Blossom in Adversity

Chapter 130: Discuss marriage?


After that round of hand-talk, Zhu Haocheng had a preliminary understanding of his niece. He was not surprised that she could spot the problem so keenly. He nodded and said, "You are right. Berlin will be their target. Compared with those people, the identities of the other two are actually more convenient."

"Chen Zhi and Yu Zhengyao?"

"Yes." Zhu Haocheng could not hide his admiration for his niece. "If they are just trying to gain some benefits for themselves, it would be fine. They dare not make any big moves. I am afraid that they will be lured over by those people. The Hua family can't stand any more turmoil."

Hua Zhi also thought of it. She suddenly turned around and ordered, "Go and invite Berlin."

Liu Xianglian moved lightly but very quickly out of the house.

"These things are closely related to Berlin, he should know." Zhu Haocheng picked up the tea and took a sip, "Your grandmother told me about Berlin's marriage before. He is ten years old now, so he can find a good family first."

"Berlin still has to observe mourning for a year, and he is still young. The Hua family is in this situation, so now is not a good time to discuss marriage." He is only ten years old and he has to be arranged to marry. Even though Hua Zhi has seen this many times, she cannot accept that this is happening to Berlin.

"It's not someone else, it's Shan'er."

Hua Zhi was stunned. Zhu Shan? The youngest daughter of my uncle? Regardless of whether they were close relatives or not, close relatives marrying each other was too common here. She just wanted to ask, "Does my aunt know about this?"

"Before you came, your grandmother said that you would definitely use your aunt to stop this matter. She really was right." Zhu Haocheng smiled, "You don't have to worry about her. Just because I don't pursue some things doesn't mean I don't know about them. I have to fulfill your considerations, but it's not her turn to object to this matter."

"It's not wrong for my aunt to love her family. It's just that Berlin and I are not lucky enough to become her family. I don't blame her. Marriage is not a trivial matter. It's better to have everyone's consent, especially my cousin Shan'er. My uncle might as well ask for her opinion."

"It's the parents' orders and the matchmaker's words. Every family is like this."

"That's why there are so many unhappy couples in the world." Hua Zhi knew her uncle's good intentions, so she didn't refuse outright. She thought for a moment and said, "Why don't we let them get to know each other a few more times? If they are interested, then I have nothing to say. If they are not interested, then there is no need to force it. Fortunately, they are both young, and sister Shan'er is only twelve. Delaying it for a year or two will not affect her finding a good match. What do you think, uncle?"

"According to you, the girl from the Hua family is blessed."

With such a head of the family, she doesn't have to worry about being married off as a bargaining chip, nor does she have to worry about being randomly promised to someone else. She is much luckier than many women. With such an elder sister and Berlin being sensible, Zhu Haocheng suddenly feels that Shan'er would be much happier marrying into the Hua family than marrying into any other family. The thought in his heart is even stronger than before.

"Eldest sister... Uncle, you're here!" Hua Bailin took a second to see her uncle and hurriedly greeted him.

Zhu Haocheng looked at Hua Bolin as a father-in-law looks at his son-in-law. The more he looked, the more satisfied he felt. He smiled and said, "Mr. Bolin is doing a good job."

Hua Bailin blushed and glanced at her elder sister. When she saw that her elder sister was also smiling, she felt relieved.

Hua Zhi pointed to the seat next to her and said, "Come sit down, listen carefully, and remember carefully."

"Yes." Hua Bailin sat down and looked at his uncle eagerly. He had no idea what his uncle was going to say, let alone that he was planning to make him his son-in-law.

"Chen Zhi is the eldest disciple of the old man and has been with him the longest. Many people recognize his face. If he wants to do something, many people will sell him out. Yu Zhengyao is the second oldest. In terms of status, he doesn't have as much advantage as Chen Zhi, but he has an advantage that Chen Zhi doesn't have."

Zhu Haocheng looked at the brother and sister. "He is not only a disciple of Mr. Hua, but also the son-in-law of Liang Jinshan. Although Liang Jinshan has passed away, he has many friends and students all over the world. If Yu Zhengyao has all these resources in his hands, Chen Zhi may not be able to defeat him."

Hua Zhi looked at her brother, and Zhu Haocheng also looked over when he saw her.

Hua Bolin pursed his lips and said, "No matter what other identities they have, one of them is my grandfather's disciple. It's understandable for others to stand idly by, but they can't. They can't stand on this matter."

Zhu Haocheng nodded, "Then what?"

Hua Bolin subconsciously looked at his elder sister. Meeting her encouraging eyes, he suddenly felt courageous. "A disciple is equal to half a son. They are unfilial and lose the integrity of scholars. They are too proud of themselves and will make other students dissatisfied with them. If they don't want anything, then forget it. No one can do anything to them. But if they want to borrow the power of grandfather, the students in the world will not agree."

"It's amazing that you can think of these things at such a young age." Zhu Haocheng felt more and more that he should settle this kid as soon as possible. "But it's not enough. All the problems you mentioned can be solved. Chen Zhi and Yu Zhengyao haven't shown up for a while. He can say that he is not at home, that he is dying of illness and finally saved his life. They have all kinds of reasons to excuse themselves, and then do something to please people, and the matter will be over. People are forgetful, don't expect them to always remember these grievances for the Hua family."

"What if we prove their guilt now?" Hua Zhi's lips curled slightly. "They will forget after a while, but now they are still burning with anger. They can't seek justice for our grandfather, but they can clear the door for him."

"Eldest sister, what should we do?"

"After the seven-day mourning period, you should go to Uncle Chen Dayi's house in person and kowtow outside the door to thank him for his loyalty."

Hua Bolin looked puzzled, "Is this enough?"

"You don't need to do more. Others will do the rest." Hua Zhi looked at her brother with a serious expression, "Berlin, you have to remember that strategies used in public are called open strategies. If the other party is still controlled by you, it can only be said that he is incompetent. But if you use conspiracy and trickery to plot against others, it is a trick. If others catch you by the pigtail, it becomes your fault even if it is not your fault, and you have to bear all the consequences."

"Yes, elder sister, I remember it."

"My eldest sister will no longer be in charge of this matter. You take over."


Zhu Haocheng nodded secretly. He finally understood that the fact that this kid could recite the Analects so eloquently had nothing to do with Hua Pingyu, and probably had nothing to do with Grandpa Hua either. It was entirely Zhier's teaching. It was conceivable what kind of humble gentleman Berlin would become after growing up with such an education.

"The disgraced students are no longer valuable. Even if the Hua family's signboard is placed in front of them, they can't touch it. This eliminates two threats."

Hua Zhi'er said it too lightly, making Zhu Haocheng feel that it was just a trivial matter. However, for a scholar, reputation is more important than life, and Zhi'er's pulse diagnosis was too accurate.