Blue Dragon

Chapter 20: Colonel Vigo


It is said that James and his colleagues only felt tired after having a luxurious dinner at Carl's home, so they went to sleep on the second floor under the guidance of Hugo. The continuous fatigue of the recent period has made James fall asleep without thinking about it... I don't know how long it has been before, James suddenly felt that someone was slapping him on the back in his sleep. When he was about to open his eyes to see who it was, he was suddenly fainted by a heavy punch. When he woke up again, he found himself sitting in a dimly lit room.

"Professor James, I'm sorry, the colonel only wants to see you alone, so let me bring you." said a strong man in military uniform.

Soon the door opened, and a tall officer came in, a typical Nordic race, with blond hair, blue eyes, fair skin, a tall nose, thin lips, and a beautiful body. Before the man spoke, a few soldiers evaded him.

"Hello, James, I am Vigo, a former subordinate of your father. I am deeply saddened and regretful about the affairs of General Weber. I know you have been to many places these days and know some conditions, but there are still many things. Maybe you are still not sure, I think I know more details, because I am also one of the participants of this project. Of course, you must be very surprised that I found you here today, don’t be angry, I don’t have any more details. Good way, because the people around you are not easy to deal with. I didn't have to take action, but the death of General Weber made me unable to watch from the sidelines! I think I have to do something. Okay, let’s not talk about it. Now, I appreciate your determination and courage. I think you also need my help now. Come on, what do you need me to do?" Vigo said.

"Why should I believe you?" James stared at Vigo.

"This... Okay, look at these things, and you will understand." Vigo handed an envelope in his hand to James, "I have no other meaning, I just want to help you, and it can be regarded as a comfort to General Weber's spirit in the sky. "

James took a closer look and found that it was exactly the same as the manuscript he had received from his father, and it was also sent by Hull. Did Hull send two copies at the same time

"James, I don’t care if you believe me or not, but there’s one thing I think you’ve heard about, that is, your father saved an orphan in a battle in the northern European Union. It’s not someone else, it’s me. Look at this wood Making a cross pendant, I think it was originally yours. Okay, it's useless to say more, you can think about it." Vigo got up and prepared to leave.

James recognized the cross pendant, which was originally a birthday present from his father, but later he bought a new one exactly the same because he gave it to the orphan. "Wait, well, I believe you. But how did you find me?" James asked puzzled.

Vigor paused and replied: "I think you should have known about Gerrard. The "Depopulation Plan" has failed and has been frozen. Oh, don't get me wrong. Fortunately, we have not been assigned to this task, so He did not participate in it. Of course, General Weber was really unfortunate. Gerrard’s troops were hit by a series of unidentified monsters in the execution area and escaped. Later, Shangfeng handed over the aftermath to us, and we started investigating the matter. The real face, including all the traces left by your father and the strange diary. To tell you, we have found a lot of code breaking experts, but they were of no avail. Due to the emergency, we finally handed it in after a photocopy. In your hands, I did not expect that you did not live up to our expectations, and you soon achieved something. In order to help you understand the truth and avoid rushing, our people have been secretly protecting you, if you were not at Robert's house, they would not It’s so easy to escape. Know that there are many people who want to find you. The reason for meeting in this way is that you don’t want your two friends to know. Because we found that one of your friends has had many times with the execution area recently. Contact records somewhere within. I feel you have to be more cautious. Many times the person who betrayed you is by your side."

"You mean Robert and Jason?" James's mind kept flashing with the past actions of the two people, and he couldn't draw conclusions for a while.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that the information you sent yesterday has been intercepted by us. The software has done a good job, but before sending it, the local area network has been'secured' by us. Of course, this is the peak. Meaning, this matter will come to light sooner or later, but now is not the time." Vigo added.

James asked loudly: "What on earth do you want to do?! Now the situation is very serious, don't you know that if you do not take measures, it will affect the entire league and even the entire world!"

"Don't worry about this, we have taken action now, but we still need your help!"

"What? My help? Didn't you just say you want to help me?" James was a little confused.

"Yes, I want to help us to help you. Our purpose is the same. James, we need your technical support. We checked all the top experts and talent pools in the league and found that you are actually an authority in this area. It is really worthwhile for General Weber to train you. You should remember the project you did before that biological mutation caused by nuclear pollution. We discovered a large number of primary raw materials for uranium after conducting the area survey. Now we suspect those unknown giants. The beast is related to nuclear pollution. Shangfeng pays great attention to this, saying that it will build a laboratory for you in the military base, and will use the top biochemical talents in the alliance for your use."

Vigo's words made James feel that the water was deeper than expected, but the strong support of the military made him feel a touch. After all, he and Robert alone cannot solve the nuclear variant problem in the execution zone. of. Regardless of the purpose and consideration of the other party, whether it is justice or injustice, it is better to solve the problem first.

Thinking of this, James said with a mild attitude: "Vigo, I need your help. I want to go to Xiamo City first and find the Hariya girl named Hull. I think you also saw Hull sent it. If the old chief’s statement is true, then instead of aimlessly working behind closed doors in the laboratory, it’s better to understand and seek help from the Hariyas on the spot. After all, they are inextricably linked with the giant beasts. The bell must be tied to the bell person, so that we can improve the efficiency of problem-solving by focusing on the target."

Vigo nodded frequently and said: "We have also taken this into consideration, and are preparing to send someone to bring Hull and the old chief. Wouldn't it be more time-saving?"

James reluctantly shook his head and said: "This is another extreme. Many things still require patience. After all, the old chief is my father's consignment. I think it's better to be polite. Besides, I'll look for it. He, depending on my father's affection, he will still believe me a little bit."

"Well, you have a point. I will report to Shangfeng and arrange for you to go." After Vigo finished speaking, he walked out.

After a while, Vigo came back to find James and said that Shangfeng had agreed with his idea and arranged for him to leave the next day.

In this way, after James stayed at the military base for one night, he was escorted by a special soldier to Mocheng University to search for Hull.

Before getting on the plane, James suddenly turned around and whispered to Vigo: "Vigo, do me a little favor and help me find out who the person is in contact with the enforcement area."

"No problem, it's simple, I'll give you an answer when you come back." Vigo said with confidence.