Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 5: Heart disease heart medicine


Heart Disease Heart Medicine

March 11th. morning. The east wind blows again, and the flowers fall like rain.

Cui Beihai did not stand in the falling flowers. He is standing on the cloister.

Luo Hua was also blown into the corridor by the east wind, but he never picked it up.

He was afraid that the blood-sucking moth was lying on the falling flower, and when he held it in his hand, he pierced his hand and sucked his blood.

He was looking at the falling flowers, but there was no intention of hurting the spring in his heart.

Nothing feels at all. His eyes were dull, and his heart was a little numb.

Fear, insomnia, ten days in a row, under this situation, he can still support it, it is very rare that he has not become a madman.

He also did not notice the arrival of Jun Yi Zhu.

Yi Zhujun also unexpectedly encountered Cui Beihai in this corridor at this time, which was far away from the study.

This corridor twists and turns, and Cui Beihai is not standing in it, nor does he make any noise.

When she discovered Cui Beihai, it was too late to dodge.

At the sight of Cui Beihai, her face showed horror, and her body shrank, actually trying to dodge.

It's a pity that although Cui Beihai didn't see her, she walked so close, her footsteps were loud enough to wake Cui Beihai.

Cui Beihai slowly turned his head, his sluggish gaze fell on Yi Zhujun's body, suddenly condensed, and his pupils shrank at the same time.


Cui Beihai said with a moth character, and his voice was interrupted!

Today, Mr. Yi Zhu wore a jade-green dress, emerald green like jasper, just like Mr. Yi Zhu's moth body and moth wings.

Cui Beihai is like a frightened bird. Seeing this color, he unexpectedly thinks of a blood-sucking moth.

His hand was on the sword immediately.

Fortunately, he finally saw clearly that it was a man, his wife.

He swallowed back immediately after what he said, but there was nothing else to say, he just stared at Yi Zhujun in a daze.

Jun Yi Zhu had nothing to say, but the color of fear on his face was even stronger, as if he had met a madman.

A person meets a lunatic, and that lunatic is showing murderous intent and holding a sharp sword. Of course, it is best to speak quickly.

Yi Zhujun did not speak, nor could he speak. Because she is the wife of this lunatic.

Two people are like two lifeless puppets, neither talking nor moving.

Where is this like a couple? Don't say it's a couple, not even a stranger.

When two strangers meet early in the morning, they sometimes say hello, let alone seeing them from a distance, and try to avoid them.

Cui Beihai felt sorrow in his heart.

Finally he spoke first, saying:'Where are you going so early? '

Jun Yi Zhu whispered:'Go to the lotus pond to relax. '

Choi Hokkaido:'Why? Was so troubled? '

Yi Zhujun made no sound.

Cui Beihai didn't ask further, he sighed, and said:'The apricot blossoms over there are almost gone. If you really want to see it, you have to go for a walk at this time. '

Although he said yes, his feet did not move half a minute, his eyes did not turn, he still looked at Yi Zhujun.

He seemed to have no intention of accompanying Jun Yi to the lotus pond.

Jun Yi Zhu remained silent and did not move.

Cui Beihai sighed again and said:'What are you waiting for? '

Yi Zhujun asked softly:'Aren't you going? '

Cui Beihai asked back:'Do you want me to go? '

Jun Yi Zhu remained silent, as if he didn't know how to answer.

Cui Beihai smiled sadly and said:'I also want to accompany you on a trip, but it's a pity that I still have something to do. '

He smiled so miserably, and his eyes were full of sadness. He really can't go

Is there really something waiting to be done

Jun Yi Zhu didn't ask, lowered his head and raised his steps silently.

Cui Beihai also stared silently, watching her pass by her.

After half a foot, Yi Zhujun's footsteps began to speed up.

Cui Beihai said in real time:'Mr. Zhu! '

The cry was very sudden, and the tone was very strange.

Yi Zhujun stopped him with this cry.

The accelerated pace stopped at the beginning, but did not look back.

Cui Beihai uttered a "Bamboo Jun" exit, and then followed his steps to catch up.

Did he suddenly change his mind and want to accompany Mr. Yi Zhu to the lotus pond to relax

Yi Zhujun waited for him to catch up, there was no joy on his face, and he did not look back.

Cui Beihai walked to the side of Yi Zhujun before stopping.

Yi Zhujun finally couldn't help turning his head, and asked in a low voice:'What's the matter? '

Cui Beihai didn't answer, and the boss with his eyes open stared at Yi Zhujun's left hand.

Both of Yi Zhujun's hands are hidden deep in the sleeves, and what he is staring at is actually the sleeves.

There was a striking red on the emerald green jade sleeves, as red as blood.

At that moment, Yi Zhujun also noticed that Cui Beihai was staring at something, and subconsciously shrank his left hand. Cui Beihai was faster than her and had already held her left hand.

Yi Zhujun seemed to be holding the sore spot by him, frowning, showing pain on his face.

Cui Beihai didn't see it, his eyes were still on the sleeves, and he suddenly asked:'What happened to your left hand? '

Yi Zhujun shook his body and said:'It's okay. '

Cui Beihai said coldly:'How can blood flow out if nothing happens, the sleeves are all dyed red? '

'Then could it be the blood from your own arm? '

He asked this question again, but he couldn't help but pull up the sleeve of Yi Zhujun's left hand by himself.

Yi Zhujun's arm was as sparkling as jade, and a white cloth was wrapped around his forearm.

One side of the white cloth had turned red and was soaked with blood.

Cui Beihai looked cold, and said:'What is going on here, how can you shed so much blood? '

Jun Yi Zhu hesitated and said: "I just cut my clothes, and accidentally hurt my arm with the scissors. '

Tailoring? Scissors? How did she get that pair of scissors

How can you hurt your arm so badly

Cui Beihai moved his heart and said, "Show me how you are hurt? '

Before Yi Zhujun expressed his opinion, he untied the white cloth.

Sure enough, he was hurt badly. The forearm was five or six inches long, and it seemed that there was a two-thirds of blood in the mouth, and the blood was still oozing out.

How could this be the injury caused by the scissors

Cui Beihai took a closer look, and his complexion changed on the spot. —It's a sword wound!

He shouted in his heart, but couldn't say a word.

He is convinced that his judgment is absolutely correct. There should be no errors.

Knowing that he is also a master of swords, he should be able to tell whether he is injured by the sword.

—Why did she lie to me

Cui Beihai's gaze shifted to Jun Yi Zhu.

Yi Zhujun looked terrified. What is she scared of

Cui Beihai stared at the frightened Lord Yi Zhu in a daze, and the fear in his heart was never under Yi Zhu.

-She doesn't understand martial arts, and there is no reason to use the sword for no reason. How could she stabbed herself with the sword

—It's not her, who is it

—Who would dare to hurt her with a sword in this place

-only me!

-Could it be that the huge blood-sucking moth that appeared in the study last night is her incarnation

-Could it be that my sword pierced her arm last night, the blood on the sword, the blood on the ground, is her blood

—How can the blood disappear all at once? Could it be that when she became a blood-sucking moth, the blood of her body also turned into demon blood

-If this is true, isn't she really a vampire? A moth spirit! Cui Beihai became more surprised as he thought about it.

—So, if I save my life, don't I kill her

—She is my wife, how can I be so patient

The muscles beside Cui Beihai's eyes kept trembling, he looked at his hand, and at Yi Zhujun's, finally let go of his hand, and then sighed, saying: "It's just wrapped in cloth. It's useless. The old lady who cooks knows how to cut wounds. You can find her and apply some medicine, otherwise the wound will rot and it will be bad. '

Yi Zhujun nodded and blurted out:'I'm going to find her. '

Cui Beihai smiled and asked:'Didn't you just say you want to relax in the lotus pond? '

Yi Zhujun was startled and lowered his head.

But Cui Beihai continued:'Distraction is a trivial matter, it is still important to your own body, but it is not serious, and Mrs. Liu can probably handle it. '

Yi Zhujun said:'Yeah. '

Cui Beihai waved his hand and said:'Why don't you go? '

Yi Zhujun was a very obedient wife, and immediately retreated.

Watching her go away, the sadness in Cui Beihai's eyes became stronger.

Marrying an incarnation of a moth spirit, a wife who wants to suck her own blood, and a wife who deceives herself and is unfaithful, is equally sad, and if it is all true, it will be even sadder.

Another east wind, another falling flower, Cui Beihai sighed in the falling flower.

Hualuo will reopen next year, but the broken relationship is often hard to make up for life.

On March 12, the wind and rain came.

The person who came was not related to Cui Beihai.

This person is Yi Zhujun's cousin.

It is said that the title cousin does not necessarily mean only cousin. It also represents the lover.

According to reports, many women like to call their lover the eldest brother, because this not only solves the problem of addressing, but also is much more convenient to come and go, and it will not be too confusing.

Of course, the cousin of Yi Zhujun may not be that kind of cousin.

This cousin is called Guo Pu, and he seems to be younger than Yi Zhujun on the surface.

He is not only young, but also handsome.

If he is so young, isn't he the object of the young girl's mind

The more Cui Beihai looked at this Guo Pu, the less pleasing he was.

He has been busy all morning, taking care of the store, returning to the study, and thinking of taking a good rest, Yi Zhujun brought her cousin Guo Pu.

They turned out to be two people who came to the study first, and finally they still had a priority.

Yi Zhujun walked in front, but looked back from time to time with one head. Guo Pu followed behind, his eyes didn't seem to leave Yi Zhujun's slender body.

Cui Beihai is angry when he sees it! He could actually hold back his anger and didn't send it out.

He still laughed, and said hello with a smile, and said:'Who is this little brother? '

Yi Zhujun quickly introduced:'This is my cousin. '

Cui Beihai said'Oh' and said:'It turns out that it is your cousin, what's his name? '

Yizhu Jundao:'Guo Pu. '

Cui Beihai pondered:'I seem to have heard this name. '

Jun Yi Zhu said:'Actually, you should have seen him too. '

Cui Beihai slowly said:'Is it with your foster mother? '

Yi Zhujun nodded.

Cui Beihaidao:'No wonder you always feel familiar, sit down! '

He waved his hand to sit down, on the surface he was very polite.

Guo Pu was really flattered, and quickly sat down in a chair.

Cui Beihai watched him sit down coldly. He spoke politely, but in his heart he just wanted to kick this cousin out of the house.

Although he feels good about it, he still keeps it, because he wants to know why Yi Zhujun brought this cousin to him

He said to Guo Pu nonchalantly:'I haven't been to Aunt Yi for three years, so even if I met, it was at least three years ago, and now I can't recognize it or blame it. '

Guo Pu said:'How dare you dare. '

Cui Beihai immediately turned to the topic, saying: "I just don't know what is the purpose of this visit? '

Before Guo Pu spoke, Jun Yi Zhu had already answered for him:'My cousin was a famous doctor. He has been studying medical books since he was a child and is proficient in pulse theory. In the past two years, he has lived in the south of the city and has survived many lives. '

Choi Hokkaido:'Oh? '

Jun Yi Zhu continued:'I see you have been in a trance, behaving abnormally, and saying strange things these past few days, so I asked him to show you. 'It turns out that this is the reason.

Hearing what Yi Zhujun said, it seemed that he didn't even know it. Cui Beihai had a problem with his head and was going crazy.

-Isn't she the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth? Not a moth spirit

—Is it true that you haven't seen those blood-sucking moths in the past few days

—Does she really care about me like this

Cui Beihai was cold in his heart, and a strange smile appeared on his face, both like a sneer and a wry smile.

He smiled and said:'Although I am in a trance, my behavior is not abnormal, and I am not surprised when I speak. There is no problem at all, and there is no need to see a doctor. '

Yi Zhujun sighed lightly:'It's not a good thing to avoid illness and avoid doctors. '

Cui Beihai responded: "If you insist on saying that I have a disease, I only have one disease! '

Jun Yi Zhu couldn't help but asked:'What disease? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Heart disease. '

Yi Zhujun was startled and said:'Heart? '

Choi Hokkaido:'It's just a heart disease. '

He turned to Guo Pu abruptly and said:'Do you know how to recover from your heart disease? '

Guo Pu was startled.

He was about to answer, and Cui Beihai said to himself:'For other diseases, you may have to find a doctor to find a solution, but the heart disease is unnecessary. '

Guo Pu nodded, waiting to say something, Cui Beihai continued:'There is actually only one way to cure this disease. '

His eyes suddenly became misty, and he sighed softly:'Heart medicine still needs medicine for the heart. '

He sighed softly again, saying:'Heart medicine is more difficult to find than any medicine. '

Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu stared blankly.

As soon as Cui Beihai's words were received, the two of them met each other and glanced at each other. In this eye, there seemed to be a lot of meanings that only they could understand.

Then their eyes turned to Cui Beihai's face, this time, they were full of pity.

They seemed to be looking at someone who was seriously ill.

Cui Beihai could see it, he smiled, and then suddenly said:'You may understand what I say, or you may not understand, whether you understand it or not, I don't care. '

He turned to Guo Pu again, suddenly stretched out his hand, placed it on the coffee table, and said:'Since you are full of medical books and proficient in pulse theory, you might as well have a checkup for me, and see if I am really sick? '

Guo Pu glanced at Jun Yi Zhu and said, "I'll take a look. '

He stretched out his hand and placed Cui Beihai's wrist, his face became serious, and he was attentive. It seemed that he was a doctor and he was serious.

Cui Beihai was expressionless and smiled inwardly.

Although he was not a famous doctor, he also had some experience in this area. He had also checked twice before that.

He was convinced that he was absolutely free of illness, but he was still at the mercy of Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu.

Because he was puzzled, trying to figure out what the two were thinking, and also wanted to test whether Guo Pu was a doctor.

It seems that such a handsome young man, not to mention a doctor, is hard to believe that he knows how to treat people.

Almost from the beginning, Cui Beihai had doubted Yi Zhujun's words.

However, people are sometimes hard to look at.

This Guo Pu actually really understands the pulse, and it's really a few times.

After passing the pulse, Guo Pu looked at Cui Beihai's face again, and the expression in his eyes became strange.

Cui Beihai has been staring at him and asked in real time:'How? Am I sick? '

Guo Pu said:'The pulse is very normal, there is no sign of illness at all, just some lack of sleep. '

Cui Beihai was startled, and laughed: "Sure enough, there are a few times. To be honest, I also know a little bit of ambiguity, and I know whether there is a disease. '

Guo Pu smiled bitterly and said:'It seems that if you have a disease, it seems that there is really only one heart disease that can be cured. '

Cui Beihai laughed and said:'It was originally true. '

Guo Pu said:'I can do nothing about this. '

Cui Beihai said indifferently:'You don't need to find a doctor for your heart disease, you have to find the source of the disease. '

Guo Pu said:'Have you found the source of the disease? '

Cui Beihai nodded and said:'I found it a long time ago. '

Guo Pu said:'How to get sick? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Also. '

Guo Pu sighed and said:'Is it unnecessary to dare to love me? '

He suddenly laughed, and continued with a smile:'But this is the best, so that my cousin will worry about it day and night. '

He laughed at Gu Yizhu Jun!

Yi Zhujun also smiled, but he smiled reluctantly, his expression was like he would rather worry day and night, as long as Cui Beihai is not ill.

-If I really fell ill, she might not worry day and night.

Cui Beihai thought to himself, but on the surface it was another expression. He smiled again and said to Guo Pu with a smile:'It's also time for you to come. '

Guo Pu said in amazement:'Oh? '

Cui Beihaidao:'I was panicking with boredom, and just wanted to find someone to have a few drinks. '

Guo Pu froze there.

Yi Zhujun asked again and again:'Have you ever used lunch? '

Guo Pu said:'Not yet. '

Cui Beihai asked again:'Do you understand drinking? '

Guo Pu said:'A few cups can be accompanied. '

Cui Beihai patted his knees and said:'Excellent. '

His gaze turned, and he was waiting to order Jun Yi Zhu to take care of him. Jun Yi Zhu had already moved forward and said:'I'll order the preparation of wine and food. '

After saying this, she walked back with a smile.

It seemed that she seemed very happy that Guo Pu was able to stay here.

She was so happy that she even forgot to ask Cui Beihai where he should prepare the food and drink.