Blue Dragon

Chapter 44: Dense dragon eggs


Two hours later, the super bee venom bullet arrived. Colonel Vigo gave an order to enter the nuclear power plant.

How magnificent and spectacular this nuclear power plant is. A huge unmanned observation tower stands in the northeast corner, and ten huge hyperbolic-shaped cooling towers are like cyclops in Greek mythology, standing in front of the soldiers. Only the original neat rows of factory buildings have been dilapidated. There are broken reinforced concrete everywhere, steel pressure shells that close the fuel assemblies are scattered everywhere, and the densely packed nuclear power units have been broken apart. And the most numb thing is the python-like mutant blue dragon that wanders around, full of yellow-green mucus, as if it has just hatched out of its shell. James noticed this.

After all the soldiers once again confirmed that the radiation protection suits were intact, they began a general attack on the nuclear power plant. Soon, under the intense firepower, the mutant blue dragon played a game of hide and seek with the soldiers. Various plants and facilities have become their unique bunker. Their attacks have also become extremely fierce and strange, either emerging from the ground or rushing out of a certain pipe. The soldiers were unpredictable, and there were countless casualties. Colonel Vigo and James watched everything on the big screen of the command vehicle. James was annoyed and cursed: "Damn! These low-level, ugly and dirty things actually fought us guerrilla!". At this time James stepped forward and said, "Colonel Vigo, I heard from the Harry tribe that blue dragons are wise. They are not inferior animals. We can't fight hard, we have to adopt strategies. There is an old Chinese saying, "Catch the thief first. Capture the king'!"

"what do you mean?"

"According to the current situation, we first let the soldiers to withdraw, directly survey the lair of the mutant blue dragon, and find the'Amda'. I'm sure that the'Amda' is here. You didn't find it. Are there so many cubs here, and many of them are just out of their shells."

"Well, it makes sense. What is the'Amda' you just mentioned?"

"Oh, it's the blue dragon with a terrifying temperament like a monster of hell that the Hari people said. I now suspect that the instigator here is Vigie!"

"Who is Vigie?"

"Oh, let me just say it casually.'Viggy' is a slang term in our hometown, which means'damn guy'." James realized that he had missed his mouth and explained hurriedly. Because he promised that Adele could not tell the story of the "Blue Dragon Valley", otherwise the blue dragon might lose even the last piece of habitat.

"Okay, James, I don't care about'Amda' or'Vigi', just do as you say, withdraw the troops first, and wait until they find their nests." Colonel Vigo said.

Under the cover of intensive firepower, the main force first withdrew from the nuclear power plant and retreated after the fortifications.

Colonel Vigo once again used a variety of technologies such as ultrasonic imaging, thermal effects, and radiation detection to probe the entire nuclear power plant in more detail at close range. During the survey, it was accidentally discovered that the reactor of the nuclear power plant still had a certain thermal effect, which showed that it was still in weak operation. Under each nuclear reactor, there are several tunnels leading to under the mountain behind the nuclear power plant. And the underground of the reactor actually showed many oval-shaped egg-shaped objects. What is even more strange is that there is a vague and huge thermal effect image 400 meters below the mountain. However, due to distance issues, the specific shape could not be confirmed for a while. Both James and Colonel Vigo suddenly had a strong bad feeling.

"In this way, the'Amda' you are talking about should be under the mountain behind the nuclear power plant. It seems that we have to fight a bigger battle." Colonel Vigo said in a low voice.

"It's better to solve the variant blue dragon attached to the nuclear reactor first. I want to know what those oval egg-shaped objects are." James replied.

"I'm about to do this, come on, guys." Colonel Vigo ordered another attack. Under the cover of combat helicopters and armored vehicles, a temporary death squad launched a fierce attack on ten nuclear reactors. The mutant blue dragon seemed to know the intentions of the death squad. No matter how fierce the fire was, it would no longer evade, frantically preventing the death squad from approaching the device where the nuclear reactor was located. However, in front of the super bee venom bullet, everything is in vain. After the tragic suicide blockade of the mutant blue dragon, the death squad successfully blasted a hole near one of the nuclear reactors. The sight of the nuclear reactor installation underground shocked the death squad fighters. Right below the nuclear reactor facility is a huge pit, which is full of large and small silver-white giant eggs. Some of them are breaking out of their shells, crawling out of yellow-green snakes, and they are constantly in groups. Climbing up and down the nuclear reactor device continuously, digging into the nuclear reactor device, as if foraging for food. On the edge of the pit are many huge tunnels, which are roughly the same as the previous survey, extending to the rear of the five major execution areas and the nuclear plant. Moreover, the tunnel is full of tracks, and there are several transport vehicles with cargoes near the reactor. The soldiers took a look and found that it was uranium that had undergone primary purification.

In the command room car, James and Vigo were stunned by everything displayed on the big screen. "Sure enough, those oval-shaped egg-shaped objects are the eggs of the mutant blue dragon. They actually feed on nuclear fuel! What kind of creature is this! In theory, the natural creatures can survive radiation. Not many, even if they survived by chance, there are not many that can develop and grow normally. Most of them will die out because they no longer adapt to the natural world. Only a handful of extremely vital organisms not only did not die out in the radiation, but quickly adapted and gained. Super evolution and mutation. Blue dragon is like this, but it is incredible to produce offspring directly in the radiation source and use it as an energy source!" James said with some excitement.

"Yes, Professor, I think this is only a small part, and the show has just begun. Judging from the primary enriched uranium in the transport truck in the underground passage, these tunnels should be used for secrets by the enrichment plants in the five major execution areas Transport primary purified uranium. But as for what it does is unknown. Power generation? Why do you need so much? Do you want to build nuclear bombs? God bless, I hope not!” Vigo finished shook his head and expressed his denial of his guess. Later, walked into the assembly room of Moonlight Battle Armor. A few minutes later, Vigo walked out in the Moonlight Battle Armor and said to James earnestly: "Listen, James, it's time for us to fight these bastards to the death. No matter what happens, we can't let a mutant blue The dragon has slipped away again. I will now hand over to you the ultimate bee venom biochemical bomb and the remote detonator of the Z4 bomb in the five execution zones. I have arranged it. If the action fails, the mutant blue dragon will occupy the peak, Sim I will drive this command car to take you away from here. The command car has an electromagnetic shielding device and can freely enter and exit the electromagnetic cover." At this time, James noticed that the original cockpit was always sitting in the cockpit. James' nose was sour. This soldier's persistence and fearlessness made James a kind of respect for Colonel Vigo. James patted Colonel Vigo on the shoulder and said, "I'm waiting for your good news! Luna Warrior!"

Colonel Vigo first ordered the destruction of all reactors in the nuclear power plant and shut down all the mutant blue dragon eggs with super bee venom bullets and blocked the underground tunnels. Colonel Vigo divided the main force into two parts, one led by him from the underground tunnel, and the other led by the fourth team captain Mike from the ground to the mysterious mountain behind the nuclear plant.