Blue Dragon

Chapter 32: Moonlight laboratory


After James returned to the base, he found that Vigo had already prepared a huge laboratory called "Moonlight" for him, and selected a group of biochemical experts from the military's S-level talent pool as his laboratory assistants.

According to the established plan, under the leadership of James, this top biochemical team called "Moonlight" began to fully operate, and tested the biochemical decomposition and serum reaction of the bee venom brought by James.

After fighting for six days and six nights, after analyzing and testing a series of biological samples, it was confirmed that the bee venom brought by James showed strong toxins in the human corpse samples killed by the mutant blue dragon in the execution area. The decomposition effect is a natural antidote!

But what James never thought was that this "natural antidote" was so difficult to synthesize and replicate artificially, and mass production was even more out of reach. And to deal with such a large number of mutant blue dragons, these natural bee venoms are obviously a drop in the bucket. Besides, Mulutu is so far away that it can't quench the near thirst, and Mulutu's matter can't be known to anyone.

After countless experiments, the bee venom synthesized by James’ team still has little effect. The toxin decomposition ability of the mutant blue dragon is not the same as the natural bee venom. This makes James puzzled by the composition, element, and molecular formula. They are all exactly the same, why can't they effectively decompose toxins? James and his "Moonlight" team were helpless, and the experiment entered a desperate bottleneck period.

In the following week, James was restless in sleep and food, his temper became more and more irritable, and even overturned the dinner the assistant gave him, contaminating the serum samples that were being tested. James, who has always been polite and gentlemanly demeanor, never controlled his emotions again this time. He uttered a violent temper to the well-intentioned assistant and made the members of the "Moonlight" team present sigh. James' image and prestige were greatly reduced in front of everyone. Some people even began to doubt the choice of the high-level military, and for a while, rumors filled the entire "Moonlight" laboratory.

God often likes to make jokes, the Matthew effect is once again exerting that ghostly magic power, and as time goes by, the role of this magic power becomes more and more powerful. James almost fell into a lonely situation, and the laboratory was completely silent. If it weren't for strict military discipline, some elites had plans to withdraw.

After Vigo, who had been busy with military training, learned of this situation, he quickly found James.

"James? Are you in it, I'm Vigo, I think we need to have a good talk." Vigo rushed to the laboratory to realize that James had confined himself, and he hadn't been out of the room for two days.

But James in the room did not respond at all. And Vigo also understands that it is best to let James be quiet at this time, as many things need time and process to resolve. After instructing his subordinates to always pay attention to the situation in the room, Vigo strolled down the aisle outside the military building. As the setting sun went down, the afterglow fell on the almost completely yellowed turf. The golden piece was really beautiful. But Vigo fell into another thought: should he report or not report the current situation? If the report is reported, the senior management will definitely intervene in this matter. For James' current situation, good or bad is uncertain; if it is not reported, the time limit required by the big boss is not long. It is related to the high-level layout and he cannot bear such a heavy responsibility. Vigo was already aware of the seriousness and urgency of the problem at this time, thinking of this, he was even more entangled.

After a night of tossing and turning, Vigo decided to suppress the matter for the time being and not report it to the top military officials. As a professional soldier, a soldier who has shuttled through the bullets many times, Vigo has understood that the most important word is "persistence" for so many years. He still has faith in James.

But the rest of the day was not calm. Soon, the absence of James will make the "Moonlight" team suddenly fall into a state of no leader. Some members are worried, some are insensitive, some are indifferent, and some even sneer. All this made the temporarily formed team soon fell apart before it formed core cohesion.

In the end, on the fifth morning, Vigo, who still didn't see James, had to take someone to break in. Going in, everyone found James sitting on the floor alone, almost sluggish, full of various materials and test data sheets in front of him.

After seeing Vigo bring someone in, James said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Vigo, I didn't complete this experiment. I'm sad. I failed my father and the old chief. I'm so ashamed..." James finished. Lying on the ground, he has reached the limit of the human body.

Upon seeing this, Vigo ordered James to be carried to the emergency room...

An hour later, Vigo, who was waiting outside the emergency room, saw the doctor and nurse walking out.

"I can't believe it. After our inspection, Professor James's body is not in any serious condition. It is just a little dehydrated. His stomach has only slightly shrunk. However, the cells in his body are still very active and the vital functions are very good. , This is unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary people." After learning that James was okay, Vigo finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I have asked the nurse to give him an injection of stabilizer. In any case, he should get a good night's sleep. Presumably Professor James should have fallen asleep at this time." The doctor continued, "Also, by the way, you guys Professor James’s red blood cells are very strange."

"Weird blood type?" Vigo asked puzzled.

"Yes, to be precise, the color of blood is very strange, and some are bluish. We must know that we have also found similar situations at an altitude of 6000 meters, but what is the reason has not been studied in depth. Maybe it is the plateau. The region is cold and hypoxic, caused by excessive hemoglobin, maybe it is caused by lack of iron or excessive copper. Who knows, but there has never been a similar situation in the plains. Professor James is the first case. But you Don't worry, from the current situation, Professor James is in good condition and there is no problem."

"Thank you, doctor." Vigo didn't think much, as long as James was okay.

Vigo went in and looked at James who was asleep, sighed in relief, turned and walked out.

At night, James suddenly felt a wave of heat behind him, as if a huge force was about to hold him up. In a trance, he suddenly heard someone calling him, "James, my son, what's the matter with you? Cheer up! Also! Remember how I taught you? Close your eyes, take all the touches back into your heart, feel with your heart, and you will find what you want..." James suddenly opened his eyes, "It's mom, mom! You still Alive, where are you? Mom!" James yelled from the room, alarming the nurse outside.

"Mr. James, do you need to call the doctor to come over?" the nurse asked, looking at James in horror.

"It's okay, I'm fine, sorry to disturb you." James then realized that he had a dream just now.

After the nurse left, James, who was lying on the bed again, closed his eyes according to his mother's statement, and took all the spiritual consciousness back into his heart... Some pictures flashed in his mind like a movie: Blue Dragon Valley The cliffs, tree vines, skylights, stone caves, and those unknown giant flowers and trees, all the way to the creek in front of the research base, the grape trellis, the base building, the magnetic gate ceremony... and so on. Suddenly, James smelled the scent of grapes. This scent is so familiar. Where have I smelled it recently? Where... Yes, it's bee venom! It was the grape-flavored bee venom that Adele had smelled when he first introduced him to natural bee venom! The dragon bee should be eating the grape pollen on the large grape rack in front of the base research institute. I'm so stupid! I almost ignored it! "

James suddenly opened his eyes, rushed out wearing a medical suit, and went straight to the "Moonlight" laboratory.

Although the laboratory was still brightly lit at this time, it was already empty, without the busy and orderly crowd before.

James pressed his finger to touch the code lock, opened the door and entered, then he found that there was another person at the desk calculating what.

"Roy? Why didn't you go back to rest, it's so late." James was surprised. The Roy in front of him was the assistant who gave him dinner that day and was severely scolded by him.

Roy was surprised to see Professor James suddenly appearing in front of him. He slowly got up and stood aside and said: "Professor, I found some new situations, so I have been paying attention to this. Look at this." Roy said with his fingers. Looking at a vessel on the laboratory bench, "This vessel contains the serum that was contaminated by the wine you knocked over that night, do you remember? Professor."

James nodded, his eyes focused on the serum in this vessel for an instant, and that plate of serum had already shown obvious agglomerates.

"When I was packing up this vessel that night, I found something strange. The color of the wine was gradually disappearing, as if they were responding. I wanted to tell you this, but who knew you shut yourself up, and I also I'm not sure, so I have been observing until now, and want to report back to you after there are obvious test results." Roy narrated seriously.

"It should be correct, it may be the role of wine, it acts as a good catalyst. Roy, hurry up, get a bottle of wine! Just now!" James ordered excitedly.

"Okay, Professor." Roy ran out quickly.

The night is getting deeper and deeper. The lights of the "Moonlight" laboratory are still transparent.

"Success! Success!" Roy shouted tremblingly, "The toxin of the mutant blue dragon can finally be decomposed by our synthetic bee venom!"

"Roy, it seems that we are right. The grape pollen produced by certain enzymes in the dragon bee has the same effect as wine, and the artificially synthesized bee venom lacks this intermediary substance. "James said with certainty, "Now, Roy, what we have to do is to add different doses of wine to different concentrations of synthetic bee venom serum samples to find the fastest response and the most thorough and smallest response. Unit dose ratio." James said.

Roy worked his way well, and James watched carefully...

Early the next morning, Vigo went to visit James again and found that the ward was empty, and asked the nurses and didn't know where to go.

At this moment, Vigo's phone rang, and James's excited voice came from inside: "That's it! Vigo, we succeeded! The synthesized bee venom succeeded!"

"Congratulations, James, there is no unparalleled road. I have faith in you. I knew everything would turn around. God bless you." Vigo was overjoyed.

Next, what the "Moonlight" laboratory has to do is the "from antidote to poison" experiment. A few days later, James finally obtained a minimum toxicity limit of 1 ml per kilogram in the biological samples of multiple mutant blue dragons collected before. A value greater than or equal to this value is a poison. The corresponding weight corresponds to the corresponding dose. The giant mutant blue dragon has to use a super concentrated model, which is a super poison.

In the laboratory, everyone was very excited and all stood up to applaud and congratulate Professor James.

Soon, the military factory began to produce "human antidote" and "blue dragon poison" on a large scale in accordance with the James team's formula. Everything went smoothly, which gradually changed James' impression of the young officer.

Until one day, James received a call from Vigo and asked him to go to the office to talk.