Blue Dragon

Chapter 37: Xicheng slave labor


Speaking of Xicheng, here is a brief introduction. In the early days, Xicheng was originally a small county town dominated by agricultural industries. Later, because of the discovery of uranium mines, many energy companies that came to pan for gold settled in Xicheng to develop various uranium energy industries, including nuclear reactors. In just ten years, Xicheng has become a city famous for its nuclear energy industry, with a population of nearly 5 million, with a foreign population accounting for more than 70%. However, what the nuclear industry has brought to Xicheng people is only a short-term glory. After ten consecutive years of rapid economic development, Xicheng people have paid a heavy price for this. A mixture of various energy companies surrounded Xicheng. Their frenzied exploitation of uranium ore eventually led to serious pollution of the surface and underground water sources. The leakage of radiation particles made Xicheng often filled with poisonous fog, and various terrible and strange diseases swallowed Xicheng. Human life. Protective devices are very popular in the local area, and every family’s house is fully enclosed. People outdoors all act with masks. The local government once tried to control pollution and severely crack down on all kinds of enterprises that illegally mine uranium ore, but these illegal enterprises are like weeds. The spring breeze blows back and forth, and they disappear and show up like ghosts. In the following ten years, the population gradually decreased to less than 1 million, and with it was the rapid decline and shortage of local labor. In order to maintain the operation, the government turned one eye and closed one eye, secretly accepting the so-called "political cash" of these energy companies. The police no longer perform their duties as they did before, and sometimes even release water to raise fish, and play a game of cat and mouse with pirate mining companies. Because of this indulgence, some illegal groups have become more rampant. The city has entered a terrible vicious circle, and the days of inducing poison and quenching thirst have made the local government and residents extremely numb. Many residents suffering from strange illnesses were forced to quit their jobs, but their survival instincts forced them to engage in illegal businesses such as pornography, gambling, and drugs. The entire West City was transformed from a "western miracle" city into a west with a high crime rate. Notorious "Sin City".

And in the northwest corner of this sin city, there is a sin factory like a purgatory on earth-Mingmei Energy Company is hidden in it. Several high-speed centrifuges in the factory are running wildly, and there is no grass and no life around. The strange smell of black water was flowing into a nearby creek, endlessly flowing. In a mining farm not far from the factory, hundreds of slave laborers were busy with simple protective measures. Most of them were indigenous people captured from the reservations of various ethnic minorities. What awaits them is only the few daily. Meal and death soon to come.

In the steel-framed warehouse in the corner of the factory, a one-eyed man was frantically beating the organizer of the most recent slave escape, Adash, a journalist from the northern region of the North American League, who was hanging opposite him. A year ago, he was found arrested while investigating the rumored "Hell Factory" in the central region of the Union, and was forced to become a slave laborer. In this purgatory on earth, he met another slave worker named Prunge by chance. He was an unfortunately captured tourist from the European Union and the owner of a restaurant chain. He is tall, shrewd and capable, know-how and optimistic. Even in such a desperate life, he still maintains commendable optimism. He firmly believes that light and freedom will come sooner or later. When he is free at night, he will sit alone on the wooden guardrail beside the crude and pungent work shed, blowing the leaves at his fingertips, and entertaining himself. And Adash often sits alone on the guardrail in a daze, so the two bored people slowly talked. In communicating with him, Adash really learned that the owner of this factory is a Japanese named Kurokura. This factory is mainly engaged in the illegal production of low-purity uranium-235 into weapon-grade enriched uranium. The black warehouse is very powerful. The factory alone is guarded by hundreds of mercenaries. With advanced weapons and first-class protective measures, the local government dare not act rashly. The black warehouse will make a helicopter tour every ten days, each time it will bring different mysterious guests, and pretend to give condolences to the slave labor-symbolically give the slave labor some stale food and meagre and old things. Clothing. Then he reviewed his mercenary team like a general. Pulunge said that every time the mysterious guests come to inspect are related buyers, they will check the finished product on the spot. It is said that mysterious buyers not only include various arms dealers, but also some mysterious organizations.

Adash believes that he cannot sit still and plan to escape. The first helper he thought of was Pulunge. But when he and Plenge talked about the plan, Plenge reacted indifferently, which made him very disappointed. In Plunger's view, this factory has strict barriers and is impeccable. The local government forces dare not act rashly, not to mention you and me, unarmed slave laborers. So Adash had to find someone else. In the nearly half a year of investigation and search, Adash found 2 people who responded, one from the Sige tribe and a Chinese student from the North American Alliance. However, their carefully planned escape ended in failure.

Adash was tortured for this and almost died. In the end, Adarsh was locked up in a dilapidated and dark storage room. In the storage room, Adash found another man with a mess of hair and beard. The man shrank in a corner, his eyes closed tightly, and only his beard blowing when he breathed made people know that he was alive. At this time, Adarsh was still immersed in the despair of fleeing failure. He no longer pays attention to anything, he has nothing to ask for, only to die for liberation. In this old room, the two men remained silent and did not ask each other.