Blue Dragon

Chapter 52: The final hunt


Just as Vigo, James and others were about to go upstairs, a figure in protective clothing flashed out, saying that it was too late and that time. He picked up the AK90 and swept towards this side. I didn’t expect this warhead to be powerful. A bullet with nuclear material! Although it missed, the huge air wave instantly pushed Vigo to the ground.

The soldiers were caught off guard and suffered heavy losses. Even a Luna warrior was brutally killed. The other Luna Warriors quickly assembled firepower to shoot at the terrible guy. In an instant, that guy was flew in by a powerful beam bomb, and the small building was blown up and collapsed. Just when everyone was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the ruins were suddenly broken open, and the guy suddenly jumped out. It turned out to be a personal machine complex!

"Hahaha, it's useless, James, you wait to die! You idiots, we are equipped with infrared sensors, all of you are under our surveillance, but you bastards are really lucky, you can Find this place." The man-machine complex laughed wildly.

So, Vigo suddenly realized the reason why his whereabouts were exposed.

"It's Gerald!" James and Robert shouted at the same time. The hatred of the family and the country instantly filled James' heart.

By this time, Robert had aimed at Gerrard's helmet with the old sniper rifle. "It's useless, Robert, he is a man-machine complex!" James said helplessly.

Robert fired five shots calmly. The first four shots of Gerrard were still laughing, and the moment the fifth shot was fired, Gerrard actually began to dodge!

"What happened? Robert, how did you do it?" James was suspicious.

At this moment, Robert shouted loudly: "Lunar Warrior, I need you to help me, so that the guy does not move, I will personally send him to hell!"

Several Luna fighters, after receiving Robert's accent communication, immediately threw the moonlight cable and nailed the man-machine complex to a huge rock. At this moment, a bullet from an old flaming sniper rifle that arrived in time penetrated the armor of the man-machine complex, hitting Gerrard's eyebrows! The man-machine complex no longer moves.

"It's wonderful!" Vigo ran over and said, "How did you do it? Robert."

"Oh, nothing, my father said, no matter how powerful the guy is, there will always be weaknesses and flaws. I just saw the Luna Warrior leave a crack in his helmet, nothing more." Robert said, shrugging. Shoulder.

James rushed forward and took off the helmet of the man-machine complex. It really was Gerald!

At this moment, another ground-air armored vehicle flew out from the top of the small building, which was exactly the same as the car Gerrard used when he escaped in execution area 4!

"It must be a black warehouse!" James shouted.

At this moment, an "M-16" medium missile fired here. The lunar warrior sent out a moonlight protective net to wrap the missile, minimizing the explosive radius of the missile. However, James and the others were once again dissipated by the huge air wave.

The armored vehicle flew head-on, and flew quickly to the entrance of the cave where it had just entered, and three Luna Warriors were chasing after it.

"Hey! Robert, how are you?" When James and Vigo contacted each other, they found that Robert was lying on the edge of a ruin, motionless.

With an ominous premonition, James hurriedly knelt next to Robert and turned him over carefully. James saw Robert's chest seething red.

"God, Robert, you will be fine! I promise!" James was distraught. Vigo also rushed to the front.

"James, do you know why the birds migrate regularly?" James shook his head tearfully.

"They are looking for hope, yes, James, it is hope, there must be hope, you have to live well..." Robert fixed his life at this moment with a smile.

"No! Uncle Robert!!!" James shouted loudly, and Vigo picked him up to avoid all kinds of cold bullets from time to time.

James, listen to me. Robert has gone. Now, we are going to chase down the bastard in the black warehouse. The missile that hit Robert just now is probably fired by the black warehouse. You have to calm down, we will arrest Heicang now! After Vigo finished speaking, he activated the manned mode of his Moonlight Armor and embedded James in the protective cover on his back.

James calmed down, lay on Vigo's back, and flew to the hole with Vigo.

In other words, after the armored vehicle driven by Heicang and others flew through the tunnel at the entrance, it flew upwards along the cargo passage.

Vigo and other Lunar Warriors chased after him.

Just when the black warehouse was about to reach the top of the building, Vigo threw out the moonlight sword and stuck it firmly on the rear of the black warehouse's car, while three steel forks popped out horizontally to be firmly embedded on it.

At the same time, "Success or failure is in one fell swoop!" After Vigo finished speaking, he activated the "Moonlight" mode that he had never used before. In an instant, the armored car in the black warehouse was wrapped in a bright blue aperture. After flying out of the tunnel, it fell heavily into the power generation field on the roof, unable to move.

Vigo retracted the Moonlight Sabre and landed steadily near the armored vehicle with James. The Moonlight Armor issued a red warning and an electric energy warning! "You know, this trick is generally unnecessary!" Vigo said towards James behind him.

For a long time, there was no movement from the armored vehicle.

Other soldiers also followed one after another.

As soon as the door of the armored car was opened, a green shadow and a white shadow rushed out of the car, and several special forces were suddenly in a different place! And Heicang was still in a coma.

Everyone wants to take a closer look, they are two Japanese ninjas!

Vigo ordered everyone to retreat, let James out of the armor, and summoned the Luna Warriors to come to support and demanded the arrest.

Several Luna fighters withdrew their guns and knives, and started the fighting mode.