Blue Dragon

Chapter 22: Sexy priestess


"You finally woke up, James. Maybe this decoction has a strong effect. It was a custom of our tribe just now, in order create'fresh blood', please don't take it off, hehe." The old man directly called out his name.

"Oh, I understand. Are you the old chief? The one my father mentioned?"

"Yes, I am the current chief of the Hariya clan. You can call me Lucida. Hehe, maybe this is an arrangement from heaven. I can meet your father, General Weber, and he mentioned you to me. I think We must meet up, and some things must be let you know."

"Please tell me, how did my father die?!"

"James, about your father's death, it was very sudden. In the chaos after the attack in the desert, depending on your father's affection, the guard soldier released us to escape. But then we met a man named Jason Officer, your father rescued him, but he avenged his grievances. When your father was not paying attention, he stunned him to the ground. I stepped forward to resist, but was sucked away by a huge air current. Then a huge explosion shocked me. I fainted. When I woke up, I found that my left arm was severely painful, and a large part of it was severed. When I found your father, he was already bloody and dead." Chief Lucida burst into tears. Sad and angry.

"So, Jason killed my father!" James clenched his hands.

"There is also the commander named Gerrard, the missile was sent from him." Chief Lucida said, "James, you are the man we are looking for-the blue dragon knight, that's right. The legend of our people. When we are forced to move south, an alien man from the north will appear. He will save our Hariyas and lead us back to our homeland. Together, all this comes from the blue dragon and ends with the blue dragon."

"How can you be sure that it is me?" James puzzled.

"You have a light blue cross birthmark on your back, which is the symbol of the'Blue Dragon Knight'. It is recorded in the "Uba" of our Hariyas: At that time, our ancestors had a contract with the gods, which is a gift from God. Give us the ability to control the blue dragon-that is, God chooses the crashed among our people and grants him divine power to make him a blue dragon knight. But the condition is that we must guard the blue dragon for generations and never regret it. But in the end, we still Did not do it, did not protect the blue dragon, the nuclear mutant blue dragon is no longer the blue dragon before, and many of our people have died tragically. But the gods have not given up on us, I can meet your father and son It is the will of God.

James looked for a mirror everywhere to see the birthmark pattern on his back. He knew he had a birthmark on his back, but he didn't notice the light blue cross shape. Before he took a closer look, Chief Lucida seemed to think of something and continued: "Oh, yes, there is one more thing I have to tell you. I remember when I met your father, he seemed to have been hit. Poison, often nosebleeds, he said that it was someone who poisoned his meals, and that he was going to die soon. He gave me the manuscript of the notes for safekeeping, so I must give it to you and a man named Vigo People. He also asked me to tell you that there is an organization called "Bender" that may be related to Gerrard, or may be related to the Alliance of Tomorrow. He asked you to fight side by side with us and clean up this gang of alliances. A smoky devil. He also said that the biggest regret in this life is to participate in this extermination plan. He asks you to atone for his sins. We need you, James! Not only for us, but also for your father's last wish!"

"Well, I don't care if I am a knight or not, I think what I intend to do should be able to help you!" James said sternly, "I originally planned to do three things: The first is the "Depopulation Plan" It was announced to the public to put pressure on the coalition authorities to thoroughly investigate the initiators of this plan and related institutions, and give an explanation to the people of the coalition; the second is to control the proliferation of nuclear variant blue dragons and completely eliminate them, to dig out and eliminate nuclear pollution "The root of the problem." James said, "The first one has been temporarily put on hold because of the intervention of the Union Army. Now the most important issue is the second question. How to solve it?"

"James, the priest family in our clan is hereditary. Before the Hariya clan was forced to migrate south, they hosted the annual blue dragon sacrificial ceremony. They are most familiar with blue dragons and should know how to deal with it. I will let Hull take you to meet the current priest, maybe you will have fate." Chief Lucida said deeply.

Under Chief Lucida’s arrangement, Hull led James from one pipe to another, and just like that, he walked around and twisted and unknowingly how many pipes, and finally stopped in one place and exuded a strange fragrance. Of the pipe entrance.

Hull said: "Here is it." He whistled again. Soon, the door opened, and a dark but very sexy and glamorous Hariya woman with colorful feathers on her head came out and looked at James with straight eyes. This woman's eyes were so sharp and powerful that James, who had always been chic and generous, became nervous and heated all over her body.

"This is Adele, the priest of our tribe. This is James, the'Dragon Knight' who is enlightening." Hull introduced.

Adele walked straight in front of James, circled his neck with his arm, and shot a fascinating look. It seems that she likes this white man.

"Adele, my grandfather asked me to come to you. This Professor James wants to know more about the blue dragon. He wants to find a way to deal with the nuclear mutant blue dragon." Hull hurriedly transferred Adele's attention.

But Adele replied slowly after a long time: "Chief Lucida always said that those inexplicable monsters are blue dragons, which made the people panic. I think the old chief is really confused. How can you believe the rumors of the influential wizard?! I think this handsome'knight' is in vain."

"Adele, don't pretend to be a fool. No matter if you can be sure that the wizard's words are true or false now, dare you not follow what my grandfather arranged for you!" Hull said half-jokingly.

"Good, good. I see, Miss Hull's distinguished guests are here today. Who dares to neglect, please let me show you something." Adele teased Hull.

He then shocked Adele lightly, pretending to be angry and said: "It's not hurry, the situation is urgent, how can I make a joke anymore!"

With a smile, Adele turned and walked inward. James and Hull followed and walked in. After passing through a hidden secret door, James came to a room with various animal skulls hanging on the wall. In the center of the room was a huge glass cylinder. Cruising all kinds of peculiar and colorful water creatures. This makes James, a biochemical expert, also amazed.

Then, Adele led them into an unusually cold secret room, which was covered with huge ice cubes, and glassware of various sizes filled the floor. Inside are stored various more bizarre biological specimens, not at all like life forms on earth.

"This is passed down from our ancestors. Many species have long been extinct." Adele said as he walked, and finally stopped in front of a glassware filled with green liquid. "What you want is here."

James took a closer look. It was a very huge wasp-like insect with an unusually strong and sharp sting.

"This is the extinct dragon bee. It was once the nemesis of the dragon race. They will gather and pierce the sharp sting into the blue dragon's body at the same time. The strong blue dragon can't last 60 minutes." Adele said .

"Adele, I think you still have this bee venom." James said.

Adele smiled slightly and was silent. Suddenly walked to James and whispered next to James, "It depends on whether you are the chosen one!" James was overwhelmed by the oppression of Adele's towering twin peaks, and pressed back against the wall. Unable to move. He said helplessly: "Listen... Oh... I don't know what happened. I don't know if God chose me or not, but now that the alliance is in crisis, people need your help to promptly remove those so-called The mutant blue dragon is destroyed..." James wanted to say more, but he was already too speechless by Adele's oppression. I didn't expect this woman to be so powerful. Although James was able to push it away, it was a gentleman's consideration. Adele had to be at the mercy of Adele. Hull was anxious on the side and it didn't help, because Adele's clan status was relatively high, second only to the patriarch, so Hull didn't dare to make any trouble.

After a stalemate for a while, Adele said mysteriously: "It's very simple, just where we held the sacrifice, there is a huge ice cave with the bee venom you want. Is it the chosen person by God? It will be "tested" naturally, and then you will know."

"Well, I don't care about any test, please lead the way." James said without hesitation.

Adele, James, Hull, and Adele’s assistant Dove, a former Union Navy SEAL and an excellent soldier of the Hariya tribe, walked into another mysterious underground pipeline, beside an underground river. He jumped on a kayak and went down the river. I don't know how long I walked, but a ray of light pierced in from a distance.

The four people walked out of the underground pipe, and the dazzling sunlight made James unable to open his eyes.

At this moment, a hand was slapped on James' shoulder. James instinctively grabbed his backhand, but unexpectedly failed. He wanted to fight back but was restrained.