Blue Dragon

Chapter 10: Devil training


At this moment, there was a knock on the door. The people of James felt tight and looked at each other.

"Oh, I almost forgot, it might be the takeaway I ordered!" Jason went to open the door, and Nulu and Robert hid their guns on both sides.

"Sir, you have a lot of takeout orders, I'm exhausted!" the deliveryman exclaimed. Robert and the others suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Look, guys, what good food this handsome guy brought us. Everyone, help us, our dinner will begin soon!" Jason gave some extra tips and delivered the food. The cargo clerk sent away.

Soon, the dinner party was set up properly. Old friends get together, and it's easy to push a cup and change a cup. After drinking for three rounds, the four of them fell asleep...

The next day, Robert and the three others began a week-long devil training for James.

In the North American League, only the training of the Marine Corps and the Union Special Bureau can be called "devil training", which requires extremely high physical fitness and mental response, and not every man has the ability and opportunity to receive this kind of training in person. But it is undeniable that the training subjects of the Union Special Bureau have an excellent effect on the body shape and physical training of soldiers.

Although James is proficient in various sports, military skills are still blank for him. It is different from conventional sports. It pays attention to life and death skills and combat. It pays attention to one move to control the enemy. There is no fancy, no sympathy, no Give you extra time, and don't give you room for maneuver.

In response to James' situation, the three-person special training team formulated a one-week special training crash plan. The overall schedule is: five in the morning to ten in the evening, mainly in six periods of training; one hour of morning physical training; two to three hours of firearm training in the morning; two hours of anti-exposure body training with a gun at noon; In the afternoon, combat training is 2-3 hours; in the evening, physical training is 2 hours; in the evening, individual tactics are explained for 2 hours. The specific simulation operations are interspersed with training subjects in the morning or afternoon.

Jason is mainly responsible for firearms training. He contributed his own "Arsenal"-Jason, who likes to play with guns, has a special room to collect all kinds of guns. From the short and capable pistol to the AK70 with strong comprehensive performance, great power and easy-to-handle, to the beam rifle that has only been used in recent years, etc... Jason has spent his blood. There is no dedicated shooting range, just in the open space in the backyard of the garbage station, on the trees, and on the walls where soil targets can be placed, and then draw a few lines to set up a shooting range with primitive and simple soil turtles. Next, from understanding the structure and performance of firearms to operating principles, from safety defense methods to shooting rules, from dead targets to live targets—bottles and jars thrown into the air, the training progressed steadily.

Nulu is mainly responsible for combat training. For soldiers, especially special forces, it is said to be fighting training, but in fact there is no mystery—however you can knock the opponent down—this is what the instructors teach. They are all based on high-intensity physical fitness. The moves are simple and straightforward. , Especially pay attention to practical attack and anti-fighting skills training, including the use of various conventional weapons such as sticks, knives, daggers, and even hand-held firearms fighting moves. Even if we learn from some martial arts fighting styles, we will choose the most effective and easy-to-handle styles of various schools, and rarely choose those martial arts moves that require long-term training to be effective.

Robert is mainly responsible for the explanation of individual tactical training, which is the training of the tactical skills of individual soldiers. To put it more clearly, they are the combat skills that each soldier possesses when passing through the bullets. At the same time, he needs to cooperate with the squad or squad to complete the prescribed actions and tasks. . These skills include the comprehensive extraction and application of training courses by Jason and Nulu, as well as some professional military knowledge and actual combat techniques that Robert focuses on. It is a relatively comprehensive training course.

Although the training time is short, the professor James, who won the runner-up in the North American League University Fighting Competition, did not disappoint the three Roberts after all. The training is very cooperative and attentive. He is very athletic and has a high savvy and quick start. Physical fitness far exceeded the expectations of the three Roberts. Fighting training is of course needless to say. If it weren’t for Nulu’s father’s comrade-in-arms and coach’s sake, James might not be merciful in duel training, but Nulu’s many practical fighting skills also make James particularly useful. And James’ shooting potential has also been unprecedentedly developed this time. He feels like he is born with firearms, and he has a good grasp of shooting accuracy and rhythm. Jason was greatly amazed, and he was secretly thankful that James was not in the same period as himself. Soldier, otherwise he would definitely not get the first place in the shooting assessment.

A week passed quickly. Under the high-intensity devil training of the three Roberts, James has initially reached and mastered some basic requirements and skills of special forces.

On the last night of the training, apart from the commonly used guns and bullets, Jason did not know where to get beam guns, grenades, T1 bombs, compressed food pellets, freezing tanks, cameras, electronic maps, locators, etc., one person for one person. set. There is also a remote communication device, which is in charge of Nulu. As for the means of transportation for this operation, Jason said that in view of the long distance and complicated and dangerous ground conditions, he had already contacted a friend in Abbe City and just borrowed a helicopter. This made the three James stunned.

The night before departure, Jason ordered a lot of takeaways, and everyone had a great meal. During the dinner, it was convenient for James to get up. Next to the toilet in the backyard, James noticed for the first time that there was a small door, which was usually closed, but this time James found that the door was empty. Intentionally or unintentionally, driven by curiosity, James opened the door and poked his head in. James discovered that it was a big rain shelter with groceries like a hill covered with raincloth. , But when I opened it, James discovered that they were all neatly large wooden boxes. With the faint moonlight, James took a closer look, and the wooden boxes were printed with nuclear warning signs! When he was about to take a closer look, James heard a hostile "grunt..." James realized that it was Jason’s Tibetan mastiff. He had also heard that it has world-class attack power among dogs. , It makes people chill without fighting. He quickly flinched. At this moment, someone patted James. James was shocked. It was Jason.

"James? Where have you been, they are looking for you." Jason was smoky with alcohol.

"It's easy to get up, I found the wrong place." James said.

"The toilet is on the left, James, haha, it looks like you are drunk." Jason pushed him to the front left. After returning, the four continued to eat and drink until late at night.