Blood Sucking Moth

Chapter 9: Seven stars are astounding


Seven Stars

Chang Huhua finally arrived.

As soon as the bell fell, the purple horse gathered its four hooves in front of the gate of Jubaozhai, Chang Huhua swept the shawl,'swimming' down and dismounted, and then unloaded the shawl in his hand with his left hand.

Cui Yi, who followed closely behind, also rolled off the saddle one after another, but his straight body could no longer stand up.

His physical strength is not better than that of protecting flowers. What's more, for twelve days in a row, every day is spent most of the day sitting on the road

He has changed two horses, and his waist has not been broken. It is a good thing.

Holding the reins in his hand, he hurriedly walked to Chang Huhua's side.

Chang Huhua ignored him and stared at Yang Xun on the stone steps.

If nothing happens, how can you catch them in front of the door early in the morning? Even if they are not smart, they should be able to tell.

-So what happened

Chang Huhua wanted to ask, Yang Xun had already rolled his eyes, stared at him, and said,'Who is here? 'Although he is playing officialdom, his voice is not fierce.

Chang Huhua's clothes are not from ordinary people, and he has always been reluctant to offend people who are not from ordinary people.

Chang Huhua didn't answer and asked, "Who are you? '

Yang Xun naturally raised his chest and said:'The chief catcher of this place. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Yang Xun? '

Yang Xun stunned:'Do you know me too? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I don't know it, but Cui Yi mentioned it to me on the way. '

Yang Xun said'Oh' and said:'You haven't reported to me yet. 'This person is full of officialdom no matter what he says.

Chang Hu Huafang was waiting for an answer, and Cui Yi answered him on the side:'Sir Yang, this is my master’s friend...'

Yang Xun cut his mouth and said:'What's your name? 'Speaking to Cui Yi, his official accent is even stronger.

Chang Huhua answered by herself, saying:'Chang Huhua. '

'Chang Hu Hua? 'Yang Xun's voice was full of surprise, and he was obviously no stranger to this name.

Du Xiaotian stepped forward two steps in real time and said:'It turned out to be Brother Chang. Brother Cui told me a few days ago that you will come. '

Chang Huhua answered half-way, looked up and down Du Xiaotian, and said: "But Du Xiaotian Du brother? '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'Brother Cui must have spoken to me before. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Listen to him saying Brother Cui and you are very good friends. '

Du Xiaotian said:'When it comes to friendships that are not as deep as you and him, I have only known him about the past three or two years. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "The depth of friendship does not depend on the length of time. Some people fall in love at first sight, some people have known each other for ten years, and they are always nodding friends. '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'Your words are not completely unreasonable, but his friendship with you is undeniably far deeper than my friendship with him. '

Chang Huhua said smoothly:'How can you see it? '

Du Xiaotian said:'As far as this matter is concerned, he has always refused to explain to me in detail, but he has already prepared to give you a confession and let you find out the facts. '

Chang Huhua said "Oh" and was puzzled.

He did not understand Du Xiaotian's words.

Du Xiaotian continued:'As for you, as soon as you receive a message from Cui Yi, you will hurry up on the road, and Pegasus will come here. If it weren't for the deep friendship, it would be the same. '

Chang Huhua smiled faintly, then turned to the topic and said: "You gathered in front of you early in the morning, did something very serious happen in Jubaozhai? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Not bad. '

Cui Yi couldn't help but interjected and asked:'Did my master have an accident? '

Du Xiaotian didn't answer, but Yang Xun suddenly asked:'How did you know that your master had an accident? '

Cui Yi was taken aback and said:'I'm just speculating. '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'You guessed accurately. '

Cui Yi couldn't help but changed his face, and asked in surprise:'What is going on with my master now? '

Yang Xun did not answer him, but asked:'When will you leave Jubaozhai? '

Cui Yidao:'The seventh day of March. '

Yang Xun then asked:'Where to go? '

Cui Yidao:'By the order of the master, send a letter to Wanhua Villa. '

Yang Xun asked again:'Who is it for? '

Cui Yi turned to Chang Huhua and said:'The owner of Wanhua Villa is the Changye. '

Yang Xun said:'Did you turn back privately during this time? '

Cui Yi only now heard that Yang Xun treated himself as a suspect, and smiled bitterly:'It takes eleven or two days to go back and forth between Jubaozhai and Wanhua Villa at the fastest. '

Yang Xun said:'Really? '

Cui Yidao:'If Master Yang doesn't believe the villain's words, you can send someone to investigate. The inn where the villain stayed hasn't forgotten. I will take the pen and paper and write down the names of those inns later. '

Yang Xun waved his hand and said:'No need. '

Cui Yidao:'Master Yang believes this. '

Yang Xun said:'It's too early to say. '

Cui Yi sighed, Fang Dai said something, Chang Huhua already said:'What happened to Brother Cui? '

He also asked Du Xiaotian.

Du Xiaotian said:'He has been missing for more than two days. '

Chang Huhua was startled and said, "But what happened on the night of the fifteenth? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Exactly. '

Yang Xun immediately picked up his mouth and asked Chang Hu Huadao: "How did you know that it happened on the night of the fifteenth day? '

Chang Huhua responded: "Because it was the fifteenth two days ago, the Moth King is used to appear on the night of fifteenth, when the moon is full.

When these words were spoken, Yang Xun and Du Xiaotian both changed their expressions.

Yang Xun looked at Chang Hu Hua and said:'How did you know that the Moth King had appeared at that time? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Who said I knew? '

Yang Xun said: "You didn't mean that King Moth was on the night of the fifteenth, when the moon was full..."

Chang Huhua said:'I still have the word "habit" in what I just said. '

Yang Xun said:'Do you also know the habits of the Moth King? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I already know the legend of the blood-sucking moth, but how can I not know the habit of the moth king? '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'The legendary habit of the Moth King appeared on the night of the fifteenth, when the moon was full. '

Yang Xun asked again:'Why do you affirm that Cui Beihai's disappearance is related to the legend of blood-sucking moths? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Have I ever said the word "definitely"? '

Yang Xun said:'You haven't said it. '

He then asked:'How do you know that these two things are related? '

Du Xiaotian interjected and asked:'Did Brother Cui's letter to you already mentioned the strange events that happened at the beginning of the month? '

Chang Huhua nodded.

Du Xiaotian asked:'What does the Thaksin say? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'The blood-sucking moths watch around day and night, and their lives are at stake. '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'So you are here in a hurry? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'It seems that I am still late. '

Du Xiaotian then asked:'What else did he tell you? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'He has mentioned everything that happened in the six days from the first to the sixth. '

Yang Xun's eyes flashed, and he wanted to ask questions again, but Du Xiaotian's words had already been answered.

'On the second day of the second grade, I ran into two blood-sucking moths by the lake with him. I stabbed one of them. Did he also mention it? '

'Have. '

Chang Huhua asked, "Is there really such a thing?" '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'Absolutely can't fake it. '

Chang Huhua moved and said:'There is such a thing as a blood-sucking moth in the world? '

Du Xiaotian said:'It is already there. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'You are very sure. '

Du Xiaotian said:'This is because my origin is Xiaoxiang. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Du Xiaotian said:'That kind of moth is a specialty of Xiaoxiang Mountains and forests. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Do they really suck blood? '

Du Xiaotian whispered:'I'm not too sure about this. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'From Brother Cui's letter, that kind of moth is not only capable of sucking blood, and its shape is strange and beautiful. '

Du Xiaotian said:'The sentence of strange and beautiful appearance is true. '

He paused and continued:'Even if you haven't seen such things, you can imagine just listening to a few of their names. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Which names do they have? '

Du Xiaotian said: "In Xiaoxiang, most people call them blood-sucking moths, but some also call them ghost-face moths, magic eye moths, and sparrow moths. '

Chang Huhua couldn't help asking:'What does this moth look like? '

Du Xiaotian said: "The appearance is similar to the general moth, but the color is different. The whole body is blue and green like jasper, and a pair of wings is also like jasper. '

Chang Huhua smiled and said:'Jade is crystal clear and beautiful, why is it terrifying? '

Du Xiaotian said:'This jasper-like moth body and moth wings are covered with bloodshot textures. On the second pair of wings, there is a pair of eye-like patterns that are as red as blood, and its eyes are as red as blood. '

Only then did Chang Huhua understand, saying:'No wonder there are those names. '

Du Xiaotian turned back to the topic and said:'What happened in those few days was too strange and unbelievable. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I also feel the same way, where are there demons and monsters in the world? How can his wife be the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth? Is it a moth spirit? '

Everyone was shocked by such words.

Yang Xun lost his voice:'Who said his wife is the incarnation of a blood-sucking moth, a moth spirit? '

Du Xiaotian also asked:'Did he write this on the letter himself? '

Chang Huhua was taken aback and said:'You don't seem to know everything about what happened that day. '

Du Xiaotian does not deny it.

Chang Hu Huadao: "You just know what happened on the first day of the new year? '

Du Xiaotian said: "He also mentioned to me what happened on the night of the first day of the junior high school. Since the third day of the junior high school, I have been ordered to go out. When I returned, it was already the evening of March 14th. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Have you seen him in the fourteenth and fifteenth day? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Both days...'

Chang Huhua asked, "Did he tell you when we met?" '

Du Xiaotian shook his head and said:'If you ask him, he will not say anything. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I heard what you just said, but it seems that everything is clear. '

Du Xiaotian showed a slight apology on his face, and said:'If it is not so, it will not be able to explain the words. '

Chang Huhua smiled without anger and said:'How many years have you been in six doors? '

Du Xiaotian said:'It's been more than ten years. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'No wonder you didn't even realize that I was being used to talk. You usually use the same confession from the prisoner. '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'More than this. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'I can see the spirit of twelve minutes when dealing with people in your industry in the future. '

Du Xiaotian asked again:'What else did Brother Cui tell you in the letter? '

Chang Huhua hasn't answered yet, Yang Xun can't wait to intervene and ask:'Is that letter still there? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Yes. '

Yang Xun said:'Did you put it on your body? '

Chang Hu Huadao:'No. '

Yang Xun said:'Where did you put it? '

Changhu Flower Road:'Wanhua Villa. '

Yang Xun said:'Where is Wanhua Villa? '

Chang Huhua stared at him coldly and said:'In my study at Wanhua Villa. '

Yang Xun said:'I will send it down to get it. '

Chang Huhua said faintly:'Except for me, no one can take anything from my study in Wanhua Villa. '

Yang Xun was stunned on the spot.

Chang Huhua didn't say anything to him, but turned to Du Xiaotian and said:'Where was Brother Cui when he disappeared? '

Du Xiaotian said:'In the study of Jubaozhai. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Are there other people in the study at that time? '

Du Xiaotian said:'No. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What about outside the study? '

Du Xiaotian said:'There are me and two subordinates. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What were the three of you doing outside of your study? '

Du Xiaotian said:'I was worried that he would really have an accident on the fifteenth night, so I brought two subordinates in the morning to help him cope with everything. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'In that case, why don't you stay with him? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Because he resolutely refused. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Oh? '

Du Xiaotian said:'He doesn't want his friends to take risks. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'So the three of you just wait outside the study? '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Chang Huhua then asked: "How did it happen? '

Du Xiaotian said:'The three of us were waiting in the pavilion in the outer courtyard of the study, monitoring the entire study, from the first shift to the second shift, from the second shift to the third shift, everything seemed very peaceful, but the one to the third shift...'

Chang Huhua blurted out:'How? '

Du Xiaotian said:'He screamed in the study. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "You can hear his voice? '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'At that time, his shadow was also printed on the window paper, and when he cried out, the others violently grew up, and the sword was choked out of its sheath at the same time! '

Chang Hu Huadao:'What did he exclaim? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Three words-blood sucking moth! '

Chang Huhua asked:'What happens after he draws his sword out of its sheath? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Human swords fly together! '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Seven stars win the soul, and a sword is desperate. Even if he hasn't practiced the sword in the past three years, this sword is not something ordinary people can resist. '

Du Xiaotian said:'Unfortunately, this time he is not dealing with people. '

Chang Huhua asked anxiously:'He shot with a sword, what happened? '

Du Xiaotian said: "The light in the study suddenly went out, and all the sounds were completely still there. By the time the three of us broke into the door, his person had disappeared, it was just that the table was cut into two pieces by a sharp weapon. Beside the lamp, there was a pool of blood. '

Chang Hu Huadao: "Maybe it was the blood of the enemy. He repelled the enemy in the future and chased it out by victory. '

Du Xiaotian said:'All the doors and windows of the study are closed inside. We broke into the door, but even the bolts and windows of the door were broken. How did he leave? '

Chang Huhua frowned and said:'Are you not mistaken? '

Du Xiaotian said:'We have checked repeatedly. '

Chang Huhua didn't make a sound, and started to ponder.

Du Xiaotian sighed lightly: "Unless in that short moment, he was eaten up by blood-sucking moths and his bones or was wiped out under the magic of moth king moth essence, otherwise he still has the ability to go through windows and walls. Otherwise it is absolutely impossible for him to leave the study...'

Chang Huhua suddenly said:'Where is the study? Take me to see. '

Before Du Xiaotian had time to answer, Cui Yi rushed to respond:'Master Chang, please come with the villain. 'He hurried along.

It seems that he is more anxious than Chang Huhua.

Chang Hu Hua also moves forward. The two quickly passed by Yang Xun's side, and did not pay attention to Yang Xun, as if they didn't pay attention to him at all.

How Yang Xun swallowed his breath, fixed his eyes on them, and was about to stop shouting, Du Xiaotian had already walked to his side and said:'Boss, we should also go in. '

In response, Yang Xun turned his head and rolled his eyes to stare at Du Xiaotian, as if to curse.

Du Xiaotianjian distinguished appearance and hurriedly said: "This Changhu flower name moves the rivers and lakes, martial arts wit, it is said that they are not ordinary and comparable. With his assistance, things will definitely be easier to solve. '

Yang Xun sneered and said:'Without his assistance, wouldn't the matter be resolved? '

Du Xiaotian said: "That's not the case. If there is a shortcut to go, you can't make a detour. The boss probably wants to resolve this matter earlier. '

Yang Xun said:'Do you know that I am not a shortcut? This matter cannot be resolved earlier. '

Du Xiaotian said faintly:'I only know that we are still here. Even if you can find the key to the matter at a glance, the boss will find it first. '

Yang Xun nodded and said:'This is the truth. '

He immediately turned his head, waved his hand, and said:'Erlang, don't follow me in yet. '

A group of arresters, led by Yang Xun, rushed straight to the study of Jubaozhai.

Of course no one stopped, and the same was true for Cui Yichang protecting the flower's entry.

Cui Yi is the steward of the Cui family. Cui Beihai is not there, except for Mr. Yi Zhu, he is here. He can still take charge of these matters.

Yi Zhujun did not show up, and it is very likely that no one has spoken to her, and she still does not know about it.

The Dongfeng was full of the courtyard, fluttering flowers and flying, and a group of people passed through the flower path. Yang Xun couldn’t help but said again: “I am the chief catcher of this place, and he can’t enter the scene of the crime without my permission. Half a step, otherwise I can detain the suspect at any time! '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'It should be possible to do this, but it's a pity that the Cui family didn't commit the crime at all. '

Yang Xun was startled.

Du Xiaotian continued:'We are no different from him now, and we are also coming in as friends of Cui Beihai, not investigating the case, just visiting friends. '

After a meal, he said again: "Now that Cui Beihai is not here, if the hostess or Cui Yi, the butler, does not welcome us to stay, let's not enter the study, just stay here for a while, I'm afraid it will be a problem, they have the right to We please go out. '

Yang Xun said:'Didn't Cui Beihai have disappeared? '

Du Xiaotian said: "They said no, so what about us? '

Yang Xun said:'Then they have to invite the master Cui Beihai out to meet us. '

Du Xiaotian said:'What if they say that the master doesn't want to see guests, otherwise, it's okay to say that the master is out or not at home. '

Yang Xun said:'You didn't see it with your own eyes...'

Du Xiaotian said:'One-sided words are not justified, and besides, is it too unbelievable? '

Yang Xun said:'So to speak...'

Du Xiaotian said:'Unless the Cui family surrendered immediately, or we found the dead body, or we were here as guests. '

Yang Xun muttered:'How is this good? '

Du Xiaotian said:'You De Chang protect the flowers. '

Yang Xun said: "Don't let him take the credit, and teach us that we are not good. '

Du Xiaotian smiled and said:'He is a quack, what credit is there? '

Yang Xun said:'This is also the case. '

Du Xiaotian said again:'Even if he finds out the truth of the matter, it will be beneficial and harmless to us. '

Yang Xun touched Hu, then said again:'This is also the case. 'Look at his expression, he clearly has an idea.

Du Xiaotian saw it in his eyes and said:'But for our own face, we have to do our best in this respect. If we can, it is best to get ahead of him and he solves the matter first. '

Yang Xun nodded and said:'Does this still need to be said? 'He quickened his pace.

Entering the moon cave gate, bypassing the pavilion in the courtyard, the group finally arrived at the study.

Yang Xun and Du Xiaotian both stepped straight in.

The door is still on the ground, so are the broken windows, everything remains the same.

This person is very careful about the facts.

Chang Huhua was also very careful, and did not move anything. When Yang Xundu Xiaotian entered, he stood in front of the table with hands and hands, looking at the pool of blood on the table.

The blood stains have turned black, but Cui Yi's eyes are on the surface of Chang Hu Hua, and the person is right next to Chang Hu Hua.

Chang Huhua looked at her brows and suddenly wrinkled.

When Cui Yi saw it, he couldn't help but asked:'Master Chang, do you think this is human blood? '

Chang Hu Huadao: "I think it is enough, but the old blood is not as easy to distinguish as the new blood. It's better to ask Du Tautou. '

He didn't need to look back, he knew that Du Xiaotian had entered.

Du Xiaotian said:'That should be human blood, but I am also not sure. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Why not? '

Du Xiaotian smiled bitterly: "Because I have seen blood-sucking moths, but I have never seen blood of blood-sucking moths, and I don’t know if the blood of blood-sucking moths is the same as human blood! '

Chang Huhua turned to ask:'Have you not seen the blood-sucking moth beforehand? '

Du Xiaotian shook his head and said:'No. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Did you see the blood-sucking moth flying away afterwards? '

Du Xiaotian shook his head again and said:'Neither, we broke into the door and didn't see a blood-sucking moth. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'His people are gone? '

Du Xiaotian nodded.

Chang Huhua's eyes swept around, and said:'Could the study at that time be what it is now? '

Du Xiaotian said:'Everything I try to keep as it is. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Between these two days, you must have thoroughly searched this place. '

Du Xiaotian said:'It's thorough enough. '

He looked around and said:'How big is this study, and then the entire Jubaozhai will be searched thoroughly, and it doesn't take a day. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Listening to you, you have searched the entire Jubaozhai thoroughly. '

Du Xiaotian nodded and said:'Yesterday our search range has been extended to every corner of the city. '

Chang Hu Huadao:'Any discovery? '

Du Xiaotian said:'No, he is like a plume of smoke, a plume of ashes, the smoke disappears and the ashes fly, no longer exists in the world. '

Chang Huhua frowned her eyebrows and started slowly in the room. He paced, and suddenly muttered to himself authentically:'A sealed study, but in a short moment, a person of that size disappeared completely in it, it's like magic? '

Du Xiaotian looked at him strangely and said:'Do you also believe there are so-called monsters and ghosts? '

Chang Huhua responded lightly:'I don't believe it. '

Du Xiaotian said:'However, how do you explain this matter? '

Chang Huhua didn't make a sound. He really didn't know how to explain it. He kept walking, pacing around against the wall.