Blossom in Adversity

Chapter 638: lethargy


This time Hua Zhi did not do anything small. She built a huge workshop in just a few days. She asked Wang Rong for the manpower and did not ask him where he got them from. She only knew that these people had signed a death contract with the Prince's Mansion, and Nian Qiu was in charge of the accounting.

She also understood the concerns of today's craftsmen about starving themselves to death by teaching their apprentices, so she did not have the craftsmen teach the servants skills. Instead, she had them fold a toy into several parts, have the servants make these parts separately, and finally have them assemble them. The craftsmen's concerns immediately disappeared, and after the whole workshop was up and running, the productivity was unexpectedly high. On the first day alone, they made 400 not-so-sophisticated toys, even though they were still not very skilled.

Those exquisite flowers of Huazhi are to be sold to wealthy families. They require meticulous craftsmanship, and quality is more important than quantity, so the price is naturally very high. She is not afraid of not being able to sell them. Even if no one wants them, she can still make them pay by force.

It took only seven days from preparation to receiving the money.

"It's not enough. Go find Wang Rong and ask for people." Hua Zhi propped up her head and closed her eyes, her mind working non-stop, "Ask Wang Rong to find some craftsmen. These people will sign the Hua family's death indenture."

Yingchun took notes with a carbon pen and asked, holding the notebook, "The people from the Ministry of Industry..."

"The Ministry of Industry has a keen eye for talent and has quickly realized that this workshop has a lot of money to make. They want to get involved, but I won't give them the opportunity to control me."

So that's how it is. Yingchun nodded, "Yes, I will get someone there as soon as possible."

"I heard that Uncle Bai has returned to Beijing. Go and ask him to come over."


Bai Mingxia had just arrived in Beijing when he was invited to the Hua family. He wanted to make some jokes, but when he saw Hua Zhi, who was so thin that her cheeks were sunken, he swallowed the inappropriate words and said with a sigh, "If you burn yourself out, how will the men in the Hua family face you when they come back?"

"I just didn't sleep well these past few days. I'm going to rest right away after I finish talking to my uncle."

"Then I'd better leave quickly." Bai Mingxia laughed and sat down with Hua Zhi. Looking at the whole set of tea sets that made his heart beat, he didn't ask Hua Zhi to make tea. He couldn't bear it. Even though he had just returned to Beijing, he knew everything he should know.

"Uncle Shi's business is getting bigger and bigger."

"Okay, let's get straight to the point. Don't beat around the bush."

Hua Zhi really didn't beat around the bush, "I just opened a workshop that sells toys. I want to use my uncle to sell them to Kyushu."

"Isn't it said that the quantity is small and people in the capital have to fight for it to buy it?"

"I will add more. This thing is not like food. Once you eat it, it's gone. If you buy one, you can play with it for a long time. You may never buy a second one in your lifetime. You can't rely on the capital alone."

Bai Mingxia nodded slightly, "I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I'll take care of this matter."

"One thing is one thing, and I can't let my uncle suffer a loss. Just like the canned goods, let's negotiate a price that both parties can accept. The market outside the capital is yours, but I hope that my uncle won't sell it too high. I need to sell in large quantities."

Bai Mingxia looked at her meaningfully. Everyone who should know knew that Hua Zhi was making money for the Ministry of Revenue, but she herself never mentioned it, as if this business was really for her to make money.

"I still have a business deal on hand, but I don't know if Uncle Bai has enough energy to take it over." Hua Zhi didn't know what Bai Mingxia was thinking. At this moment, the only thing on her mind was money.

Bai Mingxia nodded, "You said, I have met some people over the years, they will not refuse a profitable business."


"The one from Zhu's workshop?"

Hua Zhi's eyes brightened. "That's my recipe. I promised them that their share in the capital would remain intact, but the portion outside the capital would not belong to them. Since Uncle Shi knows this, he must know that it is very popular. I don't need to tell you how much money it can make."

Bai Mingxia was naturally aware that there was a huge market outside the capital. He had tasted the sweetness over the past year. Just a small canned food business had earned him a fortune. If he could take over these two businesses, the Bai family's fortune would mean nothing to him.

“Like in a can?”

"Same, but I want to go in large quantities, large quantities."

"Okay, give me some time, I'll contact them to raise money."

Hua Zhi nodded, "As soon as possible."

Bai Mingxia stood up and said, "I'll come back in three days. You need to take a good rest. You can't endure it like this. You will die."

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Hua Zhi slept until the evening of the next day. She felt so sleepy that her hands and feet were weak and she had no strength left in her body.

She didn't move, just lay there, stealing a moment of leisure from her busy life.

Until a voice reached his ears, "Still not awake? Didn't Doctor Yu say he was just in a coma? Can your body withstand not eating or drinking for such a long time?"

This is... the Crown Prince? Just as he was thinking about this, the door was pushed open and Yingchun came in first, followed closely by the Crown Prince.

She forced herself to sit up. The prince came over quickly and was overjoyed to see that she was awake. "She's awake. Go get Dr. Yu."

Doctor Yu has been staying at the Hua family for nearly a day. This is also the first time Hua Zhi has seen Doctor Yu since the castration. She always felt ashamed to see him because of what happened that time. A virtuous doctor would not use what he has learned to harm others. Although she could not be said to be harming others, she also had bad intentions.

"You're worrying too much. This isn't the first time this has happened."

Yingchun quickly replied, "Yes, the young lady has fallen asleep before."

"This is because your body can't take it anymore. It's instinctively resting to repair itself. As a doctor, I know you won't listen, but I still have to advise you to put aside the things that worry you and rest well. If you continue to endure like this, no amount of careful care will be of much use."

The prince lowered his head in guilt. It was because of his incompetence that the tutor suffered so much.

"My family, my fiancé, and my sister are all at the border. How can I let go?" Hua Zhi looked at the prince. "As a teacher, I have the responsibility to take on the responsibility for my students when they are unable to do so. These are the only relatives a person can have in their lifetime. When I am able to protect them, I will do my best."

Doctor Yu could only shake his head. With great ability comes great responsibility. This girl is so capable that all the responsibilities, whether hers or not, are now on her shoulders. "Continue taking the medicinal food. I will make some changes to the prescription. Stop taking the medicine. Medicine is three-quarters toxic and is not good for your body."

"As you wish."

Doctor Yu followed Fu Dong to look at the medicinal recipe. The prince sat closer and seemed to want to say something. He moved his mouth and then closed it again.

Hua Zhi smiled and said, "I'm just tired. I'll feel better after a good sleep. Is there any military intelligence to be sent back from the front line?"

"Not yet, Master, don't worry. I'll let you rest. You can rest for a few more days."

Hua Zhi thought about it and decided not to be stubborn. "Then I will rest for two more days. If you have any questions, please ask Lai Fu to come to me."

PS: Three updates, the scientific name of konjac is Konjac. In case someone gets fussy about it, I would like to explain here that the earliest place where konjac matures is August, which is the Gregorian calendar, while all the dates in this book are based on the old calendar.