Blue Dragon

Chapter 38: Imprisoned scientist


However, in the days when Adash was waiting to die, there were horrible incidents of monster cannibalism in the factory. The slaves were so panicked that they didn't dare to act alone, and even went to the toilet in pairs.

Only when the guards were delivering food, did Adash accidentally hear them talking about it. The atmosphere of the factory became very weird for a while. The dual threats from the factory and the monsters pressed the nerves of every slave worker, and some slave workers could not stand it and even committed suicide.

The factory burned the corpses hastily overnight in order to cover the eyes and ears of others. The factory under the dark night was filled with smoke, and the smell of ashes was floating everywhere.

It was not until a bigger monster swallowed the CEO of the factory headquarters that the factory ordered all production to cease and the slave laborers were driven away in batches by trucks. For a time, the growing popularity of the factory gradually became empty and terrifying.

Adash didn't know what was happening outside, until one day, no one brought him food from morning to afternoon. He suddenly exploded with a desire to survive that he had never had before, resisting hunger, and began to shout loudly, but no one agreed.

At this moment, the mysterious man in the corner said, "Hey! Don't shout, they are gone, they are all gone, before long, everything here will be destroyed by the devil from hell."

"What is the devil from hell?" Adash asked in surprise. "I'll see it in a while. I have heard its neighing." The mysterious man replied lowly. After speaking, he closed his eyes again, as if he was dead, no matter how much Adash asked, he didn't say anything.

Until dark, there was deathly silence outside.

Adash stopped shouting, and curled up in the other corner of the room. He no longer felt hungry, and fell asleep faintly. Until a loud impact awakened him. He lifted up his heavy legs and moved to the narrow board-studded window in the confinement room, squinting his eyes through the gap and looking out...

Under the shining of the factory street lights, there was a pterosaur-like monster that had long been extinct and was as tall as several stories. Its head is like a python, with thick limbs, huge wings, and a huge tail behind it. At this time, he was constantly hitting the wall of the factory's enriched uranium workshop with his tail.

Soon after a muffled sound, the wall collapsed.

The monster arched its head under the gravel, thirstingly rushing to the yellow-green liquid, and hissed excitedly from time to time.

Adash was stunned, those liquids that hadn't been enriched with uranium! It turns out that this monster actually feeds on this! This is incredible, what kind of creature is this! He didn't dare to look anymore, trembling, he felt that if he were swallowed by such a terrifying monster, it would be like going to hell.

"I see it, it's the demon." The man in the corner suddenly said, "Hush, don't make a sound, you sit down, that animal is very sensitive." Adash sat down nervously, not dare out.

Just as he was about to look at the opposite side again, a huge explosion and helicopter sound suddenly sounded nearby, and the monster suddenly opened its huge wings and flew into the air.

After seeing the monster flying away, Adash asked in a low voice: "Where did this monster come from? Isn't this a pterosaur that has long been extinct

"It looks like a pterosaur from the physical appearance. But if you look closely, you will find that the gills on its head and body are not pterosaurs. You know I am not surprised by the supernatural phenomenon, I I have always thought that God left many doors in this world, and every door can lead to heaven. It depends on whether you have the patience to find them."

"How did you meet it?"

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. My name is Bush. I'm a scientist who engages in cloning technology. However, it was later exposed by reporters that we cloned humans and caused ethical chaos. Our most advanced team is disbanded. You know, we have almost invented a drug. This is a magic drug UE, which can concentrate all the energy of the organism to achieve the ultra-fast self-repair and overall replication of the cell. Of course we don’t I am willing to start secret research and development on an inconspicuous mountain near Xicheng. With the joint efforts of everyone, we will soon have results. We have done experiments on many animals and have achieved good results. Until later, Outside the laboratory, we found this behemoth. I walked out of the laboratory and carefully observed its movements. From the physical appearance, it looked like a pterodactyl. Its iris was dark blue. It seemed to be a pterodactyl. Very weak, with some injuries to the head and tail, but still behaved friendly and seemed to be curious about everything. I tried to communicate with it, and it also understood what I meant. This is what surprised me. Judging from its performance, it is not unfamiliar to humans, so I speculate that someone has domesticated it, but it is not known exactly where it is." The mysterious man suddenly speeded up his speech, became extremely excited, and seemed nervous when speaking. He stopped and shook his head, "Then we tested it and discovered that there are many radioactive elements uranium and cesium in its body! It is obvious that radioactive elements have caused extensive damage to its cells, and if it is not treated, it may die. At the same time, we found that it was about to lay eggs! So we injected it with a large dose of UE medicine according to its physique. This is really godly! What happened after that was far beyond our expectation. The next morning , We found that it was gone. All the animals in the laboratory were left with bloody remains. It was horrible. We were surprised and angry! But soon we found several huge eggs. Someone wanted to destroy them. It was stopped by me. The professional rationality of a scientist made me restrain my anger and want to hatch and study these mysterious eggs. But I was wrong! God knows that we hatched out of hell-like demons! They just hatched like strips Small pythons are average, but they grow extremely fast and eat amazingly. After just a week they grew to more than 2 meters long and 20 cm in diameter. We bought a lot of meat from the supermarket, but it was still not enough to satisfy them. Some people wanted to give up. But I still insisted on research stubbornly. Who knows that the disaster happened. On a thunderstorm night, a female scientist in our laboratory was on duty at night to feed, but was bitten to death. They all broke through the cultivation.Cabinets are scattered in every corner of the laboratory. When we arrived the next day, there was only one body left of the female scientist! When the panic was not in time, the beasts launched another attack, falling from the sky and directly wrapped around our necks. In a panic, I ran away from the laboratory. Outside the laboratory, I met the mother beast that we rescued. Its physique has become bigger and bigger, its mouth is constantly flowing with yellow-green mucus, and its iris has turned yellow-green! I was scared and stood there. But it didn't hurt me. After watching me for a while, he turned his head and took off. I ran away from my laboratory in horror and drove down the mountain until I found the police. When the police and I returned to the laboratory, we were left with a few bloody corpses of my colleague, except that it was a mess. After some investigation, we found that the demon cubs had run away along the river beside the laboratory. The police conducted a intensive search in the area along the river in the next few days, but found nothing. The little devil and the huge pterosaur disappeared like a human. Later, when I was in a field surgery examination outside the West City, I was caught here inexplicably and became a slave until I was imprisoned here because of my escape. "Bush's words left Adash stunned.