Blue Dragon

Chapter 33: Invitation of the Civil Social Party


James soon came to Vigo's office.

Vigo asked James to sit down and brought him a cup of coffee and said, "James, you did a very good job. Shangfeng appreciates you very much. If possible, if the big boss wants me to invite me to formally invite you to join us!"


"Yes, Civil Social Party. I think you should know something. I don’t want to hide it from you. Yes, I do want to avenge General Weber, but you also know that destroying the mutant blue dragon is not a simple matter. This animal has The wisdom similar to primates is very difficult. It is impossible for us to accomplish this task alone. We need to use the ultimate violent machine-the national army! But the use of the army must be approved by the Union Council. You and I do not You may be eligible to apply for this matter. You know, your problem now happens to be the problem of the entire coalition, and it is also the most troublesome problem of the Coalition and the most concerned problem of the Citizen Socialist Party. The reason for saying this is because this crisis will It is our most powerful blow to defeat the Alliance Party of Tomorrow. You have to know that there is not much time until the Alliance presidential election. We must release all the information at the last minute to let the people know the evil plan and the truth of the whole incident. Then, We will settle things in one fell swoop. This will be a real and great feat. Unlike some political parties who only know how to do superficial articles, we are really doing it this time! People in the coalition will see it at that time. Thanks to our hard work, the boss believes that the Alliance Party of Tomorrow will be removed from office in the upcoming presidential election.

"I know there is no free lunch. To be honest, I have a pretty good impression of you, at least better than the average politicians who show up on TV every day. However, Vigo, as an Alliance soldier, is not There should be political inclination, but you are now reduced to a political pawn. It’s really sad. Putting aside the president of the alliance, I’d like to ask you, you and your boss are really so sure about turning into the blue dragon. Settle it? Do you know the severity and difficulty of the matter?" James said in an unusually calm manner.

"James, I can't help it. Do you think I like to be involved in these political games? As I said just now, we don't have enough resources and strength to do these things. We can only borrow from the power! You know that the Alliance of Tomorrow is doing it. Do you know what the Bend organization does? Do you know the source of the "Human Reduction Project"? By the way, you have been busy experimenting and didn't dare to disturb you. Come on, Professor, I will show you Alone, you will definitely be interested." After Vigo finished speaking, he took James to a dark room.

After the guards opened the door, Jason was sitting behind the iron bars!

"This person is the companion I told you to keep in touch with the outside world. Do you know who he is in contact with? I'll listen to this for you." Vigo asked someone to play a cellphone monitoring recording on the spot. :

"How did the big boss's account go?"

"Don't worry, sir. I have gained the trust of that kid. He already believes that his father died in an accident and trusts me very much. Everything will go according to your plan."

"Don't be proud of it too early. The monsters in the execution area have taught us enough lessons. Many things are not as good as the sky. These damn monsters have seriously interfered with our production. We must know the source of these monsters as soon as possible and find and eliminate them. Their way."

"No problem, sir. James has collected many samples of mutant blue dragons and some dead bodies. I believe he will find a way to deal with blue dragons soon. Don't worry, sir."

"The big boss recently caused several factories to stop production due to this monster, and lost more than one billion yuan. If you drag on like this, you and I will be finished! You must always pay attention to James' research progress, get it the first time, and then get it on the spot. Get rid of James, he knows too much like his father, and he fights against me every time, he is more than guilty!"

The call hangs up.

"I think you already know who this chief is. Jason has been in contact with Gerrard many times these days, but the strange thing is that Gerrard's signal is executed on the so-called number 4 not far from Mocheng. In the district. If I remember correctly, this district is an area almost wiped out by their troops, how could he stay there?"

"Performance area 4?! Didn't Gerrard leave there?" James said in anger and astonishment. Then he stretched out his hand to pull Jason up to the iron railing, who was dying, and said: "Jason, the old chief is right. You betrayed my father, you and Gerald. Killed my father! You should go to hell! Sooner or later you will be finished! You demons!"

"James, calm down. Okay, let's go back. Jason has already hired." Vigo dragged James back to the office and continued the conversation.

"Listen to me, Jason and Gerrard are just front-runners. The real big fish is an organization called Bender, and the chaebol behind the scenes is Mingmei Energy. This company is not well-known and has very strong strength. And this group is the largest. The shareholder is a Japanese named Heicang."

"Black warehouse?! I have seen this man, Jason took me to borrow a helicopter with that man, and he drove the Abraham Casino."

"Yes, that gambling city is a machine for his money laundering. His real money-making machine is the nuclear plant located in the five execution zones!"

"You mean, the nuclear plants in the execution area were opened by black warehouses? How can you say that the "Depopulation Plan" is also related to this? It is to cover people's eyes and prevent the exposure of illegal nuclear plants? And Gerrard is the running dog of this plan. ?"

"Really a professor! You are right. This "Depopulation Project" is actually a secret plan launched by the Alliance Party of Tomorrow to repay the political contributions of the black warehouse. This plan is illegal and has not been obtained by the Alliance Parliament. Approved. They concealed the truth and used a lot of money to clear the relationship between the military and mobilize a small number of troops plus their own mercenaries to implement this plan. And your father is one of the victims of this plan. Regarding the mutant blue dragon, the Alliance of Tomorrow The party and the Bender organization wanted to covertly solve this problem, so they started assassinating all the insiders everywhere, including you, Nulu and Robert. It is estimated that you must have encountered an attack in the process of searching for clues to the death of General Weber. When you took the initiative to find Jason, things changed. They wanted to use you to develop a potion to deal with the blue dragon and then kill you. That's why you met with Heicang and his generous funding. Haha These are all under our surveillance. To use an old Chinese saying, this is the mantis hunting the cicada, and the oriole is behind. In addition, according to the news from insiders, the mutant blue dragon’s lethality is beyond their imagination. The mercenaries have suffered heavy losses. Now half of their illegal nuclear plants in the execution area have been suspended due to the harassment of the mutant blue dragon. At the same time, these mutant blue dragons are showing signs of spreading to the surrounding cities. If they cannot be solved locally, once they spread, the consequences will be It’s unthinkable. Because of this, the "big boss" decided to take action in advance. In order not to provoke an alarm, we didn’t do anything until you and Jason and others came back. In addition, the news that you let your friends spread on the Internet was blocked by us, because The "big boss" thought that it was too early at that time, and it would not be too late to wait for things to be clear, and now I think we should act."

When James heard this, it suddenly dawned on him. Then I felt a kind of horror and helplessness. The frightening thing is that the modern state machinery has almost controlled all information. As ordinary people, it is impossible to resist at all, or powerless to resist; what is helpless is that he has become a pawn in the power field of the two major parties in the alliance, and now that the matter has come This step is no longer a choice. It is no longer a personal affair to avenge his father, but as the incident continues to escalate, his influence and destructive power have been forced to push him to the righteous level involving the safety of the alliance.

Vigo saw what James was thinking and said: "The Civil Socialist Party is a party with lofty ambitions. It is full of people, and its members include elites in politics, economics, religion, the military and other industries..."

"Okay, stop talking, I'm not interested in these. What I care about now is what you do to Robert, Carl and Rowling?" James suddenly asked.

"Don't worry, we are a regular army. In a sense, we are both monitoring and protecting your friends." Vigo said, "Next we will submit a proposal to the Union Parliament to eliminate the mutant blue dragon. ."

"Wait, although I don't like politics, I still suggest that you submit another bill on the elimination of illegal nuclear plants and nuclear installations. If this problem is not resolved now, more terrible things similar to the mutant blue dragon will happen in the future. . Look at the current status of the earth’s ecology. With the rapid development of human productivity, the blind worship of science and technology has made humans arrogant to the extreme, thinking that they can conquer nature and the earth. Various interest groups have unlimited benefits for short-term interests. The exploitation and consumption of various energy sources eventually led to the repeated outbreaks of energy crises. The pursuit of benefits is always the nature of capital, bureaucrats are embarrassed with it, and criminals take advantage of it. Under the repeated stimulation of the energy crisis, all kinds of The economy began to purchase nuclear power facilities privately like poisonous thirst, and a huge underground nuclear power black market emerged. And the coalition government seems to have turned a blind eye to letting an illegal "human reduction plan" unfold under its nose. It is ridiculous and sad. If your party can be here. Do some good things in this regard, and I think the people will support you."

"I will convey your meaning to the big boss. I hope to cooperate happily, for your father and for the Civil Social Party." Vigo said solemnly.

"One more thing, this creature called the blue dragon has extraordinary wisdom. These mutant blue dragons are not so easy to destroy. Let your "big boss" not be blindly optimistic, otherwise the situation will expand and the entire alliance may be endangered! Don't! Forget they can fly!" James said, making a flying motion, and then left the room.