Blue Dragon

Chapter 15: Lost notes


move on. I saw a huge black crater in the distance in the middle of the desolate desert.

"God, this is Z4!" Robert's face was distorted.

"Yes, Gerrard's order." Jason replied.

Although James doesn't know what "Z4" is, judging from the diameter of the crater and the damage of the surrounding terrain, at least the effect can be achieved by the power of a small nuclear bomb.

"Gerald this bastard! He is a total lunatic!" Robert said angrily.

"It was here at the time. We shot and killed an even more bizarre-looking'Monkey Python', a'Monkey Python' with a beard, which seems to have limbs! The ghost knows what it is!" Jason said loudly.

"Beards? Limbs?" James asked, "My father drew monsters also have these characteristics!" James became more and more curious, and continued to ask: "Jason, I remember you said that the monster was killed by you at the factory. Inside, right!"

"Yeah, I can recognize it even if it turns into ashes!" Jason said with certainty, "But I'm sorry, James, we can't go down yet. The residue of this nuclear bomb is radioactive, and we need protective equipment. Row."

James turned to Robert to see his attitude, Robert also nodded, James had to give up.

The plane continued to go south. Eight minutes later, the plane stopped at the edge of a huge pit, and the three landed again.

Jason took off his hat, lit a cigarette, and said, "It's here that we encountered the fate of almost annihilation of the entire army. It is here that your father, General Weber, died to save me."

The scene presented to James seemed to be a huge "basin" full of broken corpses. The mud, the corpses of soldiers, the corpses of monsters, and the various weapons and equipment discarded everywhere are mixed together, messy and terrifying. There is also a huge hole in the middle of this huge "basin"—another shocking "eye of hell"!

James looked at everything in front of him in grief, tears slowly falling down his cheeks, and this always elegant man squatted on the ground like a child, covering his eyes and crying. After a while, he got up and walked into the "big basin". Jason and Robert looked at each other and quickly raised their guns into a state of alert, closely following James to prevent accidents.

After walking less than a hundred meters, the huge stench has already smoked several people's eyes. James didn't take samples and save them, so he just kept going forward.

"James, further forward, is where your father was killed." Jason said.

James stopped and tried to find his father's belongings. But after searching for a long time, there was no trace of General Weber. For a long time, the three were speechless. Suddenly, Jason grabbed James and said: "James, wake up! Your father was killed by Gerrard's missile, I saw it with my own eyes! I know you are sad, and I am just like you! But The way you look now makes General Weber’s spirit in the sky unable to rest! Don’t forget what we are here for! Take some samples and leave! This is not a place to stay for long! Have you forgotten how Nulu died? !" A word woke up James.

James found a lot of giant beast bodies this time. After sampling and preserving, the group of three quickly returned to the plane. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the plane, and the plane continued to go south.

"Jason, I want to go to Xia Mo City." James said suddenly.

"This is not in our plan, James, but okay!" Jason adjusted his course to southeast, targeting Mocheng, and flew all the way.

Mocheng, surrounded by mountains and beautiful scenery, is positioned as a city with political culture. It is one of the few small cities that have not yet been polluted by industry. Mocheng University is even less well-known. It has successively trained 2 presidents, 1 Nobel Prize winner, and other political and business celebrities. James' father graduated from this university. James also lived in Mocheng when he was a child. Because he missed his father, James wanted to go back and see.

Jason parked the plane in a hidden place and then entered Mocheng University, a private university located in the southeast of Mocheng. It was built in the early 20th century and converted from a Catholic church school. The best subjects are history, English, psychology and religion, and the most popular subjects are politics and economics. The school library has more than 16.7 million books, and it is ranked 5th in the latest North American Union University Comprehensive Ranking in 2066, and is considered to be one of the most outstanding universities in the world.

The three of them wandered through this well-known university and felt much calmer. Looking around, there are yellow bricks and red tiles everywhere, arcades are connected, palms lined up, rigorous and charming, many places still retain the style of Catholic architecture, covered with ivy, and only a few places have different ages. Different styles of buildings. A strong cultural and academic atmosphere is reflected in the interaction between classic and modern. The most conspicuous thing in the whole university is a green lawn in the middle of the campus. James saw the mathematician enjoying the brilliant and warm autumn sun while immersing himself in the ocean of knowledge. Although they are simply dressed, they are full of youth and vitality. These brought back many good memories, and suddenly I felt like I was back at Harlem University.

"Look, it's really youthful! We are really old." Jason couldn't help but admire.

"James, how shall we go next?" Robert interrupted James' thoughts.

"Oh, go two more intersections and turn left. That's the house I lived in when I was a child." James pointed forward and said.

"So your father was a professor at this prestigious school!" Jason sighed.

"Yes, he stayed on as a teacher after graduating from university. Before joining the army, our family lived here, and the school has hired him as an honorary professor. This house has been reserved for him. When my mother was alive, we often Will come back for vacation." The three people in the talking room arrived in front of an old but very delicate small villa with yellow bricks and red tiles. James conjured the key and unlocked the door from nowhere. The smell that no one has lived in for a long time is pungent. The three of them covered their noses and saw the furnishings in the house, artistic and warm, every detail showed the master's artistic taste. "These exquisite decorations are all made by my mother. If she is not engaged in scientific research, she will be an excellent artist."

Just as Jason sighed, James suddenly found a large leather envelope on the floor. "What's this?" James picked it up and hurriedly opened it. It was a few pages of scattered notes. James suddenly thought of something. He hurriedly took out his father's notebook from the inner pocket of his clothes and compared them with these loose pages, "My God, these are the missing notes!"