower that was in his hand.

Before the flower hit the ground, the blood-sucking moth flew up from the petals.

Fly without a trace.

Cui Beihai was relieved.

His breath was too early.

The wind was still blowing, the flowers were still falling, and there were blood-red raindrops on the falling flowers.

There is a blood-sucking moth on every falling flower! How many flowers? How many blood sucking moths? Cui Beihai caught a glimpse, and the loose heart immediately shrank again, and his body retreated with violence! After retreating half a foot, the Seven Stars Desperate Sword was already in hand, trembling straight in mid-air! The blood-sucking moths flew away from the falling flowers in real time, spitting out needle-like stabs, and swarming towards Cui Beihai! The blue and white falling flowers, the emerald green moth wings, the blood-red tongues, and the misty rain formed a strange picture! Where is Cui Beihai still in the mood to appreciate, with a cry of fear, the Seven Stars Desperate Sword started a rain of swords all over the sky! With a series of screams, Misty Rain was shattered by Jianyu, and Fallen Flowers were also broken into pieces by Jianyu! It's just misty rain, just falling flowers, dozens of blood-sucking moths seem to be crushed in the rain of swords, but all of them are missing.

In that instant, dozens of blood-sucking moths seemed to be twisted into smoke by a sword rain, scattered into the mist and rain.

Cui Beihai knew that it was definitely not.

He knew that he didn't have this kind of ability, and he knew that dozens of blood-sucking moths had disappeared like a devil in an instant.

It seems that such an enemy, he is really helpless.

With his sword as his chest and the wood standing there, the muscles on his face couldn't help twitching. Although there were no tears in his eyes, he already had an urge to cry.

It takes six days for the letter to be sent to Wanhuazhuang at the earliest. Even if Changhuhua leaves as soon as he receives the letter, he must be able to come to Jubaozhai on March 18th.

The blood-sucking moth is obviously becoming more and more rampant! When the moth king appeared, the swarms of moths swarmed and pierced their sucker into the body of their sucker, sucking up the blood in that person's body.

It is said that the Moth King appeared on the night of the full moon.

The night of the full moon is also the night of the fifteenth.

If this legend is true, Chang Huhua arrived three days late. If the blood-sucking moth really wanted to suck his blood, he would have become a dead or mummy! On the eighth day of March, blood-sucking moths appeared at night.

A large group of blood-sucking moths, twice as many as yesterday, danced around the lights.

Cui Beihai ignored it, and the group of blood-sucking moths finally disappeared after dancing for a cup of tea, disappearing like a phantom, and like a devil.

On the ninth day of March, Cui Beihai came back from outside in the evening, looking upset.

Today, he has told eleven friends about the blood-sucking moth.

Among his eleven friends, there are escorts, businessmen, and even quack doctors.

Gao Tianlu, the official of this place, and Yang Xun, the chief catcher, were also the objects of his confession.

Most of these people have traveled all over the world and have seen so much. Cui Beihai told them that he hoped that one of them could provide him with a way to resist and even eliminate the blood-sucking moth.

As a result, he was completely disappointed, and he even regretted it a little.

These people didn't believe what he said at all. When he was talking and laughing, there were only two exceptions.

Both of them thought there was something wrong with his head, Cui Beihai did not defend, he just smiled bitterly.

Because he had expected this result a long time ago.

If the blood-sucking moth hadn't happened to him, he wouldn't believe it either.

He went straight to the study.

After the events on the sixth day of the sixth year, he no longer dared to sleep with Jun Yi Zhu.

For the past two days, he slept in the study.

There is also a moon in the sky tonight.

In front of Cui Beihai's independent window, the clear moonlight melted, and a feeling of desolation felt in his heart.

He suddenly felt completely isolated.

The voice of'Sudden' suddenly came from behind him.

This voice is no stranger to him.

Every time the blood-sucking moth appeared, he heard this'sudden' sound.

This was exactly the sound made by the blood-sucking moth when it flapped its wings, and he turned his head back.

It was dark when he came in, and he had forgotten to light the lamp.

In this darkness, countless clusters of cruel green, wildfire-like light flashed suddenly.

There are scarlet raindrops in each group of bleak green light, although small, but especially shiny blood! The horrible green and red light flickered with a sudden sound, like countless pairs of magic eyes peeping in the darkness! -The blood sucking moth! Cui Beihai hissed in sorrow, but his throat seemed to be choked, and there was no sound.

He suddenly turned around and rushed into the darkness! He knew everything in the study.

This rush was just before the book case, and he clearly remembered that there was a light on the book case.

The lamp is still on the book case.

Cui Beihai waved his left hand and knocked the lampshade into the air. His right hand immediately burst into flames and lit the lights! The dim light dissipated the darkness in an instant.

The tragic green and red light was completely disillusioned in this instant, and the sound of'suddenly' disappeared at the same time.

There are no blood-sucking moths in the study.

When the tragic green and red light disillusioned, the blood-sucking moth was also disillusioned! Cui Beihai held the lamp in his hand, cursing in his heart.

On the tenth day of March, people are more peaceful, the moon is bright and the breeze is clear.

Cui Beihai lay quietly in his study. He was very tired, but he still didn't fall asleep.

His eyes were barely widened, staring at the light of the seven fists in the middle of the study-it was the light of fire.

The thick fire core kneaded by the seven lamp cores is burning.

The lower half of the fire core was completely immersed in a large copper bowl filled with lamp oil. The large copper bowl was placed on top of a table, but the table was placed in a captive tray of the boss.

The floating plate was filled with clear water, the whole piece was immersed in water, and half of the copper bowl was also immersed in water.

The seven thick fire cores burned at the same time and were already very bright, and when reflected with the water, the whole study was like daylight.

Cui Beihai thought for a whole day, and finally came up with this trap.

Most common moths flutter at the sight of the fire, so the moths flutter on the lamp and just fly around the lampshade. If the lampshade is removed, it will inevitably flutter into the fire.

The lamp moth fights the fire, and it will die forever. Adding a basin of water under the lamp will undoubtedly die.

It is difficult to fly high if the wings are burned and then soaked in water.

Cui Beihai only hopes that the blood-sucking moth's habit of fighting fires is no different from that of ordinary moths.

He even hoped that the fire could burn the magic, the water could drown the magic, and the blood-sucking moth threw into the fire, and after falling into the water, it could no longer be disillusioned and disappeared.

As long as there is a corpse of a blood-sucking moth in hand, those friends who don't believe it at all should be suspicious.

As long as they are suspicious, they will naturally intervene in the investigation and work with him to try to deal with the blood-sucking moths.

At the very least, he wouldn't be as lonely as he is now.

He doesn't sleep now, and reluctantly supports it, just waiting for the appearance of the blood-sucking moths and throwing himself into the trap.

Three shifts-more drums came from outside the sky, it was already three shifts.

Cui Beihai counted and closed his eyes gently, but his heart was already anxious.

Based on his experience in the past few days, if the blood-sucking moth appeared at night, it should have already appeared by this time.

Now it still hasn't appeared.

-Could it be that those blood-sucking moths are really psychic, knowing that they are laying traps here? When this thought started, Cui Beihai heard the'sudden' voice.

Whenever the blood-sucking moth appeared, he would hear that sound.

That sound is the sound of the blood-sucking moth flapping its wings.

-coming? Cui Beihai was energetic, and Huo Di opened his eyes! When he opened it, he suddenly realized that his eyelids were like heavy lead, and he couldn't even open it.

He just closed his eyes and rested his mind. He didn't sleep with his eyes closed. He didn't take a moment before and after. How could it be like this? He even raised his hand to the eyelid, who knew that even though he wanted to raise his hand, he couldn't raise that hand.

In this moment, his mixed strength has completely disappeared.

Cui Beihai's surprise is really extraordinary.

-So what happened? He screamed in his heart, he didn't even have the strength to speak, but he still had feelings, and he heard very clearly.

The voice of'Suddenly' has become louder and louder.

The blood-sucking moth is clearly flying in the study.

Cui Beihai became more anxious in his heart, and was about to struggle to get up, suddenly felt a strong, irresistible sleepiness hit his heart.

There was a blur of mind, and even the feeling disappeared.

I don't know how long it took, Cui Beihai suddenly regained consciousness.

As soon as he regained consciousness, he heard a sound, a very strange sound, like something screaming and wailing.

He wanted to see where he was now and what he had become.

Because he was really worried that during the time he was in a coma, the blood-sucking moth had taken him out of his study and had sucked his blood dry.

He still has memories of what happened before the coma, and he is also worried about whether he can open his eyes and move his body.

He tried to open his eyes, opened them as soon as they opened, and closed them as soon as they opened.

Fang Xing's eyes could hardly tolerate the intense fire irritation.

Before opening his eyes, he dimly saw that he was still in the study, and he had at least let go of his heart.

People are still in the study, and people still have the feeling that even if the blood-sucking moth has sucked blood and has not sucked up his blood, he can still live.

He blinked and opened his eyes again.

This time it was much better.

When his eyes were completely used to it, his face became very strange and very strange.

He saw a very strange thing.

Two of the seven thick fire cores on the copper bowl fell into the water and extinguished, and five were burning.

The light of the five fire cores can still illuminate the study.

Under the firelight, there was no water, and there was a crystal clear green, and the surface of the floating plate seemed to be floating with a piece of jasper.

But there was a little light shining above the jasper, a blood-red light! That piece of jasper is not a whole large piece, but countless small pieces combined together, the combination is not neat, nor close.

The blood-red light kept flashing, and those small pieces also kept shaking, just like a piece of fish scales.

Cui Beihai knew that it was definitely not a fish scale. He had already seen clearly that it was countless crystal-like jasper-like blood-sucking moths floating in the basin, and the blood-red light was the moth's eye.

The trap he set has worked! Those blood-sucking moths really flew at the sight of the fire! They put out two of the seven thick fire cores, but they all seemed to have their wings burned by the fire. The strange thing about falling into the floating dish was not that the blood-sucking moths covered the surface of the water.

Cui Beihai's strange gaze did not fall on the surface of the water full of blood-sucking moths, he was staring at a blood-sucking moth flying on the floating plate.

The same is the blood-sucking moth. The blood-sucking moth is more beautiful than other blood-sucking moths. It is at least three or four times larger than the other blood-sucking moths. Each side of its wings is almost as wide as a palm. When it spreads its wings, the sound of'suddenly' is like a fan, five fires. Rui's flames fluttered like a fiery snake under its wings.

It did not extinguish the fire, but rose and fell sharply on the floating plate.

Every time it rises and falls, a blood-sucking moth grabs it from the water and falls to the ground next to the floating basin.

It was actually rescuing a blood-sucking moth that was burned by the fire and fell into the water! The ground near the floating plate was wet, and twenty or thirty wounded blood-sucking moths were struggling with their wings.

Such strange screams and wailing sounds came from among the blood-sucking moths floating on the surface of the floating plate and struggling on the ground nearby.

After regaining consciousness, his ears became more sensitive, and the more clearly the sound was heard, the colder Cui Beihai's heart became.

He stared at the strangely big blood-sucking moth.

The rescue work for that blood-sucking moth has obviously been going on for quite a while, but it must have appeared after the group of moths appeared. Otherwise, since it did not fight the fire, it knows how to rescue the blood-sucking moth that has been burned and fallen into the water. , It should block.

It was busy rescuing the moths and didn't seem to know that Cui Beihai had woken up, staring at it, and preparing to take action against it.

Cui Beihai is indeed preparing to take action. As soon as his hand is tight, he has firmly grasped the hilt of the sword! His seven-star desperate sword was originally placed beside him, and the hilt was originally placed on the palm of his hand.

When the trap was set up, he had placed the Seven-Star Desperate Sword in this most appropriate position.

He was ready to attack at any time.

As soon as he squeezed the hilt of the sword, he realized that his energy had not been lost.

He didn't notice any pain all over his body.

Could the moment of coma be just because he was so tired that he couldn't resist the sudden attack of sleepiness? Cui Beihai didn't think about it anymore, and now he only wanted to kill the strangely big blood-sucking moth.

It seems that even if the huge blood-sucking moth is not the king of moths, it must be the head of the moth group.

As long as the head of this group of moths is removed, the group of moths will not be difficult to mess up, not to mention the removal of the head of this group of moths, the wounded moths in the water of the floating basin and on the ground near the floating basin will undoubtedly die.

Without the leader, coupled with the heavy casualties, even if the Moth King wants to retaliate, even if he is still the target of blood sucking, he will inevitably have to reassess him and redeploy everything.

In that case, the moth king may be postponed. When the moths come again, Chang Huhua believes that it has moved.

So if he wants to save his life, he seems to have to kill the head of the moth in front of him first, and he must kill it! Cui Beihai made a murderous move with the sword clenched! Murderous intent will be born together! Cui Beihai's entire body seemed to be wrapped in a cloud of misty smoke for an instant.

The bright lights immediately seemed to become misty.

That strangely big blood-sucking moth also seemed to feel the existence of this murderous intent, it suddenly stopped its movements, winged its wings, and turned back towards Cui Beihai! This time around, Cui Beihai saw more clearly—what a big blood-sucking moth! Cui Beihai exclaimed in his heart, that blood-sucking moth was really big enough, and the compound eyes on the moth's head were almost the size of a human eye.

These compound eyes are redder than other blood-sucking moths, and they are as red as blood burning in flames, magnificent and eye-catching! Unspeakable horror, unspeakable charming! As soon as Cui Beihai's gaze came into contact with these compound eyes, he couldn't help feeling terrified.

This horrible feeling was quickly replaced by another feeling.

It was an indescribable feeling, even Cui Beihai didn't know what it was like.

He only felt that his soul seemed to be leaving his body, and his mind had gradually become dizzy.

His sword was ready to shoot, but at this moment, his hand was unconsciously released.

The sword had been raised for half a foot, and as soon as his hand released the sword's edge, it dropped and landed on his calf.

It was the spine of the sword, not the edge of the sword. His calf was not injured by this sword. Sen Leng's sword energy had penetrated his calf like an ice needle, piercing the bone marrow of his calf.

He shuddered and suddenly came to his senses! —It's those eyes that are making trouble! He immediately realized what was going on.

-It is not only capable of sucking blood, but also sucking away my soul. I must strengthen my will and definitely not be able to confuse it with those eyes.

He told himself that even though his eyes were looking at the compound eyes of the blood-sucking moth, his will was as firm as a rock, and his nerves were as tough as a steel wire! Most people who practice swords practice their minds at the same time, and he is no exception.

The sword was firmly held in his hand again, and his eyes were as sharp as a sword in an instant! The strangely big blood-sucking moth seemed to have noticed that Cui Beihai was awake, and his eyes could no longer act on Cui Beihai, and the twin eyes that glowed with blood suddenly became dim.

It flapped its wings suddenly, and suddenly turned to the window.

Could it be that it also knows the danger and is ready to fly away? At this moment, the Cui Beihai people have flew from the window! With a'hum', the Seven Stars Desperate Sword trembled straight, and the human sword merged into a rainbow, flying against the blood-sucking moth! Before the sword's edge arrived, the sharp sword aura had already stirred, and the two scoffing fire cores were extinguished in the sword wind! The whole study went dark, and a human-like exclamation suddenly sounded! It was definitely not the voice of Cui Beihai.

The voice was sharp and delicate, it turned out to be the voice of a woman! Where is the woman? There is Cui Beihai in the study, a man.

This woman's voice came from the mouth of that strangely big blood-sucking moth! Cui Beihai was startled, the sword still pierced out! This sword stabbed, there is a tendency to go without returning! Together with the exclamation, that huge vampire moth was as transparent as a devil, flew towards the window like a devil, and disappeared like a devil! Cui Beihai pierced into nothingness with a sword! His people fell on the edge of the floating plate! The fire light illuminates his man also illuminates his sword! There was blood on the tip of the sword! Cui Beihai moved the sword closer to his eyes to take a closer look.

It is indeed blood, a little bright red blood on the big bean is staining the tip of the sword! Cui Beihai dipped his finger in blood! The blood is still lukewarm! Where's the blood? Although the sword pierced into nothingness, it was where the blood-sucking moth was before it disappeared! Could this sword stabbed the blood-sucking moth? Could this bit of blood be the blood of that blood-sucking moth? How can moth blood be red? How can moth blood be warm? Could that blood-sucking moth really be a moth spirit? A moth? If that is true, it must be a female fairy! Isn't the sound it made just now the voice of a woman? Cui Beihai stood on the edge of the floating plate, staring at the blood on his fingers with a look of horror.

The blood on his finger was cold, and the blood in Cui Beihai's body also began to chill! He inadvertently lowered his head and glanced, his heart was colder, his blood was colder, and it was as cold as freezing.

A plate of wounded moths, jasper-like covered the water, undulating like fish scales, are dying and struggling.

The strange groaning sound has become stronger.

Shocking, equally terrifying to the ears.

Cui Beihai almost doubted whether he was in hell.

He turned his gaze, and suddenly fell on the ground in front of the window, with another drop of blood! Cui Beihai took a deep breath, his figure flew up again, and came out through the window! There is wind outside the window, there is a moon in the sky, and the moon is bright and windy.

When Cui Beihai reached the window, the moon was fading into the clouds.

The courtyard became gloomy and the warm spring breeze seemed cold.

The ground near the window can still be seen clearly because of the light from the study.

There was also a drop of blood on the ground, and Cui Beihai's sword stabbed not lightly.

Although the moth goblin disappeared like a devil, the blood dripping from its wound revealed its whereabouts.

Chasing the blood stains on the ground may be able to find its hiding place.

Cui Beihai can't look any further.

The moon has completely hidden in the clouds, and the courtyard has turned from gloom to darkness.

He suddenly turned around and jumped into the room. There were lights in the room. He was about to take the lights before chasing them down.

As soon as his figure fell, his whole body was stunned.

The bath tray is still in the basin, and the fire core on the copper bowl is still burning, but none of the wounded moths on the ground near the tray are seen.

The blood-sucking moths that covered the surface of the water have also completely disappeared.

They have been injured and can no longer fly their wings, how can they leave? Cui Beihai dashed to the side of the wooden plate, his eyes widened, and he looked around! Although the four fire cores were extinguished, and three were still burning, the light was still shining, and he could see very clearly.

There is indeed no moth, but a plate of clear water has turned into blood! Could those blood-sucking moths turn into blood? Cui Beihai plunged into the blood with a sword.

The sword has not entered the blood water, the blood water has been completely disillusioned.

It is only blood that is disillusioned, not water.

The plate was still full of water, clear water.

Where can Cui Beihai's sword go down

He suddenly looked back at the window, where there was a drop of blood on the ground, but now it seems to seep into the ground and has completely disappeared.

He looked at his hand in surprise. He once dipped his finger with blood and felt the slight warmth of that blood, but where is there blood on his finger now? Is this an illusion? Is this demon blood? Cui Beihai didn't know.

Even he couldn't believe this kind of thing, but he couldn't help but believe it.

Shimizu? Blood? Who would believe something that even he couldn't believe? He smiled bitterly, but only a bitter smile.