Blossom in Adversity

Chapter 159: Please command


The weather in Beijing continues to be good, and there is gradually a hint of early spring.

The carriage was swaying slowly in the suburbs. Hua Zhi hung the curtain on the window to one side and her mood improved as she looked at the good weather outside.

When the weather gets warmer, it will be a good time for an outing. In previous years, the men in the Hua family would escort their sisters out for spring outings. Of course, she would not participate, but she could tell from their cheerful atmosphere just by looking at them.

This year, however, that is not the case.

"Huahua." Shaoyao rode over. Even through the fluttering curtains, one could sense her good mood. "Come out and ride."

"No, you've finally been released from the ban, just go and have fun." Hua Zhi leaned lazily against the inner wall of the carriage. She was already injured from riding a horse during the trip to the north, so she wasn't looking forward to this.

Watching Shaoyao riding her horse happily away, Hua Zhi remembered that Mr. Lu said that her previous ideal was to become the first female general of the Daqing Dynasty. This ambition actually suited her very well. Even though she had lost those memories, her nature had not changed.

Thinking of Mr. Lu, Hua Zhi couldn't help but think more. Today's martial arts class in the mansion was taught by Mr. Wang. I wonder how Mr. Lu's matter was handled.


Palace maids and young eunuchs were walking back and forth on the long corridor with carved railings and jade paving, and guards were patrolling from time to time, but apart from the sound of the wind, the huge palace was so quiet that no other sound could be heard.

The emperor came out of the Council Hall and couldn't help but stop to look out from the railing. Even though he had lived in this palace all his life, he still felt that today was too quiet, which made him feel inexplicably uneasy.

Could it be that someone is planning to assassinate him

The emperor became alert and took a quick look. He felt that everyone looked like an assassin, especially the little eunuch who was running towards him on tiptoe. He must be the assassin!

Just as he was about to call for help, he heard Lai Fu beside him scolding in a low voice: "Why are you running? Have you learned all the rules like a dog?"

The young eunuch immediately prostrated himself on the ground, resting his forehead on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "The leader of the Seven Stars Division has an urgent matter to report. In a hurry, I forgot the rules. Please forgive me, Your Majesty."

"Where is he?"

"Your Majesty, I am waiting outside the imperial study."

The emperor strode towards the imperial study. He knew the boy's temperament well. Unless it was a big event, he would never show up under the identity of the leader of the Seven Stars Division. He had several identities that allowed people to enter and leave the palace freely, but there were too many people being watched under the identity of the leader of the Seven Stars Division, so he rarely used it.

He walked in a hurry and didn't notice Lai Fu's face full of tears after he looked up. He motioned for others to follow him first. He walked up to this newly adopted godson and whispered, "If I hadn't reacted quickly, you would have been beheaded by now. In this palace, even if the fire is on your eyebrows, you have to step steadily for me. Next time, you can go down and keep your brothers company."

The young eunuch also realized how dangerous the situation was for him and bowed deeply immediately.

Seeing him listening to his advice, Lai Fu felt relieved. He looked up and saw that the emperor had turned the corner, so he hurriedly chased after him. He was calculating in his mind. The emperor was becoming more and more suspicious, and his health was gradually failing. But the day before yesterday, he ordered the expansion of the harem, as if he wanted to prove something to someone. He had been eating whatever he wanted during this period. If this continued...

Thinking of the current situation in the court, Lai Fu's heart trembled. If the emperor did not appoint a crown prince, the court would be in chaos. He just went to save others, but when the time comes, he didn't know if anyone could save him.

Finally catching up with the team, Lai Fu stood beside the emperor again without leaving a trace, looking at the leader of the Seven Stars, who was wearing a black robe with dark patterns and a mask. This attire was just like the court dress of a court official, and it has not been changed since the first generation.

When he first met the previous leader of the Seven Stars Division, he was even secretly worried that if someone used the mask to assassinate him, it would be so unfair to the leader of the Seven Stars Division. Later, when someone really did it but was executed on the spot before he even got close, he realized that he was overthinking. This mask is the only one in the world, and no matter how skilled the craftsman is, he cannot imitate it.

Because this mask is composed of countless light and dark patterns to form a complete pattern, as to what the pattern is, only the emperors of all dynasties and the leader of the Seven Stars Division know it.

Thinking of the person behind the mask and the emperor's attitude towards him, Lai Fu suddenly felt that there was no need for him to seek someone far away. As long as he made friends with this person, no matter who came to the throne in the future, no one would be able to touch this person. If he could protect himself, maybe he could really have a good end!

Thinking of this, Lai Fu's eyes became hot.

Gu Yanxi was such a perceptive person that he understood what Wang Laifu was planning at a glance. This man was indeed useful.

After sending away the others and leaving only Lai Fu to serve in the room, the emperor looked at his nephew who made him feel at ease just standing there, and said with a smile: "It seems that what I want to tell you today is bad news."

Gu Yanxi took off his mask, and there was no smile on his face. Even his usual ease and casualness in front of this imperial uncle was gone. The emperor's heart sank. He drank a sip of hot tea to warm himself up before saying, "I can bear the explanation."

To the emperor's surprise, Gu Yanxi knelt down in front of him and said something that seemed completely unrelated to the matter, "Your Majesty, I request that you appoint a crown prince."

The emperor looked at him steadily, "What did they do again?"

Gu Yanxi raised his head, "Every stupid move they make is to harm the enemy by one thousand and harm their own eight hundred, but these eighteen hundred are all people of my Daqing Dynasty. What they are harming is the interests of my Daqing Dynasty. Your Majesty, they are shaking the foundation of the country!"

Gu Yanxi handed the memorial to Lai Fu, who took it. The two looked at each other and reached a deal at this moment without saying a word.

"Hurry up and get up, have you forgotten that your leg was injured?" The emperor glared at him and looked at the memorial in his hand without wanting to open it at all. The fact that Yan Xi was willing to risk offending his taboo to propose the establishment of a crown prince showed how serious the matter was.

But, everyone can avoid it, but he, as the emperor, cannot avoid it.

Opening the memorial, he was not surprised at all when he saw the items listed therein. For the sake of this position, it was not impossible that they would lead their troops in a rebellion one day and force him, their father, to death.

"Where is Xiaoliu now?"

"I placed him next to Shaoyao."

The emperor rubbed his forehead and said, "I thought you would send him to the Sun family."

“Peony is the best.”

Isn't it the most suitable? The emperor's thin lips curled up in a mocking arc. One is a royal family girl who doesn't even use her real name, and the other is a prince who was forced to stay away from home by his own brothers. It's really perfect for these two marginalized people to be together.

"If you think this is not a good idea, I will send him back once he has recovered from his injuries."

"Why did he come back? To be stepped on by his brothers to climb up?" The emperor shook his head. "Let him follow Shaoyao. I have to have the face to see Concubine Zhen in the future."

PS: Come on girls, help Kong Kong to get the first place in monthly ticket, then the world will be Kong Kong's. Hahaha! Well, let me tell you, I will give the male lead more scenes later.