Blue Dragon

Chapter 49: It was dark and light


After returning to the military headquarters in Singer City, Vigo went directly to the headquarters to report, and James met Rowling and the others. Several people were very excited when they got together, especially Rowling, who held on tightly after hugging James, and kissed James' lips with emotion. James suddenly felt dizzy and excited, and kissed back enthusiastically. Robert and Carl applauded to agree.

At this time, at the summit meeting held at the headquarters of the alliance, Vigo reported on the action and played the video shot on the spot. All the alliance members were deeply shocked.

The Chairman of the Civil Socialist Party Rogge took the opportunity to submit the "Proposal on Cleaning Up Illegal Nuclear Plants and Nuclear Facilities" again.

The Parliament suddenly boiled.

The chairman of the Union Party, Engel, was fidgeting and tried to leave the meeting, but was stopped by Rogge and had to continue to participate in the meeting. The "Clean Nuclear Proposal" passed smoothly with absolute advantage.

Tomorrow’s Coalition Party Chairman Engel and his MPs left the table in panic amid boos.

Vigo relayed the meeting to James and the others, and James was comforted.

Several James asked Vigo to regain their freedom, but Vigo declined, on the grounds that the Bender organization was still looking for them everywhere, and only the military department was the safest. Vigo asked James to wait patiently. The Bend Organization and the Alliance of Tomorrow were at a dead end and promised to bring Gerrard to justice.

Subsequently, a press conference on the "Sharp Blade" operation and the specific measures for the "Clean Nuclear" was held in the Alliance Press Hall, which caused an uproar in all circles of the Alliance.

The mutant blue dragon once occupied the headlines of major media. People's attention to the mutant blue dragon has even overshadowed the nuclear pollution itself. This is completely beyond the expectation of James.

Less than a month before the coalition parties compete for the general election, the Civil Socialist Party launched a full-scale offensive. First broke the Internet through the Internet about the relationship between the Alliance Party of Tomorrow, the Bender Organization, Mingmei Energy and its illegal nuclear plants and their illegal activities. Then it further searched for evidence of the transaction between Tomorrow’s Union Party Chairman Engel and several members of the Bender organization, and sent it anonymously to the Union Investigation Bureau, drawing the attention of the Union Investigation Bureau.

Subsequently, under a comprehensive search by the Union Investigation Bureau, the chairman of the Union of Tomorrow, Engel and several major leaders of the Bender organization were arrested and brought to justice.

Engel’s arrest caused an uproar in the alliance’s public opinion. Tomorrow’s coalition party’s popularity fell sharply, the Bender organization disappeared, Mingmei’s company was facing bankruptcy, and Kurosang and Gerrard also disappeared. People from the Union Investigation Bureau are searching for the black warehouse and Gerrard everywhere.

Before the general election, the party headquarters of the Coalition of Tomorrow, which should have been beaming, is like a vegetable market. Poor party whips are often thrown by the people with eggs and tomatoes, and many party members have also withdrawn from the party.

In just ten days after the beginning of the general election, the Civil Social Party was like a dark horse. The candidate Rogge and his campaign team gained momentum and their popularity soared.

The Democratic faction of the Coalition of Tomorrow has diverged opinions on nominating a candidate for the chairman of the party, let alone nominating a candidate for the chairman of the coalition.

The candidates hurriedly proposed by the Alliance of Tomorrow are either qualified and unknown, or famous and incompetent. The support rate of the candidates nominated by the Alliance of Tomorrow has not improved, even in several "of course" electoral districts.

At the same time, because of Gerrard and Heicang and others, James several people found Vigo many times. But Vigo has been busy with the military department and missed them.

Several of James were disappointed and determined to find Vigo for a showdown, either to give a clear explanation on the pursuit of Gerrard and Heicang, or to give them freedom.

Vigo was very embarrassed, but it was hard to say. Although subjectively he wanted to take immediate action, the fact was that the Alliance military could not find the whereabouts of Gerald and Heicang, and the two men seemed to have evaporated.

Facing the aggressiveness of James and his team, Vigo had to accept it silently.

Just when everything was almost stopped, Vigo suddenly received an unfamiliar call. It turned out to be about asking him to find Prunge before.

Vigo remembered the reporter named Adash who had been rescued from the confinement room of the Xicheng uranium enrichment plant and helped find Bush.

Adash asked Vigo if there is anything new about the button-shaped contact device.

Vigo remembered the "button" that Adash gave himself in the hospital. However, since the hospital and Adash had parted, Vigo had been busy in the battle to destroy the mutant blue dragon. He had forgotten the search for Plenge and didn't take the button-type contact device seriously.

After apologizing to Adarsh and expressing his continued efforts to find someone, Vigo quickly rummaged through the cabinet and found the button-shaped contact device. After careful examination, he decided to have an interview on this inconspicuous "little thing".

In the scientific research room of the base, the researchers put the button into the ultramicro information storage chip processor and scanned it for three seconds. The processor screen displayed a piece of video information, and a green three-dimensional electron popped up in the small hole on the back of the button. The image, but the image is very fuzzy, only a man can be distinguished.

After putting the signal to the maximum, I could vaguely hear the man saying that he is now in a dark place with terrible nuclear materials everywhere. Although he was wearing radiation-proof clothing, his hands and feet still began to fester... In addition, The man didn't know where he was, only that he and other workers were forcibly moved at night, about a day and a night away. The place where he works now is very dry, surrounded by deserts...

While talking, suddenly the video image began to flicker and blur and disappear quickly.

Vigo copied this image for the first time and had a video conversation with Adash. After he was confirmed by Adash that the man was Pulunge, Vigo asked the researchers to quickly analyze the area code of the video signal transmission source. It turned out to be a desert bet. City-Abbe, although I don't know if Gerrard is there, at least the headquarters of Mingmei's company is likely to be there! This made Vigo extremely excited, and immediately reported to Shangfeng, requesting a hunt.

At the same time, Vigo asked James to go to the military club to drink, to inform James of the matter.

In a dimly lit bar with jazz music one after another, Vigo informed James about Adash, Prunger and Button, and took out the button connector.

James was very excited when he saw that Vigo had a clue, he suddenly patted his head, and said bitterly, "This fellow Heicang, I didn't expect it! He actually built the factory under the casino city, it's really'under the light'. Black' ah!"