Blue Dragon

Chapter 16: Legend of the Blue Dragon


After James got back to the house one-to-one correspondence, he finally understood some other truths of the matter: his father was given a chronic poison by Gerrard during his imprisonment. Before he went to the deserted factory, his father had noticed it. In addition, during the execution of the task, his father had already begun to doubt the "population reduction plan", what is the purpose and the reason, his father only said that Gerrard often received strange phone calls during meetings, and then went out alone to answer the call. . On one of these occasions, when his father was in the bathroom, he faintly heard the voice of Gerrard's non-committal speech. Gerrard behaved humbly to the speaker on the other end of the phone, completely devoid of his usual lewdness. At the same time, his father faintly heard the name of a company called "Wide" from Gerrard's conversation. Gerrard called it a boss, so that his father felt sick and more suspicious. Then the situation became more serious, and Gerrard became more authoritarian and violent, and soon his father was secretly imprisoned by Gerrard on unwarranted charges. My father always tore off some important parts of the notebook and put it away separately, hiding it very secretly, and has not been found in the closed room.

Later, when he went to an abandoned factory in the desert, his father was imprisoned with the old chief of the mysterious tribe who had been captured before. In the mobile cell, the father found that the old chief was dressed in thin and tattered clothes, so he took off his coat and handed it to him. The old chief found that his father was a good person and started talking with him in English. My father was very surprised. After understanding, my father discovered that this seemingly uncivilized old chief was also a member of this civilized society, but after graduating from the so-called civilized society, he found that he did not like working in the so-called modern industry. The hypocritical relationship between man and nature presented by civilization resolutely returned to the tribe and inherited his father's legacy. The old chief has a granddaughter named Heri, who is now going to school in Mocheng University and is about to graduate. The old chief told his father that the monster they saw was actually a kind of magical creature that existed before human civilization—the blue dragon! This creature has always been recorded in the "Uba" of their Hariya tribe, a tribal clan historical document dedicated to priests. The blue dragon is an omnivorous species that feeds mainly on fish and various highland mountain fruits. They lived in water when they were young, and they were shaped like small pythons. When they were mature, they were huge, with huge wings and glowing blue light all over, so they were called "blue dragons." The most amazing thing is that this kind of creature will give birth to many huge and magical gill pouches in its adult body, and this miraculous gill pouch will make the blue dragon's body extremely light and light after inhalation. With huge wings, the blue dragon's flying ability far exceeds that of other existing birds.

The Hariyas regard the blue dragon as a god. Because of the blue dragon's docile nature and great wisdom, some brave young people of the Hariya tribe have successfully tamed some blue dragons. This allowed the Hariyas to cover a wider range, and their footprints continued from the European continent to the American continent. However, I don't know when it started. The rise of the human chauvinistic ideology of "dominant for me" has led to barbaric squeeze and unprovoked hostility towards the civilization of other natural species, and the European continent has entered the so-called era of dragon slaying. At one time, people used whale-slaying and dragon-slaying as a symbol of bravery. Generations of so-called dragon-slaying heroes appeared, and they were commended by the royal family of various clans, and they were even promoted to noble titles. The blue dragon was not spared and was slaughtered.

In order to protect the blue dragons, the Hariyas moved from the European continent to live in the Aurao Mountains in the Americas, where the blue dragons will not be slaughtered by humans. Unfortunately, the blue dragon was not very adaptable to the climate here and died one after another, leaving only a few dragon eggs in the end. In order to preserve these dragon eggs, the Hariyas took one of the oldest methods-sending 10 of the strongest and brave Hariya warriors to send the dragon eggs into the glaciers of the Orao Mountains for storage, and the warriors took turns to guard there. , To guard the dragon eggs, passed on from generation to generation. Later, the handover of the wheel guards evolved into a sacrificial ritual, using the blue dragon as a totem and spiritual symbol of the Hariya tribe.

Until a hundred years ago, a wizard of their clan predicted that humans would take their own humiliation, the dragon god would punish humans, and disaster would come, allowing the Hariyas to destroy these dragon eggs in time to avoid future troubles. However, most of the Hariyas were kind-hearted and did not follow the wizard's advice to take action. Only a few people began to move around and went to the "Holy Land" to destroy their own totem relic-the dragon egg. As a result, when he arrived at the holy place of the frozen dragon egg, he found that the dragon egg was missing, so he had to give up. But the panic and shadow caused by this prophecy have been looming over their people for nearly a hundred years, until the terrifying and brutal variant "Moncler" that has appeared near the residence in recent years. According to the "Uba", these variants of the "Mongolian" and the blue dragon were similar in their childhood, so the Hariyas were convinced that the prophecy of the deceased wizard had been gradually fulfilled, and their tribe began to move south to seek New place of residence.

But I didn't expect that the tribesmen still failed to escape the bad luck. After moving south, they were exterminated by the Alliance army for unknown reasons, and the whole village was massacred. The father couldn't bear to conceal any more, so he informed the old chief of the "Depopulation Plan" being implemented by the Alliance Army. The old chief was shocked when he heard this. He said that this was the most absurd and shameless thing he had ever heard. It is truly the greatest sorrow of mankind that human civilization has reached this point. The so-called civilized society has become a small number of politicians, plutocrats, warlords and others. In the arena of some so-called “elite” groups, extremely narrow and selfish major coalition chauvinism and racism have once again begun to ramp up the world, internally exploiting the low-level civilians, and slaughtering minorities; external strong forces unite to bully the weak and carry out new and hidden colonizations. plunder. Mankind seems to have been dazzled by political struggles, economic plunder and rapid and abnormal development of science and technology. The spiritual highlands such as faith, humanities, and morals have been overwhelmed by abnormal greed and unrestrained consumption. The whole world appears to be almost "drinking blood". Like a state of barbarity and ignorance.

Later, the old chief said that his father was a conscientious soldier, expressed his appreciation and gratitude to his father's actions, expressed that he would work with his father to find opportunities to escape, and made the heinous "Depopulation Plan" public, and brought criminal organizations and elements to justice. Law. But his father told the old chief that he had been poisoned by chronic poison, and he had been bleeding intermittently these days. It was estimated that his life would not last long. Therefore, he first gave him a few pages of important information notes for safekeeping. If there is a chance, his father will cover the old chief to escape... In this way, things developed as they were later.

Jason and Robert were shocked after hearing James's recount. "Gerald, bastard, this is killing! No wonder his face was purple when I saw your father." Jason was very angry.

"So, this monster should be a descendant or a variant of the blue dragon, but why has it become so huge and brutal now?" Robert whispered.

"Everything will be known when the test results come out." James had an ominous premonition at this time, "The name of the sender of this letter is'Hull', and the address is this university, but he didn't write it clearly. Obviously, I don’t want people to find her. But we have to find this person!" James said affirmatively.

In this way, the three of James came to the student office of Mercer University. James only helped to find a student named Hull after he identified his identity. However, the information database of the student office showed that the student named Hull had Twelve, which made the three of them scratch their heads.

"James, we still have'important things' in our hands to be tested. We don't have time to find this Hull!" Robert reminded in a low voice.

James stretched out his tongue in embarrassment and said, "Well, let's go back to Harlem University and test these samples before we talk about it!"

Over the city of Mo, a helicopter passed by lightly, aiming at Harlem University. At this moment, on the grass field of Mocheng University, a girl with a bronze skin complexion and a healthy body was looking at several photocopies, which read "Depopulation Plan" impressively...