Blue Dragon

Chapter 4: Robert's memories are terrifying


An hour and a half later, James took a plane and landed slowly in Renault City, a shabby old city where the transformation of the resource industry failed and was almost bankrupt.

When night came, with a light rain drifting in the sky, James searched for it according to the address on the postcard. Finally, in an apartment converted from an old warehouse, James found Robert, a middle-aged black man with inconvenient legs, but he looked even older.

"Are you Robert? Hello! I'm the son of Max Weber, James Weber. I'm from Singer City." James said hello.

"Marx Webber's son?" The middle-aged black man looked at James in amazement, "Oh, James, that little Weber, I even hugged you when you were young, and I send your father a New Year card every year. You and Your father should live in Singer, why did you come here so far? How about General Weber? He didn't come with you?" Robert was surprised and looked confused.

"Actually, my father hasn't lived with me for a long time. He only comes to see me occasionally. I gave you your New Year card back."


"Well, yes, Robert, what should I say, my father has passed away. During a military mission not long ago, suddenly, the military said it was a crash, but I found some strange problems from his In the diary, maybe things are not so simple. You have been with him all these years. I think maybe you know something." James looked at Robert expectantly.

"You said that General Weber had an accident and the plane crashed? I can't believe it." Robert suddenly fell into silence, bent deeply, embedded in a dilapidated sofa, lit his pipe, and the smoke stroked Robert sadly. Forehead.

"Robert, I want you to see this." James took out the picture his father drew, and the line of passwords.

Robert, took a look. Before James could translate the code, Robert read it out: "Depopulation Plan".

"How do you know the secret key?!" James opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect that the password that had taken so much effort to solve would be easily deciphered by the old man in front of him.

"Child, look at the inconspicuous rest-like symbols under the numbers, which are another secret. Not only I know, but our good brothers all know that this is something we made up and played in our spare time in the military school. Anyway, The cipher code compiled by your father!"

"Robert, what is the plan that the password left by my father says is true? Is it true? What task is he performing these years, and what is the population reduction plan? I don't know why, I think my father's death Another reason!" James looked a little excited.

"James, come and sit down. It seems that your father still wants to tell you something. I don't know what your father said about the population reduction plan. You know, as soldiers, our vocation is to obey orders. Many things are just Execution, no doubt, no questioning. I only know that a few of us and your father were selected to carry out a top-secret military mission at the time-to wipe out all residents in the designated 5 execution areas, on the grounds that these areas were raging. A terrible virus. All residents in the area must be wiped out in order to prevent further spread. Gerrard was appointed as the commander, and your father Webber was one of the two deputy commanders. The next day we went to the 1st for execution. District, the ghost knows where it is, I only know that there are deserts everywhere, and occasionally there are bushes, but not long after, we found a village, all of which are local indigenous people, and then we got the order to kill the village, we don’t I dare to believe my ears, but the military order is like a mountain, we can only do it, leaving no one, yes, my mind is blank." Robert's hand began to tremble.

"It's so difficult that my father was also involved in that massacre?! Please tell me!" James was stunned.

"Yes, the mission of a soldier is to execute orders, and so is your father. At this time, we are like lonely ghosts abandoned by God, ferocious and ferocious. In the following days, we are like terminator from hell, destroying one Another tribe and village, a large number of corpses piled up like a mountain, they looked vulnerable in front of our advanced equipment. But the few of us did not have the joy of victory at all, and felt that we were executioners." Robert lit a cigarette again, and I poured a glass of brandy and handed James a glass by the way.

"We were unimpeded, and there was basically no resistance along the way, but when we were in the No. 2 enforcement area, terrible things happened one after another. When we passed through some mountain villages and tribes, we found that they were all empty but very tidy. There was no sign of clutter when escaping. When we camped in one of the villages, something strange happened. Seventeen of us disappeared at night. The locator on their bodies showed that they were about 200 meters underground. The soldiers started. Panic.” Robert glanced at James and said, “Everyone was in danger in the next few days and strengthened their vigilance, but things still happened at night. I remember that it was an unusually cold night at about 3 in the morning. By the side of a freshwater lake where we temporarily rested, we heard heart-piercing screams. It looked strange and creepy in the silent night sky. At this time, someone started shooting. From the flashing light beams, we looked vaguely When the soldiers were firing at a giant python, a soldier’s half body was hanging from the monster’s mouth. The monster rushed into the bottom of the lake and disappeared after being shot. And I was also hit by my own people in the melee. The calf was badly hurt. Later, Gerald ordered a sonar detector to search the bottom of the lake, but nothing was found. To be honest, the monster looked like a giant python that could swallow a person in one bite.