Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 6: Full moon night


Full moon night

The food and wine are prepared in the side hall.

This is where Cui Beihai usually entertains guests, and Jun Yi Zhu finally remembers this habit of Cui Beihai.

She asked someone to cook six side dishes.

Six kinds of small dishes were laid out like five clouds, and one of them was covered with a gauze.

Cui Beihai's eyes flashed, and he repeatedly said the names of five small dishes, his eyes finally fell on the gauze cover, and said:'What's this here? '

Yi Zhujun uncovered the veil and said, "This is the crystal honey-stuffed shrimp ball made by myself. '

The turned-over shrimp beads are stuffed with crystal-like transparent honey, lined with green side dishes, which look like crystals and jasper pieces.

The color, fragrance, and taste are all good, and Jun Yi Zhu has obviously spent a lot of effort on this.

Guo Pu stared at this plate of crystal honey-stuffed shrimp balls, showing a greedy look.

It seems that he is no stranger to this side dish, but it seems that he hasn't tasted it for a long time.

Cui Beihai was surprised. He had never heard of this name before, and he didn't even know that Jun Yi Zhu had this kind of ability.

He stared at Yi Zhujun in a daze, and suddenly said:'Why do you still know how to cook some side dishes? '

Guo Pu replied on behalf of Yi Zhujun:'She was originally a talent in this area. '

His cousin knew better than Cui Beihai's husband.

Cui Beihai, as a husband, felt really uncomfortable, and said calmly:'Oh? '

Guo Pu said again: "She made this crystal honey-stuffed shrimp ball very well, but I haven't tasted it for three years. '

Cui Beihai was even more uncomfortable in his heart, he could actually laugh.

He said lightly:'I have never tasted it. '

Even though he was smiling, his tone was a little strange, and Mr. Yi Zhu also heard it.

Guo Pu wasn't a idiot either, he could also hear him, thinking about what Cui Beihai said just now, his smile couldn't help condensing.

Cui Beihai smiled and said: "This time it was probably because of your arrival. She especially cooked these small dishes personally, ha, I was stunned by you! '

When he said these words, Jun Yi Zhu's complexion couldn't help but make it difficult to look.

Guo Pu hurriedly laughed and said:'Who would have thought of cooking by hand when married into a rich man's house. This time, it must be because my cousin came and remembered that he still had this kind of ability, so he went to cook, probably because he wanted to try, whether he could still do it. '

He turned to Jun Yi Zhu and said, "Cousin, what do you mean? '

Of course Yi Zhujun nodded.

Cui Beihai immediately smiled and said:'This has to be tried. If you really do well, you will be busy in the future. '

He laughed happily.

When Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu heard him say this, they let their hearts go.

Cui Beihai then smiled and said: "It's all my own, so what are you polite? Come on! Eat it while it's hot! '

He is the first one to be welcome, picking up a shrimp ball and putting it in his mouth.

The scent is already tangy without the entrance, and the entrance is even sweeter.

The honey is already sweet and delicious, so I can't help but increase my appetite, so I bite it down.

With a'squeak', this bite was on a mouse's body.

dead mouse! A plume of blood-red thick juice flowed from the shrimp ball and into his throat!

There was an unspeakable stench in the thick juice, like the stench of a dead mouse.

Shrimp does not taste like this, absolutely not!

What is inside the crystal shrimp-like honey

Cui Beihai really didn't want to be discouraged in front of the guests, but he couldn't help it.

The stinking thick juice entered his throat, and his entire stomach seemed to have turned upside down.

He opened his mouth and spit out the shrimp ball!

The shrimp ball rolled on the table in front of him, almost bitten by him on both sides. He could see very clearly that it was not a shrimp but a moth wrapped in honey!

Jasper-like wings, blood-red eyes-blood-sucking moth!

Crystal honey-stuffed blood-sucking moth ball!

The blood-sucking moth didn't know whether he was killed alive or was originally a dead moth. The blood flowed out from the bitten moth body and dyed the crystal-like honey shell red.

Blood-red blood, with an unspeakable breath.

This foul-smelling moth blood flows into Cui Beihai's throat!

Cui Beihai didn't look at it, but his entire face turned dead white.

He held the table with both hands and vomited on the spot.

The smelly moth blood vomited off the desktop.

Even the gastric juice almost vomited, Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu looked at Cui Beihai in surprise.

Their eyes first fell on the crystal honey-stuffed shrimp ball that Cui Beihai vomited, but they passed by.

In their eyes, it doesn't seem terrible.

Do they already know what is in honey

They didn't lay the chopsticks either, and all Cui Beihai continued to vomit was bitter water.

His complexion changed from dead white to crimson, and his body seemed to be weakened after vomiting, and he was already shaky.

Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu saw in their eyes, they stood up together, hurriedly stepped forward, reaching out to support Cui Beihai, unexpectedly Cui Beihai suddenly raised his head and stared at them fiercely.

Giving him this stare, both hands stretched out by Jun Yi Zhu and Guo Pu could not help but stop in the air, and they were also startled.

The vomiting stopped at the same time, and the muscles and bones of Cui Beihai's throat were still twitching.

His mouth was still open, and the corners of his mouth were full of saliva. A lot of sweat fell like beads, and the muscles of his face seemed to have all been distorted, and the expression that appeared was not sure whether it was fear or anger.

Jun Yi Zhu looked at him and blurted out, "You... what's wrong with you?" '

Cui Beihai tried to persuade him and uttered a word:'Moth...'

A very peculiar look appeared on Jun Yi Zhu's face, saying:'What moth? Blood sucking moth? '

Cui Beihai immediately turned half of his body, turned to Yi Zhujun, and said dumbly:'Where do you come from so many blood-sucking moths? '

Yi Zhujun sighed softly and said:'Where did you see the blood-sucking moth this time? '

Cui Beihai's finger trembling, turned to the crystal honey-stuffed shrimp ball, and said:'What do you think this is? '

Jun Yi Zhu was startled, and said, "Isn't it just the shrimp balls stuffed with crystal honey?" '

Cui Beihai smiled sadly and said: "Shrimp balls and shrimp balls, are the shrimp balls wrapped in honey? '

Yi Zhujun sighed lightly and said:'What is it if it's not a shrimp ball? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Oh! Blood sucking moth! '

Yi Zhujun shook his head without making a sound.

Cui Beihai said: "Crystal honey-stuffed blood-sucking moths, you cook this side dish yourself, who are you going to eat it for? '

Yi Zhujun shook his head again, still silent.

Guo Pu interrupted and said:'Where is the blood-sucking moth? '

Cui Beihai said angrily:'Isn't this...'

As soon as the words were spoken, his finger also pointed towards the shrimp ball that was spit on the tabletop.

Only halfway through, the finger stopped in the air, and the voice was cut off at the same time.

The shrimp ball was originally a blood-sucking moth, but now it has turned into a golden and fragrant bee juice.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that his smelly mouth had become fragrant at some point.

The bee juice is fragrant, and Cui Beihai stays at his mouth!

I don't know how long it took before his eyes turned back to Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu.

He immediately saw two very terrifying'people'!

The face is blue and green like jasper, eyes are red like blood, without pupils, the whole eyeball is like a honeycomb, like countless sieve holes combined together.

How can people be like this? monster! Cui Beihai exclaimed in his heart.

The exclamation was not yet heard, and the two monsters had already disappeared, disappearing like a phantom.

The only thing that disappeared was the demon face.

The two demon faces actually didn't disappear how, except that their faces were no longer blue and green, their eyes were no longer red, and the black eyes appeared again.

The two demon faces only changed back to two human faces, the two human faces of Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu.

With a green face like jasper, and red eyes like blood, it is the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth!

-Could it be that both of them are moth spirits

Cui Beihai's blood was almost condensed, staring at Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu dumbly.

Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu have been staring at Cui Beihai. When he saw him looking back, Guo Pu asked:'Where is the blood-sucking moth

Cui Beihai did not answer, and there was a look of horror in his eyes.

Yi Zhujun sighed in real time, then turned to Guo Pu and said, "He is like this. Several times he suddenly said that he saw a blood-sucking moth. In my opinion, you'd better have a diagnosis for him now, maybe you can find out the cause now. '

Guo Pu nodded and said:'I have this meaning. '

He strode forward two steps, and his hand was about to stretch out, Cui Beihai suddenly cried out strangely: "Don't approach me! '

What an amazing cry.

Guo Pu was barely scared to death, and reluctantly smiled and said:'You'd better show me now. '

Cui Beihai said coldly:'What else is there to watch? Now... Now I understand everything... '

Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu looked at each other, as if they didn't understand what Cui Beihai meant. 'Sucking blood, sucking moth! Why am I sorry for you? '

Cui Beihai muttered to himself and suddenly laughed wildly.

He was sad, and his laughter was more infinitely desolate.

Yi Zhujun and Guo Pu looked at each other, and they both sighed suddenly.

Yi Zhujun sighed and said:'He has this problem again. '

Cui Beihai actually heard it in his ears, and said with a sad smile:'It's my fault here again! '

When these words were spoken, he turned around and ran out.

The water in the lotus pond is as cold as ice.

Cui Beihai took a handful of water and splashed it on his face, his excitement gradually calmed down, but his heart was still chaotic like spring grass.

—When Yi Zhujun married me, I was not finished. Although I didn’t expose her face to face because I really liked her, and I didn’t care about her with Aunt Yi, I still couldn’t help but worry about finding the innocent person who took her away first. .

-Is this person her cousin Guo Pu

—A lovely woman like Yi Zhujun, whoever gets it, would never let go. The reason why Guo Pu allowed her to marry me was probably because he had concerns at the time and did not dare to come forward to fight with me.

-These three years ago, maybe he learned some magic, so he came back to snatch Jun Yi Zhu from my hands. The appearance of those blood-sucking moths may be driven by him, and all the terrible strange things are entirely his It is also unknown to make a mistake.

—Perhaps they were originally two moth spirits. Guo Pu deliberately asked Yi Zhujun to marry me. When the time was right, he would show his true shape, suck my blood, and kill me!

-If this is true, their purpose is not that simple, unless my blood is very precious, so they will not hesitate to spend three years on me.

-If not, what is their purpose

Cui Beihai became more confused as he thought about it.

-If they really intend to harm me, they must not be polite to them, whether they are humans or moth spirits, they must be killed!

With a murderous move, Cui Beihai's hand was on the sword without realizing it!

—This is just my own speculation, and there is no evidence. Wait one more day and look at it. Maybe I will find evidence that they have harmed me during this day. It is reasonable to start at that time.

When his mind turned again, Cui Beihai's clenched hand relaxed again.

He decided to wait one more day.

On March 13th, the moon is still missing tonight, but not much is missing. The courtyard is full of insects and a half-window moon.

The window papers of the window on the side of the study towards the moon were all pale and dead white dyed by the moonlight.

Cui Beihai was lying on the couch alone, and Jing looked deadly pale on the pale window paper.

He looked tired and his eyes were still open.

After a busy day, he has searched the entire Zhuangyuan, and he also looked for opportunities to check everything about Yi Zhujun secretly.

He did not find any evidence, nor anything suspicious, not even a blood-sucking moth.

-Do they already know what action I am going to take to hide all the problematic things in advance

-Isn't the nests of the blood-sucking moths in this village

After searching for a whole day, he couldn't find a blood-sucking moth, but before lying down, those blood-sucking moths came again.

Swarms of blood-sucking moths appeared outside the study, and the sound of'suddenly' flapping wings sounded in the quiet night, extraordinarily harsh and extraordinarily horrible.

The group of blood-sucking moths seemed to fly from the moon, the moon shone on the window paper, and their projections fell on the window paper.

The flying moth shadows dance like a group of ghosts, from far to near, from big to small!

The moonlight had been shattered by Mo Yingwu, and the window paper seemed to have been shattered by Wu.

Cui Beihai actually calmed down.

In just a short while, the'suddenly' group of moths flapping their wings suddenly stopped, and the shadows of the moths also stopped at the same time.

Thousands of moth shadows all lay silent on the dead white window paper.

The window paper did not dim as a result, but turned green.

The moonlight shines through the moth's body.

Cui Beihai's pale complexion also turned pale green, and his body flew out of the couch in real time!

The arrow flew out like a'swish', and flew down in front of the window.

He stared at the group of blood-sucking moths until they were completely still before taking action!

The person was still in the air, his hands stretched out, and as soon as he fell, his hands opened one of the windows!

As soon as the window opened, his right hand retracted, choking his sword out of its sheath!

He had already prepared the blood-sucking moths to pounce on him when the window was opened.

To his surprise, none of the moths rushed in.

The moment he opened the window, the blood-sucking moth that was full of window paper disappeared.

The misty yard of the night was faintly gleaming with a horrible green light like thousands of ghost fires.

Cui Beihai didn't chase it out, but he was sad and angry.

He suddenly slammed his fist and hit the window hard.

The entire window was shattered by him, but the grief and anger in his heart did not dissipate.

Although he didn't know that the blood-sucking moths appeared in this way day after day and did not take any further action, whether it was a habit before blood-sucking, or deliberately intimidating, he knew that if this continued, he would not be difficult to become a lunatic.

Living in fear for a long time can indeed make a person's mind completely collapse.

Fortunately, today is March 13 and the day after tomorrow is March 15.

On the night of the fifteenth full moon, it is said that the moth king will appear.

It is said that things will end when the Moth King appears.

This life of fear is at most two days away.

Cui Beihai only hoped that he had not become a lunatic in these two days.

Although the end of the matter may be the end of his life, in any case, he does not need to fear anymore.

Fear is more embarrassing than death.

On March 14th, it is the sunset Xiaolou West again.

Cui Beihai wandered in the west courtyard, and at this moment in the setting sun, a servant brought Du Xiaotian.

Du Xiaotian was dressed in a head-catching attire, and his face was dusty.

Cui Beihai caught a glimpse, overjoyed, and rushed to meet him. 'Brother Du, why are you here now? You want to kill me! '

Cui Beihai patted Du Xiaotian's shoulder vigorously.

In this shot, a lot of dust was actually shot.

Cui Beihai couldn't help but stopped in midair with both hands.

Du Xiaotian stepped aside, and laughed on his back, saying:'If you continue to shoot like this, even you will have to become dusty. '

Cui Beihai was startled when he heard the words, and said in a low voice:'Where did you come from? How come you are like a bug that has emerged from the soil? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I didn't get out of the mud, but I drove a whole day in the wind and sand. '

Cui Beihai then asked:'I haven't seen anyone everywhere for these ten days. Where have you been? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Take a trip to Fengyang. '

Choi Hokkaido:'It's because of official business. '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Choi Hokkaido:'The matter has not been settled yet? '

Du Xiaotian said:'It's done. '

Cui Beihai said strangely:'Why are you still so anxious. '

Du Xiaotian said:'I am coming back to see you. '

Choi Hokkaido:'Oh? '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'Do you think I completely forgot about the blood-sucking moth? '

Cui Beihai nodded and said:'I almost do it this way. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Do you regard me as the kind of person who doesn't care about the life and death of my friends? '

Cui Beihai hurriedly said:'That's not what I meant. It's just that this fact is too hard to believe. Even if you don't care at all, I can't blame you. '

Du Xiaotian said:'If I didn't meet the two blood-sucking moths at the lakeside that day, and stabbed one of them, I'm afraid I really wouldn't care about it. '

Choi Hokkaido:'Do you have a way to deal with it now. '

Cui Beihai shook his head and said:'No. '

Choi Hokkaido:'Then why are you coming back to see me? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Look at how you become. '

He looked up and down Cui Beihai with both eyes and said:'You don't seem to have anything wrong with it now. '

Cui Beihai smiled bitterly.

Du Xiaotian said: "If it is not a legend, the Moth King will only appear on the night of the fifteenth full moon. Today is only fourteen. It is still time for me to come back. I can help you deal with those in time. Blood sucking moth. '

Cui Beihai said slightly:'Although you will be back in time, I'm afraid it won't help me much. '

Du Xiaotian stunned:'Listen to your tone, it seems that a lot of things have happened in these ten days. '

Cui Beihai nodded and said:'Enough is enough. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Did those blood-sucking moths appear again? '

Cui Beihaidao: "They appear every day, more and more day by day. When they appeared last night, I think there were no fewer than a thousand. '

Du Xiaotian was shocked and blurted out:'Is that really not just a legend. '

Choi Hokkaido:'I think that's it. '

Du Xiaotian suddenly asked again:'Where do they fly from? '

Choi Hokkaido:'I don't know. '

Du Xiaotian then asked again:'They didn't attack you? '

Cui Beihaidao:'No, it's just extremely intimidating. Maybe this is their habit. It is the order of the Moth King. On the night of the fifteenth full moon, when the Moth King appears, they will officially take action? '

Du Xiaotian turned to ask:'Have you taken action against them again? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Yes. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Can you stop them? '

Choi Hokkaido:'It has no effect at all. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Could it be that they are not afraid of swords? '

Cui Beihai nodded and said:'Just like the first time. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Did they suddenly disappear like a devil when you take action? '

Cui Beihai sighed and said:'They are simply the incarnation of the devil. '

Du Xiaotian groaned and said:'Have you ever thought about how to get into these things? '

Cui Beihai seemed to be surprised by Du Xiaotian's question, and was stunned there.

Du Xiaotian said again:'So many people do not choose, but they choose you. There must be their reasons. Knowing this reason, things may be simpler. '

Cui Beihai smiled bitterly, but stopped talking.

Du Xiaotian lowered his head and pondered, and did not notice the change in Cui Beihai's expression, and then asked:'Where do they mostly appear? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Almost every time is different. '

Du Xiaotian turned to ask:'Where did you appear last night? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Outside the study. '

Du Xiaotian said:'How about the previous few times. '

Cui Beihai closed his mouth.

Du Xiaotian stared at him and said:'Forgot? '

Choi Hokkaido:'Do you think I am such a forgetful person? '

Du Xiaotian slowly said:'I think you seem to have something unspeakable in your heart. '

Cui Beihai closed his mouth again.

Du Xiaotian said: "You said it, maybe I can find out the weakness of those blood-sucking moths and try to deal with it for you, but if you don't say it, I'm afraid I will really be of no help to you. '

Cui Beihai smiled bitterly again, saying:'Even if I say something, you may not believe it. '

Du Xiaotian said:'It's just not necessarily, not necessarily not. '

Cui Beihai fell silent.

Du Xiaotian waited quietly without urging.