Blue Dragon

Chapter 14: Eye of Hell


The wings rattled. James in the cabin looked at the sky in front of him intently. The clouds formed by the volatile water vapor were like his thoughts, erratic, his father’s diary, the memories and descriptions of Robert and others, and the real tragic situation in the first two execution areas. It makes him uneasy, makes him think more, and makes him suddenly determined to want to do something, but he is not very clear about what it is, but a sense of mission emerges spontaneously, and there is a feeling of heavy responsibility being pressed on his shoulders. With a kind of heroic air, with a kind of inexplicable power, full of heat like underground magma, full of impulse like the waves of high tide, full of strength like lightning across the sky, these just need an exit , A breakthrough can burst out-this kind of feeling James has had since he was a little boy, but he was just a ignorant feeling, but now it is surging in his body very clearly...

Suddenly, James’ gaze was projected onto a canyon in front of him-it was said to be a canyon, but because it was on a high ground, the surrounding area was covered with snow. Only this canyon was very strange. There was no trace of snow, and it was lushly covered with various colors. Broad-leaved plants.

"It's here, the monster we encountered again-no, thousands of little monsters-appeared in this canyon." Jason said.

"Yes, after this incident, I retired due to injury." Nulu's expression was a little frightened.

The plane stopped at a relatively flat place at the entrance of the canyon. Jason said: "Guys, please bring your own equipment, the ghost knows what terrible things will happen!" Several people quickly checked their equipment and began their journey into the valley. But what James did not expect was that the danger would come so quickly. When the few people just got off the plane, they were already noticed by a soon-to-be-adult "python" not far away, and they were already swiftly approaching James. Swim...

James didn't notice it at all, but walked cautiously into the valley. It's the same as Nulu's previous account-in addition to the surprisingly large plants, many insects have become surprisingly huge. The more people walked forward, the more weird they felt, and they couldn't help but clenched the beam gun in their hands. When people walked into the grass a few meters high, they had to take out their sabers and cut through the thorns...

"Wait!" Jason reminded in a low voice, "This is already close to the giant hole. We have to be careful and move lightly."

Several people responded lightly, but cold sweat came out on their foreheads. Just after Jason pulled away the last giant grass, everyone was stunned-the empty field in front of the giant cave was filled with the bones of soldiers with no skin and flesh, and the equipment everywhere. The smelly smell was abnormal. Huge carrion beasts entangled around the bones.

"Let's get some samples and go back," Nulu said reflexively, a little nervous, "there is a terrible huge hole in front of him."

James suddenly dashed out. Although the stench and blood drove his stomach up and down, he still resisted sampling a few corpses with residual flesh.

"Let's go, James. You should have taken enough." Robert reminded in a low voice.

James hesitated for a moment, and was about to end the sampling and walk back, but he saw the body of a "moncler" monster not far from the cave. James was very excited, ignoring Robert's persuasion, and walked forward quickly.

"James, don't go any further!" Nulu shouted.

At this time, James has reached the edge of the hole. Looking ahead, the cave here is like a huge deep dry lake, with a bottomless hole in the center of the lake bottom. James sighed in his heart: This is simply the "eye of hell".

Just as James was about to sample the monster's body, he suddenly heard a scream. James looked back, and it turned out that Nulu was held up by a "Moncler", and Robert and Jason had been flung a few meters away by the "Moncler" tail.

"Nuru!!!" James, picking up the beam gun was a blow, and a green light beam "zed" at the head of the "Monkey Python", but it swiftly shook its head to avoid it. Because of excessive force, Nulu was thrown out of his mouth by the "Python" and rolled into the dense broad-leaved trees. Then "Monkey Python" quickly rushed towards James. Although after the "devil training", but in the face of actual combat, James still failed to quickly play the training effect. Seeing that he was about to be forced into the hole by the "Moncler", James stuck out his tongue-a habitual movement he formed when he encountered difficult things when he was a child-instantly concentrated all his energy, aiming at the "Moncler" mid-belly after a small leap and squirmed quickly Trigger, just listen to two sounds of "zi, zi", and the "monaco" broke into two pieces and rolled down the hole in the bottom of the lake. James retracted his tongue, panting hard, and turned around to look for Nulu. Unexpectedly, when he just turned around and wanted to return, the upper body of the "moncler" just now appeared in the hole and bit at James with a big mouth in the upper body of the blood basin. But James was paying attention to Nulu's side and didn't notice anything. He said that it was too late and soon. When this "monaco" was about to bite James, he only heard: "Get down, James!" A shot exploded the "Monkey Python"'s head in an instant, and a sticky fishy flesh and blood instantly scattered all around, spraying James all over. It turns out that Robert fired the gun just in time.

"The sword is not old! Robert." Jason's lingering palpitations did not disappear.

"Where is Nulu? How is it now?!" James shouted to Robert.

The three of them immediately looked for Nulu. After a few minutes, James finally found the dying Nulu in a giant bush. Nulu's abdomen was already bloody and bloody, with dark red internal organs hanging out of his body, lying on the ground looking at James and said: "James! It's a pity that I left before I could avenge General Weber. I'm sorry... I'm really useless, but I I can meet with my wife and daughter again. There is nothing wrong with it, right? Haha..." Nulu was out of anger before he finished speaking. He closed his eyes gradually, with a trace of satisfaction. Smile.

"Nuru! Nulu! Nulu!..." James knelt down beside Nulu, crying. Robert was already bursting with tears, patted James on the shoulder, turned and sat on the ground.

Jason was looking at the direction of the hole while holding the beam gun, and stepped back to James' side, yelling and cursing constantly: "Dog chops, there is a kind of attack on Lao Tzu! Lao Tzu will blow up your nest immediately!"

"Oh, my goodness! It looks like Nulu is gone. Guys, cheer up, we have to get out of here!" As soon as the words were finished, the ground began to vibrate terribly. Jason hurriedly said: "James, we have to hurry and get out of here, or it's too late!"

James suddenly pulled Nulu up with his force and said loudly, "Since I brought him here, I will also be responsible for taking him away!"

"James, calm down! If you do this, we will all die!" Jason yelled. Jason sees that James is still obsessed, as long as he helps the queen of James with Robert.

With extraordinary physical stamina, James can walk quickly with a nearly 190-pound Nulu. Jason and Robert shot from left to right. Unexpectedly, he staggered, and James was tripped by the "moncler" that jumped out from there. At the moment Nulu's body was about to separate from James, a blood basin shook his head and swallowed it bit by bit. Go on! "I'm going to slaughter you, a beast!" James was furious when he saw this, and he turned over and picked up the beam gun and got up and fired several shots in a row! The body of the big snake burst into fragments in an instant, hula la and scattered all over the ground. At this time, Robert yelled: "Don't stop! Run!" James turned around and saw that the sky above the hole was suddenly dusty, and countless small "monys" rushed here like a tide.

At this time, James had to run while searching for the dead body of Nulu the one who had not known where it was scattered, so he had to keep speeding up and rushing to the plane desperately. Just as he approached the plane, Jason suddenly stopped and said, "You go first, I want to give a'gift' to these scumbags! Revenge for Nulu!" After speaking, Jason took out the T1 bomb from the equipment bag and started. Set up the detonation program quickly...

Robert and James continued to rush forward. After getting on the plane, they didn't see Jason back, and the two were very anxious. As the smoke approached, Robert and James had no choice but to hold up their beam guns to prepare for the final fight. At this moment, tens of meters away, Jason finally appeared in the sight of the two of them, and not far behind him was a group of "mony pythons" leaping over. But because they were not within the precise range, the palms of Robert and James kept sweating and wiping them.

At this moment, just listening to a loud bang not far behind Jason, who was rushing, a circular shock wave spread out, drawing a regular and beautiful dazzling round surface, which was perfect. The "Moncler" in the film was instantly wiped out. Jason dived into the cockpit of the plane and completed the takeoff operation at record-breaking speed.

1 meter, 2 meters, 5 meters, 10 meters... Just as the plane was soaring, another giant "monaco" sprang out from where it could jump into the air and approach the flank of the plane. Jason drifted through the air in a beautiful way, and glided southward past the "Python". "Monatus" flew into the air and whereabouts. Robert and James fired their guns in all directions, and the green beam suddenly filled the smoky ground. The remaining "Moncler" regiment on the ground bursts with blood and flesh, but it is still entangled. But the huge python was still wandering on the ground in hot pursuit.

"Well then, let you chopsticks taste my'chocolate'!" Jason threw another grenade, which happened to fly into the mouth of the "Monkey Python" with a loud noise, and the "Monkey Python" flew around. At this time the plane has climbed to more than 30 meters.

Robert and James sat down, panting. At this time, James was still in the guilt of Nulu, his eyes were straight and he was looking straight at the earth that had gradually disappeared...

"Robert, stop here!" James said suddenly, "I'm too selfish, I can't do this, in fact, the samples I have collected are enough, I shouldn't ask for more! Or Nulu won't die! It's all my fault! I'm a bastard!" James beat his head.

Robert held James' hand and said hoarsely: "James, my child, Nulu will not blame you, we are all voluntary, we will not blame you! We don't want to be confused for a lifetime like this. !"

James looked up and looked at Robert with teary eyes. Robert nodded in encouragement. Jason also turned his head and stretched out his hand to hold James tightly.

In this way, the plane crossed the mountains and reached the No. 4 enforcement area, which was densely covered with swamps. According to memory, Jason quickly found the mysterious desert area. But the strange thing is that the electronic map shows nothing...