Blue Dragon

Chapter 36: First battle variant


James nervously shuttled through Vigo's barracks. I saw that the barracks were extremely cold, and there was no such thing as a weaving of people on weekdays. James knew that Vigo had already set off for the execution area, and an unusually tragic battle might be going on at this time. James is very worried, because the radionuclear mutation evolves very fast, he is not sure how long the medicine developed now will last, and he doesn't know how fast the mutant blue dragon will evolve.

Speaking of the Union Special Forces Five Great Forces all the way south, not long after starting the carpet search from the No. 1 execution area, they occasionally encountered the baby mutant blue dragon in the canyon area. Fortunately, with the help of the Moon God Warriors, the infant mutant blue dragons fled into the ground within a few rounds. The morale of the soldiers rose. But soon they knew that it was just a warm-up, and the strong opponent hadn't played yet.

The first to encounter a strong opponent is the fourth team. In a low-lying mountainous area, long, narrow and muddy, there are unfathomable swamps full of tall weeds. The soldiers moved forward with deep and shallow feet. The armored vehicles bumped up and down and moved slowly. Only combat helicopters patrolled the sky. The whole team twisted like a giant earthworm in the muddy swamp. Just as the soldiers continued to complain, piles of "rotten wood" popped up in the swamp and attacked the team. When the soldiers were surprised, the "rotten wood" had revealed its true form. It turned out to be 9 mutant blue dragons that already had embryonic wings. The soldiers suddenly started shooting frantically. Unexpectedly, even if the bee venom bullets fired by the AK90 hit the rough skin and thick flesh of the 9 mutant blue dragons, they couldn't penetrate at all, and there were only minor scratches. Nine mutant blue dragons opened their mouths in their blood basins, waving their tails like sharp swords frantically. Several soldiers were caught off guard. The radiation shield and body were immediately cut into flesh and blood by the blade-like tail of the mutant blue dragon. The formation of soldiers was suddenly broken into two pieces from the middle. Within a few seconds, dozens of soldiers had suffered misfortune and died on the spot. Ten seconds later, three Luna Warriors rushed to the scene to fight the mutant blue dragon. After using the moonlight gun to fire several bee venom bullets on the mutant blue dragon, the mutant blue dragon felt the huge penetrating power of the moonlight gun this time, and yellow-green blood burst out from the thick flesh of the mutant blue dragon. But the severe pain did not make them scrupulous, but began to attack more frantically. They suddenly swept the moon god warrior's waist with a sword-like tail with lightning speed. A lunar warrior plucked green onions from a dry land, leaped high, and took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the moonlight sword and cut it towards the dragon's tail. When he brushed it, the dragon's tail was cut off by the volley and split into two. The mutant blue dragon was furious, with a long cry, and suddenly arched its body vigorously, opening the dragon's gills that had not fully grown, and suddenly inhaled. This trick caught the surrounding soldiers, including the Luna Warriors, who were caught by the mutant blue dragon one after another and couldn't move, killing the dragon. The Luna Warrior had also bitten his helmet firmly by the huge mouth of the mutant blue dragon, unable to move. At the very moment, a soldier hit the mutant blue dragon's left eye. At the left eye that was shot blind in an instant, the bee venom instantly injected into the mutant blue dragon's body, and the mutant blue dragon immediately released its huge mouth and let go of the moon god warrior. It twisted its huge body more frantically, rushed to the soldier who shot it crazily, but crashed down after not taking a few steps. "Guys! Shoot its eyes! Shoot its eyes!..."The special soldier exclaimed excitedly. So all the soldiers began to aim at the mutant blue dragon's eyes. This trick worked. The remaining 8 mutant blue dragons fell one by one in the intense firepower of the special forces. However, just in time. When the soldiers high-five to congratulate each other, a mutant blue dragon lying on the ground suddenly got up and instantly tore off the head of a soldier who was raising a gun to celebrate, leaving only a headless corpse standing on the ground. The soldiers were frightened. When overwhelmed, this mutant blue dragon began to dash westward. Not only did it move quickly and dodge quickly. It had already been shot in one of the eyes by a bee venom bullet, but it was still mighty and powerful, and it became more insane and cruel. Many soldiers suffered misfortune one after another. At this time, a Luna warrior reacted quickly, followed immediately, and rushed over. Just as he was about to catch up, the mutant blue dragon slammed its tail and suddenly shot back the carbine. Seeing the Moon God Warrior hiding sideways, he drew the Moon God Warrior from the side of his thigh and quickly stabbed the mutant blue dragon in the abdomen. After the mutant blue dragon screamed, he tried to turn his head and bite the Moon God warrior again. The Luna Warrior immediately pressed a button on the hilt and he jumped out of his feet. The Luna Warrior instantly turned into an electric drill and hissed into the mutant Blue Dragon's abdomen, and he saw flesh and blood splattering. The mutant blue dragon rolled on the ground while wailing while arching the ground, and fell heavily to the ground ten seconds later.

At the same time, the No. 5 team captained by Colonel Vigo has conducted a complete search of the No. 5 area, but unexpectedly found nothing. Except for the abandoned nuclear plant, there is no sign of life at all. The mutant Blue Dragon seems to have all evaporated. . At this moment, Colonel Vigo received an order from Shangfeng, saying that an unidentified creature riot occurred in Xicheng, southwest of the No. 5 area. The situation was urgent and he requested immediate support. Colonel Vigo thought secretly: "Not all the damn things will go to Xicheng, it's going to be a big deal!" Vigo's department drove to Xicheng at full speed...