Blossom in Adversity

Chapter 699: Encounter


Today is the big fair, it is crowded and lively.

Hua Bailin held Xiaohan's hand and walked on the outside of the emperor's, trying to separate himself from the crowd as much as possible. He also simultaneously wrote down the prices of the things sold by the vendors. He was not like the emperor who sat high on the throne. Even when he was far away in Qingzhou, he would go to the market whenever he had free time. He didn't have a clear understanding of the prices, but it was enough for him to know the huge gap between the two places.

It is not easy to live in the capital, and eating is one of the most difficult things. The price of common items in the capital is double or even triple that of Qingzhou. It can be seen that the expenses of living in the capital are very high. As a result, many officials with poor family backgrounds still have to rent houses for several years after entering their official careers. They cannot even lead a stable life, so how can we expect them to be honest

His elder sister once warned him privately that even if he saw through some things, it was not the time to speak out. Even if the time came to speak out, he had to use the right method. In the officialdom, no matter how great his ambitions were, he had to learn to protect himself first. If he couldn't even protect himself, how could he talk about ambitions

He understood and knew the emperor's youthful and innocent temperament, so he never said anything because they were still too weak.

He let out a long breath and reviewed the prices in his mind again to make sure he remembered them. Hua Bailin looked around and suddenly his eyes fixed on a stall and did not move. Coincidentally, the emperor also noticed it at this time.

"That's quite interesting, isn't it, Berlin?"

Hua Bolin also thought it was... interesting.

Isn't it interesting that a girl dressed in men's clothes sells canned fruits made by her elder sister

The eldest sister thought long-term and taught them a lesson early on, teaching them how to distinguish between male and female so that they would not stumble in this matter.

What a foresight, Hua Bolin thought, while responding: "I didn't expect there would be such a person."

"Taifu has always been prepared for a rainy day, how could he have expected to miss it?"

Hua Bailin smiled, "Indeed, I didn't think it was necessary at the time. Apparently, my elder sister is much more far-sighted than I am."

"Nonsense, otherwise how could she become the Grand Tutor, and you are just a companion."

"..." Hua Bolin covered his chest and looked down at Zeng Han, "Xiao Han, rub it for me, it hurts a little."

"Hahaha." The emperor laughed loudly, patted Berlin on the shoulder and walked over there.

Compared with the stalls next to it, this place is obviously much quieter. Even if there are a few people, they are just looking and no one wants to buy. Canned fruit is now famous in Beijing. As famous as its sweet and delicious taste is its price. This is definitely not on the consumption list of ordinary people. Almost all the people who come here to shop are ordinary people, so it is expected that they just look and do not buy.

Behind the stall, two young boys with small faces and delicate looks looked a little anxious. So when they saw a few people who were obviously dressed differently from ordinary people approaching, their eyes lit up. The older one pushed the other aside and approached them nervously, "Do you want to buy some canned food?"

The Emperor and Hua Bolin realized almost immediately that this lady was the master and was bolder than the maids. It went without saying that it was her idea to do business, and the servants did not dare to instigate it.

Seeing that no one was talking, the girl, who didn't know she had been seen through, said, "These cans were just released last month, they are very fresh, you can try them."

The girl winked, and the maid next to her, although nervous but also quick, took a few small pieces from a jar, put them on a small plate, held it in front of the people, and put a skewer on it.

The emperor smiled, knowing to cut it into small pieces for later use. He also had good eyesight and didn't let everyone taste it, so he was quite smart.

He picked up a piece and put it in his mouth. The taste was not much different from what he ate in the palace. There should be no problem with its origin. He was just too suspicious and thought that someone was trying to interfere with the business of the Grand Tutor.

Putting down the sticks, the emperor turned and left in the astonished eyes of the two men. Hua Bailin held back his laughter and quickly followed with Xiaohan, pretending not to notice that the two men were blushing with anger.

"Let someone check who it is later." The emperor sneered, "If you want to learn from the Taifu, you have to see if you have the ability to do it."

Hua Bolin was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look back at the two people. Seeing that they were still looking at this side, he retracted his gaze, chuckled, and said, "If the eldest sister knew, she would definitely be very happy."

The emperor looked back at him.

"Grandfather once asked my eldest sister if she was willing to pursue a career in government, and she refused without hesitation." Hua Bolin did not shy away, still smiling, "I once asked my eldest sister why, it is not easy for women, even the women in the family hope that she can go further, with her in the lead, so the words that women are incapable should be restrained, but my eldest sister said that there is no one to take over, and her power alone is limited."

The emperor couldn't help but look at the two women who lowered their heads to talk. Hua Bolin also looked over. "Eldest sister said that her existence can make women stronger, and not to affirm her own uselessness before others say she is useless. Even if it is her small contribution, with the eldest sister's personality, I don't know how happy she would be if she knew that someone wanted to follow her footsteps."

The emperor's annoyance gradually faded away.

Hua Bolin brought Xiaohan closer and continued, "Eldest sister also said that she hopes the woman we marry in the future will be courageous and knowledgeable, and have substance in her words, rather than being submissive and obedient. She said that she hopes we will marry not just a wife in name only, but someone we can trust and rely on."

"Difficult." The emperor walked forward. The first thing that noble families teach their daughters is that their natal family is their support. Only with the support of their natal family can they gain a foothold in their husband's family. This concept is deeply rooted and difficult to shake. Therefore, marrying a woman who is only for his wife... He has never thought about it, nor dared to think about it.

Hua Bailin wisely stopped talking and asked about the prices of items at the stall next to him.

After answering the Taifu's question, he had a delicious vegetarian meal and went to the main hall to burn a stick of incense. When the emperor could no longer delay, he reluctantly returned to the palace. Berlin stayed and told his elder sister what happened in the market today.

Hua Zhi frowned, "Do you think the emperor has come to terms with it?"

"That should be the case. After the people below submitted the information, they just casually put it aside and didn't seem to be going to do anything about it."

"Do you know where that girl comes from?"

"The Bai family." Hua Bailin couldn't help laughing. It was true that everyone had a connection with his eldest sister.

Hua Zhi was also a little surprised, "Bai Mingxia is from Uncle Bai's family?"

"Yes, his eldest daughter, ten years old."

Hua Zhi really didn't expect this, but Uncle Bai was indeed two years older than Fourth Uncle, and he got married early, so it was reasonable for him to have a ten-year-old daughter.

After thinking for a while, Hua Zhi affirmed Berlin's performance today, "I can't be the person who can't be mentioned or touched. You need to pay more attention to this aspect in the future. Some hidden dangers should be eliminated at the first sign of something."

"Yes, elder sister." Hua Bolin spoke for the emperor in a coquettish manner, "He just thinks too highly of you."

"I know, I remember it all, but we need to be clear about the big picture. He is the emperor. Too little or too much will be a disaster."

"Yes, I will pay close attention."

PS: Hey, I didn’t expect Kong Kong to write like this.