Blue Dragon

Chapter 51: Underground nuclear warhead


Colonel Vigo and Captain Mike led the teams forward from both sides along the narrow green belt, one in front and one in the back. After going deeper, Colonel Vigo discovered that the casino in Heicang turned out to be a huge military defensive structure, with city walls, suspension bridges, water gates, watchtowers, castellations, enemy platforms, and even Urn City! The soldiers had never seen such a peculiar oriental architecture. However, Robert recognizes this as a typical oriental architecture. He participated in local wars in the Asian League and has a certain understanding of Asian architecture.

Colonel Vigo immediately issued a separate action order: The first team first contained the security or mercenaries that may exist in the front of the casino, and finally rendezvous with Captain Mike's troops. The second team immediately seized the main commanding heights of the casino in order to extend the defense depth to the entire casino area and eliminate the hidden firepower spots in the surveillance black warehouse. The third team arrested Heicang and Gerrard according to the photos in everyone's hands. If they resisted, they could be killed on the spot. The fourth team found possible nuclear weapons and tried to destroy them.

After the first group of soldiers rushed through the gates of the casino, they found that the black warehouse was guarded by heavy soldiers and there were fortifications! The two sides fought fiercely within a frontal distance of less than 0.2 kilometers. This exchange of fire was unusually fierce. In just three minutes, there were many casualties on both sides. Fortunately, Union soldiers were equipped with thick bulletproof equipment, while mercenary soldiers were not so well treated. There were many casualties in the fierce exchange of sparks. However, one group after another is still emerging one after another, and the first group of soldiers is still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers. Fortunately, in accordance with the requirements of Colonel Vigo, their task is only to contain the firepower of the opponent, as long as they hold their positions and wait for the arrival of Mike's troops. The second team of soldiers were all first-class snipers, including Robert. After they easily managed all the outposts at the commanding heights, they have successfully climbed over the walls from both sides to enter. Robert managed the three sentries by himself. The next step is to find hidden firepower points and snipers secretly inside the casino. Under the cover of the second team, the soldiers of the third and fourth teams quickly separated and searched for the black warehouse and Gerrard and destroyed possible nuclear weapons.

Vigo and James are on the third team. The third and fourth squads are all special forces with the highest individual quality. They are special forces in the special forces, and all of them are kings. Therefore, it is responsible for capturing the black warehouse and Gerrard and destroying the main task of nuclear weapons. James followed Vigo to move back and forth in multiple bunkers. In addition to being a bit amateur in the use of firearms, James was not bad in terms of physical fitness. Running, jumping, climbing, everything is not bad, and grappling and fighting are not allowed to his comrades in the slightest. This made Vigo admire, and kept giving thumbs up. According to James' memories, the third team quickly boarded the 188th floor of the Casino Tower. After some searching, it was discovered that except for a mess and a few young girls, Heikang and Gerald had disappeared. James turned to the open-air garden where the black warehouse was hosting him and Jason, but he still found nothing. Just when he was unable to do anything, James suddenly found some white waste flowing out of the proud man-made waterfall in Heicang, floating in the garden pond. James instantly had an intuition, a lunge rushed to the ground of the huge waterfall, the clue was for a while, and then another lunge jumped in. This move made Vigo and others really squeeze sweat. Vigo shouted: "James, are you all right!"

James replied loudly behind the waterfall: "I'm fine, come in and take a look, how cunning this guy is!"

Vigo and others entered this huge artificial waterfall one by one, and were really shocked by the sight in front of them. It turns out that the artificial waterfall is just a barrier to the eyes. This is the small nuclear power plant on the top of the building, with small cooling towers standing around, and the intricate iron railings and spiral staircases are full of nuclear danger signs. This nuclear power generator is the energy center of the entire building and surrounding facilities.

Vigo immediately ordered the fourth team and the Luna Warriors to rush to this place immediately. After investigating the site, a lot of monitoring was discovered, and Vigo asked the technicians to freeze all the monitoring.

While waiting, a soldier found that there were many cargo transportation channels and elevators under the spiral staircase.

"Damn, here we are!" James was the first to rush into the elevator. Vigo wanted James to wait, but it was too late, so he had to follow.

The elevator went down slowly. About 15 minutes later, the locator worn by Vigo's left hand indicated that it was 450 meters underground.

The soldiers walked out of the elevator cautiously, which was another long tunnel. James and others walked slowly along the walls on both sides of the tunnel. The strange thing was that the air-conditioning inside the tunnel was pressing, and the soldiers shivered with cold.

At the end of the passage, after eliminating several guards, the soldiers came to a colder and more open place. The soldiers discovered that this place turned out to be a huge underground nuclear product processing plant! Although there is a headlight embedded in the dome, the whole venue still appears dim and depressed. I saw hundreds of workers in radiation protection suits busy carrying out mechanical operations around the densely packed nuclear facilities, surrounded by mercenaries with guns and live ammunition. Not far away, a small high-rise building with faint lights appeared unusually abrupt, with many giant searchlights that would shoot down a dazzling beam of light.

Vigo immediately ordered all soldiers to activate radiation protection equipment, and all Luna fighters activated the Moonlight Armor.

"I didn't expect the radiation protection suit to keep warm." The soldiers rejoiced.

"Follow everyone, be careful, don't expose the target too early." Vigo said.

In the dim, Vigo commander soldiers either bypassed various monitoring equipment, or used various electronic means to interfere with the monitoring equipment, passing through iron bars and spiral staircases one after another, all the way to the building.

But before long, a dazzling blue spot of light appeared on a soldier's body. Then those huge searchlights instantly focused on the soldiers.

"Damn it, how did they know us?!" Vigo whispered, "Warriors, fire!"

In an instant, the dim space was filled with dazzling light beams. Vigo and his party fought back, speeding up to the high-rise building.

Under the cover of the Luna Warriors, Vigo and others quickly reached the bottom of the high-rise building. After a while, James and Robert also followed.

Looking at the fierce exchange of fire on the other side, there were deaths and injuries to each other. The firepower shot out from time to time destroyed the semi-finished products of nuclear fuel, and huge radiation was permeated everywhere, and the danger was everywhere.