Blue Dragon

Chapter 54: The action code is Moonnight Lightning


A few days later, the military department handed over the black warehouse. The judicial department reviewed the black warehouse. All assets under his name were frozen. The Bend organization finally surfaced, and all the people involved in the case were arrested and brought to justice.

For a time, the arrest of black warehouses, shady nuclear power, mutant monsters, and black gold politics became the topics of various media rushing to report. The election situation and public opinion are even more to one side. The Civil Social Party has almost completely defeated its opponents in several consecutive pre-election debates, and it is unstoppable.

For James, the most important task these days is to return the bodies of Nulu and Robert to their hometowns for burial, and to offer condolences on behalf of the military. Along the way, the bodies of Nulu and Robert were paid tribute by many strangers. From time to time, people presented crosses or some symbolic objects to the two soldiers. That is sincere, unreserved trust and respect. From this, Robert thought of all the soldiers who died in this disaster. They deserve this kind of glory. They are good. James suddenly saw something comforting in the eyes of these strangers, what it is, maybe it is what Robert calls "hope".

In Singh City, the case of Heicang has reached the final trial. According to the law and the crimes he committed, he will be executed by the Alliance on November 6. And that day also happened to be the day when the results of the North American League election came out.

In the next few days, all the key work was centered on voting by voters in the general election of the league, and everyone was busy in an nervous and orderly manner.

On November 4, the major media and public opinion of the North American League indicated that the Civil Social Party won the control of the Union Senate in this election without any dispute. At the same time, it has achieved remarkable results in the Union House of Representatives, which means that it is close to the majority party status. It is very likely that at least in the next three years, the North American Union Parliament will present a political pattern of "dominance of the world" by the Civil Social Party.

However, just a few days before the election results were about to come out, a harsh phone call gave the Civil Social Party a bolt from the blue. Vigo was asked to go to General Simba's office immediately. After Vigo arrived, the tall General Simba looked solemn, and there were several senior military personnel around him who were also solemn and silent.

"Look at this first, Colonel Vigo." General Simba pointed his finger at the video that was playing on the screen opposite his desk: On the screen, several black warehouse survivors with hoods showed a huge nuclear bomb and The launching device requires the release of the black warehouse on the judgment day, otherwise it will launch super nuclear bombs to several major cities in North America at the same time.

Vigo felt his scalp tighten and his back felt cold. He paused and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, General, it's our negligence. We haven't completely eliminated the black warehouse remnants and nuclear weapons facilities."

"Okay, it's useless to say anything at this time. It's on the eve of the general election, and this matter is related to the safety of the entire alliance. No one wants this kind of thing to happen. I have already reported to the Alliance Defense Headquarters. Pay attention to it and send a task force to deal with this matter. This is Colonel Mark, and Shangfeng has sent to help us deal with this crisis." General Simba said.

Vigo shook hands with Colonel Mark and exchanged a brief greeting.

"Gentlemen, let's discuss the countermeasures first." General Simba said.

A special meeting was held immediately, and the operation was exchanged, discussed and deployed until night fell. In the meantime, the persons in charge of different departments were found separately, and then dispatched and arranged after listening.

The plan was finalized. Colonel Mark was responsible for negotiating with the remaining party in the black warehouse. Vigo was responsible for finding the location of the remaining party in the black warehouse before the judgment day, and timely giving a fatal blow. At the same time, the nuclear warhead was dismantled and all remaining parties were eliminated. ".

From the point of view of the video signal source this time, the Black Cang Yu Party uses the flash signal. They use illegal satellites to randomly switch the signal positioning. In other words, the signal can be positioned anywhere in the world. This really gave the Vigo team a headache.

At the same time, the cunning Black Cang Yu Party has sent negotiators to Singh City to negotiate with Colonel Mark and put forward more demanding requirements and conditions.

Seeing time getting tighter, Vigo was tormented like an ant on a hot pan.

Just then, James called for greetings, and Vigo hung up after a few greetings with him.

After a while, James felt something was wrong, and he called again to ask Vigo what happened. He was so depressed.

Vigo had no choice but to tell the story of the nuclear warhead.

James was also shocked when he heard about it, but he didn't expect that there would be more than one party making waves. After a long silence, James suddenly exerted his strength and said loudly, "Hey, Vigo, did you find Prunge in the underground nuclear plant under the casino mansion that you destroyed this time?"

Vigo seemed to be awakened by a single word in his dream, and said loudly: "Yes, I also checked specifically, there is no Pulunge among all the slave labor rescued! So..."

"Yes, Plunge should be transferred to the base where the Black Cang Yu Party is located, to be precise, it should be another base in the Black Cang!" James said loudly.

"Really worthy of being a professor, really my lucky star!" Vigo said happily.

Soon, in the information analysis department of the laboratory, the Vigo team activated the button communicator again. The button communicator received a weak signal from Plenge, but the image and language were blurred, but with advanced cracking Technically, Vigo discovered that this base was actually in the Orao Mountains on the outskirts of Mocheng. There is an average elevation of 5,000 meters, with snow all year round, and the climate is cold. From the bottom to the top of the mountain, the climate changes three times. Vigo didn't hesitate to think about it, but knew that he had to end the operation before the nuclear bomb started.