Blue Dragon

Chapter 17: Analysis of samples in RD laboratories


Back to Harlem University, everything is so familiar. This university located in the new capital of the Alliance—Singh City’s West District encompasses the entire community. A warm and moist Singh River winds through the middle of the community, moisturizing the students. . The entire university has no walls and no school cards. The community is the school, and the school is the community. The two are perfectly integrated. The open schooling pattern, the all-round three-dimensional schooling model, the top faculty of the Pacific Rim University Alliance, and the humanistic atmosphere exuding everywhere make this university, which does not have a long history but has a lofty position, unique vision, and vigor, attracts everyone Major league students come to study. Various colleges, research institutes, laboratories and libraries of various post-modern architectural styles are erected one after another on both sides of the Singh River...

After Jason parked the plane on a cheaper private apron in the suburbs, the three took a taxi to Harlem University. But from the moment they entered the campus, the three of them were found being followed. James turned around and had to come outside Rowling's office building. James dialed Rowling’s phone: "Rowling, I’m James, don’t talk now, I just came back, and now I’m in some trouble, I can’t go directly to the laboratory. Now I need you to do me a favor. Do what you said, I put a bag of things in a metal trash can on the left side of your office building. You put these samples in the office first. Before noon, I will let a student named Carl go to your office. Just leave the bag to him."

"James! My God, I thought you were missing. You haven't contacted you for so long. The principal has gone crazy and asked the school committee to punish you!" Rowling groaned in surprise.

"It's hard to say a word, now is not the time to say more, you can do what I said first, Rowling, please!"

"Well, James, I will do as you said." Rowling hung up the phone and went downstairs to look for the bag James said.

James immediately called Carl, who works in his top biochemical research laboratory in the league, to explain the matter, and then went to a hidden Chinese restaurant for dinner with Robert and Jason...

Speaking of Carl, he is James' favorite and trusted student-a passionate young man from a strong German-Jewish family who has strong connections in both politics and business. Deep eyes and high nose, medium body, white and yellowish skin, and extremely high IQ, have an analytical and judgment ability beyond ordinary people, have a keen awareness of various dangers and can be prepared for the first time. Maybe God is always fair, and this family who has wisdom, wealth, and power also has unknowing difficulties-they are always tortured by a lot of degenerative diseases that are rare in the world. So since Karl’s previous generations, his family has spent huge sums of money to involve male members of the family in research in the fields of biology and medicine—including the hugely sponsored RD with Professor James as the head (the family’s Abbreviation) Biochemical Research Laboratory, hoping to train more world-class scientists or medical scientists to overcome various diseases caused by genetic defects.

After getting the "important stuff" from the teacher, Carl didn't immediately return to the laboratory-he had already noticed that someone was following nearby. He went back to the dormitory first, put the bag in a cello box of a classmate in the dormitory, and asked the classmate to take it to his laboratory after lunch. He spent 100 US dollars—this is his style of behavior, and he has been dealing with money since childhood. They have sensitivity and beliefs beyond their peers. But in his world, money is only a tool used to connect and dominate the material world. In addition to the stepping stones and stepping stones in the common sense, sometimes Carl feels that money is more like a rich and magnificent person. Miao-aged woman imprints a deep kiss on the forehead of a skinny, dying old man, which has the functions of springing back to the earth, ghosts and gods, and indescribable. This is for those who have been soaked in money empire since childhood Carl is more intuitive.

In the afternoon, Qiuyang reached into the RD Biochemical Research Laboratory very lazily, and Karl, who was alone, received the cello box sent by the classmate on time. What Carl saw next were some strange corpse samples. The disgusting smell permeated the entire laboratory, but Carl, who has extremely high scientific literacy, didn't take it seriously, and quickly entered the analysis and laboratory procedures...

At this time, James and the three were sitting in a Chinese restaurant anxiously waiting for the test results. At this time, James, who loves Chinese food the most, also feels that the taste is greatly reduced. Eating Chinese food requires a good mood. Obviously this is not the time. The sun is slanting, and the crowd in the restaurant has gradually dispersed. Except for the James and the three who are still leaning on a relatively elusive corner, not far from the door are two strong men dressed in student costumes but feeling awkward. .

"Or I'll get rid of those two!" Jason noticed the two suspicious men from the beginning.

"Be patient, Jason, this is not an enforcement area, don't be horrified!" Robert discouraged.

James looked at his watch. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon. The anxiety and pressure made him stick out his tongue again...

The phone finally rang, and it was from Karl. James turned sideways with excitement and listened with a high concentration of energy, but the conclusion that Carl gave still surprised James, who was a little hunched! The bag of corpse samples analyzed and tested in the laboratory all contained uranium-235 and cesium-137! Especially the monster corpse that he emphasized that the key test had the highest content!

"Asshole! Damn, I should have guessed it! This is a nuclear mutant!" James hung up the phone and suddenly realized, "Three years ago, I once did a biological genetic mutation project. I studied some mutant organisms, and there were similar analysis tests at that time, and the conclusions reached this time are almost the same! But the final research report was shelved, the project funding was inexplicably withdrawn, and the subject was put on hold. Carl gave me the conclusion in the conclusion. Uranium-235 is said to be one of the main materials for nuclear weapons. As for cesium-137, it is a radioisotope produced by uranium fission, which should be the product of nuclear energy reaction facilities. In natural ore, the three isotopes of uranium co-exist, among which uranium- The content of 235 is very low, only about 0.7%. Only by separating other isotopes and continuously increasing the concentration of uranium 235 can it produce enriched uranium, and its use is determined according to its concentration. From enriched uranium as fuel for nuclear power plants To the enriched uranium used to make nuclear weapons, etc. The abandoned desert factories we see should be factories specializing in illegal uranium enrichment! Look, this is the status quo under the management of our coalition government. Nuclear energy is not a panacea, no matter what Whether the government or the enterprise is addicted to drugs, but the management is so chaotic, the nuclear reactors blooming all over the place, this is completely to quench thirst!" Robert covered James' mouth while looking at the two strange men at the door," James, are you crazy, keep your voice down!"