Blue Dragon

Chapter 24: Forbidden area of the Hariyas


It is said that under the guidance of Adele, James advanced along a trail towards the majestic Orao Mountains ahead. Looking at the mountain sprinting to death. James didn't know how far he had traveled. He only knew that he was still a bend after passing countless bends in a haystack of how high a person was. He was still under the grass, and he still couldn't see the end, let alone where he was. James felt that the four of them were like voles, burrowing in the farm grounds, and they would get lost in the boundless dense and huge grass at any time. The sultry heat and humidity in the grass and the constant occurrence of mosquitoes and ants, coupled with the long and endless path, made James, who had always been able to calm down, feel tired and bored. He kept walking in front of Adai in large numbers. Le. I saw Adele's tall and huge hips twisted so firm and confident, and walking so lightly, as if there were signs indicating. And Hull followed Adele closely like a obedient and obedient kitten. Dove is very manly, walking steadily at the end, holding the AK70 that I don’t know where it came from and can be thrown into the junk market with one hand, while watching the surrounding movement vigilantly, as if in the grass. There are ten ambushes. In this way, the four of them didn't know how long they wandered in the grass until it was night before they found a hidden cave at the foot of the mountain.

The four of them went straight inwards. After looking around, James discovered that the cave had been artificially excavated, and a huge organ system was hidden under its original appearance. James was very surprised. Adele saw that James was very interested in this, and he generously introduced: "Before moving south, our tribesmen would regularly hold rituals to worship the Blue Dragon God every year, and this was specially made for the convenience of tribesmen going up and down the cave. A dual-purpose lifting mechanism system made of huge stones. We cut a 45-degree inclined channel from the bottom of the mountain on both sides. The entire mechanism system is a huge triangle. The top of the triangle is the sacrificial field. On the side is a multi-track boulder lifting system. Its power principle is that when the common gravity of the small stone and the elevator plus the human body or cargo is greater than the gravity of the big stone, the elevator will descend, and vice versa. At the same time, various gears are set according to different weights. It’s easy to control the speed of lifting. James is amazed, and Hull seems to be here for the first time and listens with wide eyes. Adele is very familiar with it. After signalling a few people to enter the elevator, he only listened to her. Yelled: "Sit down! Everyone! "I saw Adele suddenly pulling down a rope, and the elevator was instantly lifted up, accelerating at a 45-degree slope. The surrounding rock walls were smooth and clear, accompanied by the sound of heavy and dull iron ropes rubbing against the rock walls. James never sat down. After passing this kind of "elevator", I feel a special flavor.

Not long after, a gleam of light pierced into the inclined tunnel from above, and Adele said: "Everyone is standing firm, we are about to arrive!" It was too late to say that it was too late, I saw Adele pulled hard again, and there was a creak under the elevator. The creaking sound of friction, the fireworks splashing all over, finally stuck firmly in the top groove. James felt more and more the magical wisdom of the Hariyas.

After the four jumped off the lift, they continued to climb to the exit of a cave at a high place. James felt that the colder he went as he went up, and the top exit was blowing cold winds from time to time. James couldn't help tightening his coat tightly. But Adele didn't feel it at all, James secretly sighed for the excellent genes of the Hariyas. When approaching the exit of the cave, James saw a thick layer of snow accumulating on the ground at the entrance of the cave, and the snow was tight outside the cave, and the cold wind mixed with snowflakes blowing into the cave from time to time, making the cold more compelling. James couldn't help tightening his clothes tightly again. Looking through the cotton-like snowflakes, James found a circular square paved with stones in front of him. Six huge stone pillars with strange carvings were erected around the square. A small pyramid-shaped altar stands abruptly not far away, on which stands a huge stone statue of a beast with wings spreading out overlooking the entire square. In front of the stone statue, there are three parallel rectangular stone platforms. Behind the sacred beast stone statue, there are hundreds of huge stone steps leading to a higher cave. The strange thing is that from the square to the stone statues to the high caves, there is no snow at all, as if someone had just cleaned it.

When James was wondering, Adele took out a huge torch from nowhere, lit it, and then knelt up very seriously. Hull and Dove also knelt at the entrance of the cave. James didn't understand what was going on, and he did it with them. Then Adele waved the torch, leading the four people into the wide and empty sacrifice arena. As soon as he entered the altar, James felt a very obvious warmth. When he was surprised, he suddenly heard the cooing sound of water flowing from both sides. James couldn't help but stop and follow the prestige. It turned out that there were two altars on both sides of the square. Out of the stretched canal, it leads to the other end of the festival. What's more peculiar is that the canal emits steam from time to time. James wondered how there could be such a current in such a high altitude and cold place, he couldn't help but be surprised.

"Everyone follow." Adele's instructions oscillated back and forth in the sacrifice arena, overlapping and magnified several times. James, who was just stopping and watching, couldn't help holding his breath and stepping to catch up, quietly following Adele. Behind him slowly boarded the huge pyramid-shaped altar.

After some worship, James discovered that this huge stone statue was very similar to the monster painted by his father. "This is the ancestor of the blue dragon, and it is also the earliest blue dragon portrait recorded in our "Uba". We use it as the totem of the tribe." Adele explained.

After hearing this, James nodded, and he felt more and more that the old chief Lucida's speculation was correct.

"The above is the forbidden area of our Hariyas, and most people can only stop here." Adele walked up religiously after speaking, making strange movements as he walked. The three of James stood still, not daring to make any trouble. Seeing that the three of them did not follow, Adele turned around and said again: "In special circumstances, there are not so many rules. Let's go. The place we are looking for is still up."

The four walked up the stairs. James found that the canals on both sides merged into one body behind the stone statue, along the center of the stone steps, leading to the high cave. The great curiosity made James couldn't help speeding up his pace and first came to the highest cave.

James discovered that the opening of this strange cave is not big, but the magic is that along the narrow gap at the opening of the cave, there are steaming streams quietly flowing into the channel in the center of the stone steps. The three followed Adele cautiously into the cave, and soon discovered that the cave was in the shape of an inverted funnel extending inward, and the more space it went inside, the larger the space. And not far from the entrance of the cave was a vast black lake inside the cave. The heat from the lake was wafting in, and near the outside of the lake, there were some pale blue skins that resembled animals shed. James was puzzled: There is even such a big lake in the cave at this altitude. Where does the heat come from

"It's weird, James." Adele said, "This is our clan's forbidden place-the resting place of blue dragons. The dead blue dragons are buried here. But today I will tell you a big secret. For so many years, the chiefs and priests have also known the truth. The blue dragon has not been extinct. The place where we are going next is the place where the dragon eggs are stored. There are still blue dragons alive!

Adele's words stunned James and the other three. Even the granddaughter of the old chief, Hull, asked incomprehensibly: "How is this possible? I heard from the tribe that the blue dragon has been extinct for a long time. Is this a corner forgotten by time?"

"Please follow me." Adele had already taken off his coat as he spoke, revealing a vigorous and sexy figure. A pair of huge **** appeared in front of James' eyes, especially a pair of dark and long ****. It seemed that the undeveloped lower body of the little boy made James a little dizzy. Hershang, who had been baptized by civilization, was a bit shy, and simply took off his coat and kept the underwear, but the lines were still beautiful, convex and concave. Dove also took off like a "Terminator" in underwear, revealing strong, sexy and clear-textured muscles.

When it was said that it was too late, the Adele three jumped and disappeared into the black lake. James also couldn't help thinking, and hurriedly took off his jacket, took a deep breath and followed behind him.