Blue Dragon

Chapter 3: Shocking Secret (2)


Just then, the doorbell rang, it was Rowling.

James quickly wiped away his tears, put his father's belongings in the closet and hid them.

"Hi, James, this is a good bottle of red wine I brought back to the EU meeting last time-"Romantic Red", I want to share it with you." Rowling picked up the red wine and shook it.

James smiled reluctantly and said, "Sorry, Rowling, I... I'm in a bad mood now, next time..."

Rowling looked at James in surprise and said softly: "James, what happened, can you tell me?"

"Sorry, let me be alone. Goodbye." James said and closed the door gently.

Rowling really had a closed door. She could see that James was sad and walked away wittily, but was very disappointed, because she liked this man who was knowledgeable, handsome and had melancholy eyes.

Rowling had to return to her residence alone, reluctantly opened the bottle of "Romantic Red", and drank the boring wine alone.

After attending his father's funeral, James, besides going to class, went home and closed the door to study patterns and figures. Rowling had come to him several times but was rejected. Rowling was worried, but helpless.

Just like that, a week passed.

It was another weekend afternoon, James drank some wine, lay on the sofa, staring at the pattern and numbers, and chanting in his heart: "Numbers? Symbols?... Numbers? Symbols?... Rowling! Yes, Isn’t Rowling an expert in symbols!" James didn’t think much about it. He immediately dialed Rowling’s number and said apologetically: “Rowling, I’m James, I’m really sorry last time. I need you now Help, can you come to my house?" Rowling said: "Well, James, I can go there, but you have to make up for me." This call made Rowling extremely happy.

A burgundy Porsche quickly stopped at the door of James' apartment. Rowling, who was light and slender, appeared in a white casual skirt and floated quickly towards James' apartment.

"What happened, James?" Rowling asked worriedly.

"Come in, Rowling, it's great that you can come!" James suddenly felt a touch of warmth when he saw Rowling. "Just put it straight, the military gave me my father's relics and told me that he was here. He died unexpectedly a few days ago."

Rowling hugged James and said sympathetically: "Don't be too sad, James, just say what I can do." James said, "Rowling, I need your help now. It's about my father's relic. "After James finished speaking, he took Rowling to the side of the coffee table in the living room. On the coffee table are the relics of General Weber.

"What, your father's relic, need my help?" Rowling said in confusion. James pointed to a diary on the coffee table and said: "Yes, you see, I found strange patterns and numbers in a diary of my father: 5, 2; 8, 7; 6, 12; 54, 4; 101, 10; 112, 20. He is a very rigorous person. This pattern and these numbers must be intended to convey some secret message. You are a symbolic expert, and I want you to help me decipher it."

Rowling nodded, and muttered: "5, 2; 8, 7; 6, 12; 54, 4; 101, 10; 112, 20." Rowling knew that this was James' first time begging for himself. Can't let James down. Rowling thought about it and analyzed it professionally: "James, your father knows that these relics will be handed over to you. The keys for these digital ciphers he wrote may be in your home. The popular point is these numbers. The meaning has to be found in some things familiar to you and him. Think about some of the details of your life with your father and find out the key."

James tried hard to recall and searched. But until the afterglow of the last sunset disappeared, there was still no result. James suppressed the sadness and anxiety in his heart.

"James, let's take a break, it's already night, let me help you make something to eat, what do you have in your kitchen?" Rowling asked.

"Thank you, Rowling, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Please, James, I'm really worried about how you are today. Let me do something for you!"

"Well, maybe there are some eggs or ham in the refrigerator." James said, he is not good to refuse Rowling's kindness.

Rowling was very excited to start the operation in the kitchen. James felt exhausted like never before. He went to the living room and lay down heavily on the sofa. After a while, James saw his young father sitting next to him in a trance, reading "The Grimm's Fairy Tales" for him, while he was still a child. James saw his father's excitement and wanted to hug him tightly. But with a pop, "Ah", James fell heavily on the floor of the living room, which turned out to be a dream. James couldn't help but sorrow from it, and he shed tears.

At this moment, Rowling ran out with the prepared sandwiches and hurriedly asked: "What happened, James, I just seemed to hear you yelling." As he asked, he put the sandwiches on the coffee table.

"Thank you, Rowling. I just had a weird dream." James took the plate and said, "I dreamed that when I was a child, my father was reading me "The Grimm's Fairy Tales"." James said, stood up and got up from the bookcase. I took down the "Fairy Tales of Grimm", which I had collected for many years, and turned it over. It was a birthday present given to him by his father when he was 10 years old.

"Strange, who is drawing so many horizontal lines on the book, it's damn!" James scolded angrily.

"What, horizontal line?! Rowling said suddenly excited, grabbing the book and turning it over. After a while, Rowling's eyes lit up and she shouted: "James, we found it! ! ! "

"What, I don't understand." James asked confusedly.

"James, look, 5, 2; 8, 7; 6, 12; 54, 4; 101, 10; 112, 20. If you think of the first number as the number of pages, then the second number is not your father Is the number of lines underlined? We can read the numbers together. Come on, let's see what your father wants to tell you."

"Depopulation plan." Rowling read word by word. "Population reduction plan?!" James asked shudderingly, "Is my father related to this plan? A few years ago, he said there was a secret mission to be carried out, but since then there has been no contact, but now I can't meet again!" Doubts and contradictions Impacted James' heart.

"Rowling, thank you. Before I figure out the truth, I hope you keep this secret. No one can trust me now, only you." James said expectantly.

"James, don't worry, I promise not to talk nonsense. Of course, if I can help, maybe it's better." Rowling replied. She is very thankful that James can trust her so much.

"It's okay, Rowling, I'll find you if I need it. Now I'm going out for a while, I'll contact you if I have something." James said.

After James sent Rowling away, he began to pack up. He thought for a long time, and was going to find Robert, a comrade of arms of his father living in Reynolds City, who would send New Year cards to his father every year, and he would send them to his father every time. James also complained to his father about this matter. But now James sees these postcards as life-saving straws. James wants to find him as soon as possible, maybe he will be rewarded.