Blue Dragon

Chapter 48: Vigie's ultimate form


James was prepared this time, and once again, he used the moonlight sword to hit each other, and the huge impact generated instantly bounced James away again. And Vigie's tail was almost cut off, and yellow-green blood continued to emerge. After a huge neigh, Vigie's silver eyes ooze thick bloodshot eyes, and James has been listed as a killer by Vigie.

Wei Ji stretched out his body instantly, revealing the super dragon gills hidden under the body. What is surprising is that when all of the dragon gills are fully opened, it is like a huge palace, and the gill holes are unfathomable.

James quickly put away the moonlight knife and activated the light energy gun (usually, the light energy gun is not used. Continuous firing will affect the energy supply of the moonlight battle armor and affect the accuracy of the action. This is where the battle armor needs urgent improvement.)

James wanted to stop Vigie from inhaling, and picked up the light-energy gun to fire several rounds. At this time, Vigie suddenly turned the dragon gills over, wrapping himself into a huge oval castle. What is even more surprising is that the dragon gills after the flip have thick dragon armor and several light energy bombs. I couldn't get through it.

James did not expect Vigie to evolve to such an extent. In this way, it is very difficult to shoot the super bee venom bullet into its body, isn't it a failure! Thinking of this, James' palms began to sweat.

Seeing that James had stopped shooting, Vige flipped the dragon gills instantly and began to inhale forcefully. At this time, the terrifying and huge gill sac became a super "vacuum cleaner", and all the objects in a radius of several hundred meters were instantly sucked by Vigie.

James is no exception. After starting the battle armor in the reverse propulsion mode, James was able to escape the "suction field" of Vigie.

Seeing James escape, Vigie stopped breathing.

It began to swell the entire body, like a huge hydrogen airship, soaring into the air, and quickly approached James with the help of a pair of giant wings.

Vigie is getting closer and closer to James. The huge suction force makes James unable to move. The thrust of the Moonlight Armor has reached its limit, and an energy warning has been given! James is a little desperate, ready to activate the last killer of the Luna Warriors-the Z3 bomb, and die with this ultimate mutant blue dragon.

James turned off the reverse boost system and slowly walked towards Vigie’s suction field... His father, mother, old chief, Rowling, old chief, Hull, Vigo, Adele, etc. appeared in his mind. The pictures of family and friends in the series...

But at this moment, a green beam of light clasped Vigie's neck tightly like a hand of God. The huge pain caused Vige to close all dragon gills instantly. After twisting his body in the air for a while, he fell heavily on the mound in front of the nuclear power plant, no longer moving at all. The huge impact brought violent vibrations, James almost stood unsteadily, and the beam of light of the electromagnetic cover motor also began to sway, but it quickly returned to normal operation.

James looked back and saw that it was none other than Sim! Sim had arrived in the command car. And that huge and powerful green beam of light was sprayed from the humble steel tube on the roof of the command vehicle.

James looked at Vige, then at Sim, and asked: "What kind of weapon is this?" Sim wiped the sweat from his head, and groaned: "I told you not to come, you think it's dangerous. This is Vigo explained that the super electromagnetic gun can only be used as a last resort, because it consumes too much energy. Now it is miserable. The command vehicle energy is only enough to maintain the "land combat mode". There is no more energy to bridge the electromagnetic cover. No more electromagnetic cover. What a shame!"

James said, "Sorry, Sim, I'm hurting you. I don't want to do this, but..." Sim said again, "Well, don't blame you, you are also for the overall situation. Anyway, you are still very brave, look. Can’t come out, Professor. Haha..."

However, just as the two's tense nerves relaxed slightly, Vigie suddenly opened his eyes. It turned out that although the blow just now caused Vigie to be severely wounded and the blood was flowing in the neck, it had not been able to completely twist Vigie's neck.

At the moment of the dialogue between James and Sim, Vigie had already begun to move his body quietly, rose into the air in an instant, and rushed straight towards James.

Just when Vigie's giant claw was about to touch James, a fierce firepower surrounded Vigie like a power grid, forcing it to retreat. It turned out that Vigo led his troops to arrive. Before they could say hello, Vigo and the Moon God Warrior went after Vige again.

Regardless of the energy of the Moonlight Armor in desperation, James followed Vigo's pursuit.

During the pursuit, Vige tried to take off many times, but was bounced back by the electromagnetic shield many times.

Under the bitter siege of the Luna Warriors, Vigie was so furious that he spewed a huge flame tens of meters long. This assassin's skill caused several Luna Warriors and soldiers to be instantly buried in the flames. Vigo almost died as a result.

At this time, James activated the Super Bee Venom Bullet, ignoring the energy warning, boosted his horsepower and leaped into the air, rushing directly to the frantically struggling Vigie.

At this time, Vigie was completely messed up, only chasing the soldiers like flies, and didn't pay attention to James' approach at all.

When James was 50 meters away from Vigie, he concentrated all his energy and fired five super bee venom bullets at Vigie's wounded and bleeding neck. Fortunately, all hits.

After the super bee venom bullet is shot into Vigie's wound, it automatically injects all the bee venom.

And James also fell directly from the air due to insufficient energy in the armor, and once again faced death threats.

Just tens of meters from the ground, a pair of powerful arms caught James. James fixed his eyes and saw that it was Colonel Vigo. Vigo nodded and put James back on the ground.

At this time, Vigie's movements began to be slow, making painful neighs from time to time. After dozens of seconds, the huge body began to fall to the ground quickly. After a loud and dull sound, Vigie smashed the ground out of a huge crater, setting off a huge wave of dust, and could no longer move. Only a pair of silver dragon eyes glared at everything around him.

At this time, all the soldiers fired volleys, as if to vent all their fear and anger on this terrifying behemoth. For 15 minutes, Vigie was beaten into smoke, and finally closed his eyes after making the last trembling scream.

Unexpectedly, this desperate neigh drew all the mutant blue dragons in the war zone into swarms, flying like locusts...

The soldiers' nerves that had just loosened tightened again and retaliated. However, these mutant blue dragons seemed to have no intention of fighting the soldiers again, and they flew towards Vigie's body and tried to take him away, but Vigie was so huge that dozens of mutant blue dragons could not be picked up. Countless mutant blue dragons suicidally blocked the front of Vigie's corpse, allowing the mutant blue dragons behind to have the opportunity to pick up Vigie.

Vigo suddenly thought of something at this moment and ordered the soldiers to retreat while shooting. After finding a suitable cover. Vigo and the Luna Warriors shielded each other, and in a rush to cover their ears, they inserted the Z4 bomb into Vigie's corpse. Then quickly evacuated, and after dozens of seconds, a beautiful miniature mushroom cloud was born.

Vige and his grandchildren were all gone together. Under the impact of the miniature mushroom cloud, the electromagnetic shield also trembles and shakes, and the energy shield gradually diminishes until it disappears.

In the shortest time, Vigo installed the ultimate bee venom biochemical bomb with Z4 as the carrier at all exits and burrows of the nuclear power plant and the five major execution areas. After all the soldiers gathered and retreated to a safe distance, the ultimate bee venom biochemical bomb made its perfect and gorgeous debut. All the caves, passages, mutant dragon eggs and blue dragons were wiped out in an instant, and vanished. The nuclear reactor of the nuclear power plant was even more icing on the cake, blasting the entire area like a crater.

"The nightmare is finally over, James." Vigo said to James.

"Maybe, Vigo." James disagrees.

"What do you mean? We accomplished this difficult task, didn't we?" Vigo asked puzzled.

"This time is over. Next time, if we abuse nuclear energy, who knows what else will happen next time?" James whispered.

"You are right, but people are often eager for quick success, not you and I can easily change." Vigo said helplessly.

James shook his head and returned to the command car with Vigo.

After completing the battlefield clearing, the Five Great Team quickly assembled and returned to the division. Although the battle was victorious, there were heavy casualties, and the five major teams only had less than one-third of their original strength.