Blossom in Adversity

Chapter 158: Steal half a day of leisure from busy life


After sending away the servant who had his head lowered to his crotch, Hua Zhi brought the man who was holding his stomach and shouting that he was hungry back into the house.

Soon Fudong came with a few maids and set out large and small plates. Shaoyao was drooling as she watched. She regretted that she should have had lunch here before leaving!

Hua Zhi put the chopsticks in her hand, held her chin and looked at her, "Eat."

"Only me?"


Shaoyao grinned immediately. If someone else suddenly gave her so many delicious foods, she would definitely think about whether she had other purposes, but Huahua was not someone else!

Seeing her eating so happily, Hua Zhi felt soft in her heart. She remembered that there was another person locked up in the room over there, so she looked up and ordered, "Go and close the gate, and ask Ah Jian to come over."


Peony looked at Huahua while chewing.

"It's not pleasant to eat alone, let him accompany you."

Shaoyao wanted to say that it was delicious to eat alone, and she could have the leftovers as a midnight snack, but when she thought of the child with wounds all over his body who still said he was not a bad person, she swallowed her words along with the food.

"Sister Hua, Sister Shaoyao." Ah Jian came very quickly. He felt at ease now, and his expression no longer showed the vigilance and caution he had when he first came. He was now well-behaved.

"Come and eat something you can't get outside. The beef is a bit spicy, it's not good for your wound recovery, don't eat it."

Ah Jian responded with a curved brow and sat down opposite Hua Zhi.

Shaoyao glanced at him and continued chewing beef jerky. She still wanted to call him Xiaoliu, as if that was the right name, but she didn't want to go back to the past, and even less did she want to remember the past that she wanted to forget.

The food made by Fudong is always delicious. The two, one big and one small, ate so much that their cheeks bulged, and their movements were very coordinated. Hua Zhi couldn't help but eat a little as well. Seeing that Ah Jian was slowing down, she started to talk to him from time to time.

"Does the wound still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt..." Ah Jian pursed his lips under Shaoyao's gaze and told the truth, "It still hurts a little, and it itches."

"It would be strange if it doesn't hurt or itch. If you don't want to leave scars on your body, just bear with it and don't scratch it."


As if she knew that the other party would definitely do it if he agreed, Shaoyao continued eating.

Hua Zhi lowered his eyes. As a prince, if he had a scar on his body, he would lose his opportunities. Although it would not be visible when he put on clothes, who made him a prince

As the prince, doesn't Mr. Lu have to scratch his face to prove that he doesn't have that intention

The royal family, huh.

"Sister Hua, Berlin said you'll be gone for a few days."

Hua Zhi looked up at the anxious prince and nodded, "Yes, I'm going to the farm to do some work. I'll be back in a few days. Bolin will take care of you."

Ah Jian nodded, but for some reason he still felt unsettled.

"My yard has always been a no-entry zone. You can also check for me to see if anyone sneaks in when I'm not around. Just make a note of who came and don't worry about what he did."

"If he takes something, won't you stop him?"

"They are just a few unsuccessful ways of making a living. Let him take them."

Shaoyao quickly swallowed what she had in her mouth and asked, "Is there a thief in the house?"

"I just want to see if there is a thief in the house." Hua Zhi held her chin with her hand and smiled faintly, "I hope there is not, but if there really is someone who can be killed to scare the monkeys, I think it's good too."

"Do you want me to send a brother over?"

"I'll speak up when I really need it."

Shaoyao didn't say anything, and Ah Jian took advantage of the fact that both of them were silent to agree.

Hua Zhi found it hard to imagine how this well-behaved prince could survive in such a cruel place as the palace. What was rare was that he grew up in such an environment without becoming a bad person. If he was really full of calculations, she would never agree to keep him. Even if he was a prince, the hope for the revival of the Hua family, the Hua family had a good tradition and did not need that kind of person to mess with it.

"Mr. Lu said that you won't have to stay in the room anymore after he has sorted out everything. Berlin sometimes teaches at the clan school. Did he tell you about that?"

"Yes, Berlin said that he would take over for a few days when Sister Hua is busy." The surprise of knowing that Berlin became a teacher at such a young age was nothing when he knew that Sister Hua was also a teacher.

Before this, he always thought that his mother was the most powerful woman in the world. This power did not refer to how favored she was or how comfortable she was in the palace, but to how much she knew.

He had only been in the Hua family for a few days when he vaguely felt that Sister Hua seemed to know more than his mother and was even more capable than his mother. He would have this feeling whenever he heard Bo Lin talk about his eldest sister.

"You can also go to the clan school in the future, you can attend classes or take lessons. Mr. Mu is not only very knowledgeable, but also has a good character. You can follow Berlin and ask him for advice. A gentleman should not fall behind in the six arts. Berlin learned riding, archery and swordsmanship from Mr. Lu, you can follow him."

Ah Jian was so excited when he heard this that he just wished such a day would come soon.

He could see what Brother Yan Xi was thinking about Sister Hua, and that was why he was surprised. As the person his father trusted the most, what he was doing now was not what his father would like.

If the emperor knew that Brother Yan Xi had set his sights on the daughter of a criminal, I'm afraid...

Thinking of the man sitting in the high seat, Ah Jian subconsciously felt a chill all over his body and shivered.

"What's wrong?" Shaoyao put down her chopsticks and was about to take his pulse.

Ah Jian hurriedly shook his head, "It's okay, I just... ate a little too much."

Seeing that he just looked a little unhappy, Shaoyao picked up the chopsticks again. It would be strange if his face looked good after losing so much blood. "How much have you eaten? If you want to make up for what you lost before, you have to eat more."

Ah Jian agreed with a smile. He did eat more at the Hua family than in the palace. The food in the palace was not so hot, especially for someone like him who had no mother to love him. It was very normal for him to eat cold rice and cold dishes.

But he did leave half of his stomach empty. In half an hour, Berlin would come over with that terrifyingly large lunch box to have dinner with him.

"If there's any book you want to read, just tell Berlin. We don't have rare or unique copies, but we have plenty of common ones."

"Yes, Berlin brought some to me, including pens, inkstones, and paper."

"He's competing with you." Hua Zhi smiled. "He's always boasted of being smart, and he's a bit ignorant. He thinks he has no rivals among his peers, but he never thought you're no worse than him. He's afraid you'll leave him behind, so he's been working very hard these days."

A Jian suddenly felt a sense of crisis. There was no way he could leave Berlin behind. It was obvious that he was going to be left behind by Berlin. He knew best how much effort he had put in to catch up with Berlin that day, but Berlin seemed to be doing it with ease.

If Berlin works harder...

Ah Jian couldn't sit still anymore. He kept moving his butt on the brocade stool, but he couldn't open his mouth to leave.

Shaoyao's eyes were rolling up to the horizon, as if she was blind. "Hurry up and leave. You're disturbing me from eating."

Ah Jian felt as if he had been pardoned. He bowed to the two men and ran away as fast as he could.

Only then did Hua Zhi laugh out loud.

Shaoyao poked Wanzi and snorted, "Huahua, you have been led astray by Brother Yan."