Blue Dragon

Chapter 21: Mysterious alley


The special soldier who accompanied James was a handsome young corporal named Sim.

On the way to Mocheng, Sim had been staring straight at James, which made James feel very uncomfortable. James began to wonder whether Sim was "curved." James knew that the "bend history" in the army has a long history, which can be traced back to ancient Greece or even earlier. People at that time not only did not despise the "bending" wind, they also praised it very much. It is said that many armies are relying on this kind of emotion to inspire unprecedented morale. The soldiers united sincerely, supported each other, encouraged each other, and worked hard to win the war. Thinking of this, James couldn't help but lament the wonder of biological evolution. From the look in Sim's eyes, James was even more sure of this, and he couldn't help resenting Vigo in his heart for really picking people for him.

Fortunately, it didn't take long. After more than an hour, the plane reached the sky over Mocheng. After setting up the plane, Seam changed into plain clothes and went straight to Mexico City University with James. According to the information provided by Vigo, James very smoothly found Hull who was sitting in a spacious and bright classroom and was giving a history class. "Military efficiency is high!" James couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Today's lecture is about the history of the Westward Movement from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 20th century in the modern history of the United States, one of the major member states of the North American Alliance. When it comes to the massacre of a large number of Indians and the survivors being forcibly driven to a more desolate "reserve", Hull's heart is overwhelmed and filled with righteous indignation. Suddenly he lost control and said: "Is it right now? When did the westward movement stop!" Hull said astonishing. The whole classroom was silent for a moment. Hull suddenly realized that he was aphasia, and quickly covered the book in front of his face. The old professor on the podium paused for a while and then continued to indulge in his history class. At this moment, Hull was called out by James, and Hull, who wanted to escape, was grateful for the timely arrival of the "Savior". Clipping the books, a few small jumps went straight to the door of the classroom.

After going out, Hull realized that the two handsome men in front of him didn't know each other.

"Hello, Hull, this is James, and I teach at Harlem University. This is Sim, an Union soldier." Gentleman James introduced. At the same time, James had to admit that the young girl in front of him had a unique beauty, with long legs, a thin waist, a straight back like a zebra, her skin shining with cyan light, and the word life like a flower is used in She is the most appropriate.

At the same time Hull looked at James in surprise. The image of James changed Hull's impression of the title of professor, and it was not at all the same as the dull, staid and serious professors in the college. In Hull's eyes, the man in front of him looked so young and handsome, so vigorous and full of fun, so gentle and full of vitality, especially the big chiseled nose fascinated Hull. . She had to admit that she liked the professor at first sight.

He was completely attracted by James and forgot to say hello to Sim. Sim stared at Hull desperately at this time, quite nervous, for fear that the handsome guy he had just met was snatched by Hull. Sim has been very fond of James since he got on the plane, he prefers talented handsome guys. Sim belonged to a single-parent family. Since childhood, he and his mother depended on each other. Without masculinity in life, he gradually deviated from the normal track. Since entering puberty, he has an inexplicable feeling towards men. Especially when he hooks up with those good buddies, he finds that he likes the feeling of being hugged by a tall and mighty male classmate. However, the external moral environment and social ethical pressure made the young Sim unable to face himself, especially the look his mother expected. Therefore, Sim focused all his energy on his studies, and eventually entered the Reims Military Academy he dreamed of with excellent grades. After entering the military academy, Sim found that this is a pure man's world, full of sunshine and beauty that attracted him. He likes the feeling of being hugged by his companions after playing basketball. The strong and elastic biceps exudes a charming smell full of male hormones; he likes to sleep with his roommates, and his tall and generous back is full of The scorching body temperature and unlimited energy; he likes to fight side by side with his comrades, and every time of mutual assistance in training makes him feel the gentle side of men, he is fascinated by this, falling for this, and bursting with it. He finally found a "like-minded" good friend Keanu. With Keanu, Sim was completely immersed in this "Garden of Happiness" like a fish in water, and all the assessments were among the best. He had never felt so good. After being insulted by a drunk while at a bar pastime, several people started their hands. As a result, half of the beer bottle shattered on the ground caused the death of his beloved Keanu on the spot. Sim was extremely sad, and since then, he has taken all his sorrows into the training of the week, and was promoted to corporal within a few years, and was recommended to serve as the chief of the special bureau of the alliance. Until now, as Vigo's capable man, Sim's outstanding performance in many difficult tasks has made Vigo highly valued.

Until he met James, Sim seemed to see Keanu again, and he couldn't help being attracted by James. Therefore, in front of Hull and James, Sim was very nervous. He had an unusually keen sense of human psychology, which was also caused by professional habits.

"Sim, right, hello, my name is Hull." Hull reached out his hand to greet him at this moment.

Sim lazily stretched out his hand and held it lightly, then turned his head to look away.

Seeing this situation, James said roundly: "Oh, we are looking for you to..."

"Do you want to see my grandfather?" Hull said whitely.

James was surprised by the girl's cleverness and smiled and said, "Yes, then can you take us to see your grandpa?"

"Yes, but I can only take you there, he can't!" Hull pointed to Sim.

"Hi, girl, I have a name, and my name is Sim!" Sim said with a dull face.

Hull curled his lips, looking disdainful.

James turned his head and looked at Sim, then turned and said, "Yes, I promise I will go with you alone."

"Professor James, I'm afraid this won't work, Commander Vigo has confessed that I will be inseparable from you, and I must be responsible for your safety." Sim said seriously.

"Listen, I don't care how Vigo explained it, but now you are with me, you have to listen to me. Didn't you know what the lovely girl said just now? Let's just do it, I'll let you go On holiday, you can stand by!" James said impatiently.

"No way, Professor, unless you knock me unconscious." Said it was too late, then soon, James punched Sim to faint. "I'm sorry, this'Miss', what you asked me to do." James followed the appearance of Empress Sim.

"Professors also use violence?" Hull looked at James in surprise.

"When necessary," James kept rubbing his hands, "I was runner-up in the free kick competition in college."

Hull became more and more interested in the old handsome guy, and said, "Let's go, Professor."

James followed Hull through several blocks in a row, and soon came to a downtown area.

James asked: "Your grandpa lives here?"

"I'm a little hungry, let's go and eat something first." Hull said ghostly.

James helplessly said: "Well, you have to say what you have to say." In this way, James and Hull came to a nearby Chinese restaurant. It turns out that Hull also likes to eat Chinese food. This brought James closer to the girl and increased his goodwill. James visited China with his father when he was a child, and he liked the food there.

When the two were eating, Hull suddenly asked: "Professor, what do you hate?"


"for example?"

"For example, those decent politicians." James was a little excited.

"Well, don't get excited, Professor, I agree with you!"

James smiled and asked: "What about you, what do you hate most?"

"I hate those self-righteous civilized people! Of course, except you."

"Why do you say that?" James asked.

"Because, those civilized people have been doing uncivilized activities! On the surface, they use development as a name, but in fact they invaded our homes nakedly, leaving us homeless, and letting those of us who came first. The ethnic groups are wandering everywhere, and any reserved land is deceptive. They just want the resources on our land and don’t care about anything else. Look at what they bring: alcohol, drugs, casinos, brothels... They They ruined our lives. They made our men lazy and ignorant. They made us lose our faith, hollowed out and colonized us from politics, economy, and even religion. Yes, the backward ones are becoming more and more backward, This is all thanks to those civilized people. Are their so-called "civilizations" really going in the right direction? I think that sooner or later they will embark on the same "road of blood and tears" as ours! Absolutely, what has not been vented in history just now The resentment took the opportunity to pour out all at once.

James was surprised that these words came from a young Hariya girl. He looked at Hull with admiration, he was silent, and began to look at her carefully: Although the girl in front of him had ancestors from the European Union, as her ethnic group had intermarried with the local indigenous people, it can be seen from her skin color and facial features. Her genes have gradually become indigenous. And now the coalition authorities ruled by the Coalition Party of Tomorrow are pressing on their policies towards indigenous peoples step by step, until the release of the "Depopulation Plan" is even more outrageous. Thinking of this, James felt very uncomfortable. He felt that something must be done for these indigenous people. The development of mankind cannot be at the expense of similar lives. This is the bottom line!

"Professor, I don't hate you, are you angry?" Hull felt that he was a little gagged and apologized.

"It's okay, Hull, I just feel a little bit."

"It's the "Depopulation Plan"!" Hull said.

"How to say, you have read it." James asked.

"Yes." Hull replied calmly. "To be honest, if my grandpa didn't want to see you, I wouldn't take you there."

"Really, the old chief also knows I'm looking for him?"

"Yes, we have the help of the gods, and we can tell the prophet about everything! Haha..." he replied surprisingly.

After eating, Hull took James to a secluded alley not far from the downtown area, and then she took out a small whistle and blew it. After a while, a door opened with a creak at the end of the alley.

"Come on, Professor, you will be surprised." Hull took James by the hand and walked into the door.