Blue Dragon

Chapter 26: The mysterious Murutu


In the water, there was a dark piece of water, and only the large waves of water left by the Adele and the three people in front hit it head-on, accompanied by the sound of a "rushing" rapid stroke of the water. I don't know how long, James actually felt a little physically tight. This was the first physical emergency for James in his life. After all, I’ve just been in the bushes for so long, and after borrowing seeds in the dungeon, I haven’t been able to get energy replenishment. The athletes of the past are now a little weak.

However, the speed and strength of the Adele trio were undiminished, and James had to admire the excellent genes and human body of the Hariyas. Just when James was about to exhaustion, the Adele three had already climbed on the other side. James exhausted the energy of breastfeeding, used the last bit of potential, and finally gritted his teeth and insisted on swimming.

On the shore, Adele lit the torch again and handed it to James. "There is still some way to go, it is best to click this, otherwise the "fire dragon kiss" from hell will melt you at any time. Adele walked straight forward, James and the others followed. At first it was dark. Sometimes bats passed by. When turning the second turn, James suddenly felt unprecedented heat. The narrow cliff path was an abyss, and the abyss spouted extremely hot gas from time to time. James concluded that this was a dormant one. Volcano. The four of them cautiously moved forward slowly, clinging to the stone wall, and the hot air whizzing past from time to time, making people feel the enthusiasm of the "Hellfire Dragon". At the third turning point, Adele stopped and turned around Said to James seriously: "Next, please don't make any random noises anymore. Please do everything as I say. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk. "James and the others are more cautious.

Turning this turn, the four of them came to a relatively wide flat ground. There were some unknown purple plants growing on the ground, which were short but very luxuriant. Just a few steps, there is another hole in front of me. James lamented that there was a hole in the hole. Adele put the torch into the ground, pushed aside a few vine-like plants at the opening of the hole, walked in gently, and stretched out his hand to signal to be quieter. James and the others slowly followed. Not long after entering the cave, they found a ray of light protruding from the cave. After walking a few steps, it suddenly brightened and reached a cliff. At this moment, a bright blue flying dragon whizzed past, shocked that James and the others were lying on the ground but did not dare to make a sound.

"Welcome to'Murutu'!" Adele said softly. When James stood up, a huge underground world appeared in front of James and the others. What a magnificent landscape—the sky was shining from all around, and to be precise, the holes in the surrounding cliffs entered directly above them. The sky lights at the entrance of the cave converge and emit light like the sun. Clouds and mists are permeated under the cliff, and hills and gullies are vaguely seen everywhere, the vegetation is huge and dense, and there are flying birds in the sky from time to time.

"Come on, follow me from here. Our goal is the big tree that shades the sky and the sun. Don't make too much noise. The blue dragon has a very sensitive hearing." Adele followed the cliff on the side of the cliff. Said as the narrow path slowly moved.

Moving over the trail, the next road really caused James a headache. It was a vine rope with only two thumbs thick, connecting from one end of the cliff to a cliff not far from the other side. I don't know when it was done. It looked very old and easily broken.

Adele saw James’ thoughts and said, “Don’t underestimate it. At this time, our ancestors made the transportation channel with the help of the blue dragon. They are very resilient. It’s not a problem to draw ten people. Come on. , I will help you tie up, a group of two. Hull and Sim, me and the hero." Hull looked at James and gave out encouraging eyes. James nodded knowingly.

Seeing Hull had reached the cliff on the opposite side, when it was James' turn, James couldn't help sweating his palms, and said to Adele like a child: "Adele, I...I'm afraid of heights, to be precise. I have a fear of heights..."

"Hehehe, the hero shouldn't be like this, it seems that I have to call you the big boy in the future?" Adele laughed, "Well, listen to me, this is really safe, hehe, it's okay, there is me. ."

In this way, Adele tied James tightly to himself, the two huge and elastic meat eggs on his chest once again pressed tightly against James's back, and then only listened to Adele shouting loudly: " Okay, big boy, everything is ready! Let’s go!” The two roared away like a cannonball. James didn’t dare to open his eyes. He knew that when he was lowered down, the wind speed was enough to make him feel this movement. Extremely stimulating. "James, I think you should open your eyes and see how beautiful the scenery is here!" Adele said.

"I don't want to faint, you'd better be your helmsman! Get to the destination!" James gritted his teeth and held on, but his fear of heights made him involuntarily hug Adele, which made Adele very Useful. Among the Hariyas, few men need the protection of women so much, but at this special moment, Adele has clearly become James' guardian god and "flower" messenger!

A few minutes later, when James' feet touched the rock wall again, he deeply felt the warmth and safety from Mother Earth. At this moment Adele said suddenly: "Well, may I ask what time is the next train?" James and the others did not know what to do, staring at her blankly. "Hehe, I made a joke. Next, we are going to ride the roller coaster that our ancestors have dug." Adele conjured a few people to a hidden cave tunnel, where several connected into one were parked unexpectedly. The wooden box of skewers has two wheels under the box, but it is impossible to see where the head and the tail are. The ground of the tunnel is artificially excavated stone track, which stretches into the distance. "Everyone, please get in the car, don't forget to fasten your seat belts!" Adele sat in the last box, and the other three staggered into the box and quickly tied the rope in the box to himself. . After asking about the weight of several people, Adele changed the rope at the tail of the roller coaster to a new hook, and the car started to move, fast, faster and faster! James's hearts were hanging in their throats. The tunnels are sometimes pitch black, sometimes we see some mottled lights, sometimes there are trickling streams, sometimes there are gusts of wind. The most thrilling part is a very narrow stone track touching the surface of a huge cylindrical bottomless abyss. It is incredible how such a stone track is cut out. The roller coaster finally stopped slowly after going through countless "s" shapes. Just when James was eager to get off the train, Adele said: "Wait, don’t rush to get off the train, if you still want to take this train. Hull, you put the rope in front of the car with the one on the ground. The hook at the vertical line mark is connected." Hull quickly got it done, and Adele signaled to get off the car. It turns out that this is the same principle as that of the elevator at the entrance, which James secretly praised.