Blue Dragon

Chapter 55: The nuclear bomb has been activated


The Vigo team assembled again, this time a total of 20 Luna Warriors and 500 Special Forces were selected. The main task this time is to get in touch with nuclear warheads and eliminate the black surplus party. The difference is that the action time was only 72 hours before the Black Cang Yu Party discovered it. Otherwise, once the nuclear warhead is activated in advance, everything will be over.

Two hours later, with the roar of the carrier aircraft, the towering Orao Mountains truly stood in front of the Vigo team.

Following the feedback from the investigators, three huge holes with a diameter of 30 meters and regular edges were found in the middle of the Orao Mountains.

"It should be here, the remnants of the black warehouse are in it!" James said.

Vigo immediately ordered the use of ultrasonic imaging and thermal effect detectors to conduct detailed surveys of the entire nuclear power plant at close range and found that three giant holes lead to three huge underground bunkers, but the specific conditions behind the bunkers could not be detected.

Vigo divided the crew into four teams. The first, second, and third squads are equipped with 5 Luna Warriors and 100 special forces. They sneak into the three giant caves, keep in touch at any time, and wait for opportunities to respond flexibly. The fourth team is equipped with 5 Luna Warriors and 200 Special Forces, who stay outside the cave as a support force.

James followed Vigo into the huge hole on the left. Unlike the ice and snow outside the cave, the airflow inside the cave was still warm, warmer, but completely dark.

Vigo kept in touch with several other teams, and it seemed that it was still calm for the time being.

After Vigo team fumbled for 20 minutes, suddenly a series of exclamations from the third team came from the side of Vigo's communicator. Vigo shouted, "What happened, Sergeant Klin!"

"Colonel, we were hit by a huge object. It was too dark to see what it was! Dozens of soldiers were injured by the impact!" Sergeant Klin replied loudly.

"Remove the wounded first, and the rest will speed up the progress, be more careful, and be highly vigilant!" Vigo ordered.

Just like that, I walked forward for another 15 minutes. It's still peaceful, everyone is in peace, but the good times are not long.

At this time, James felt that the hole began to vibrate slightly. A bad premonition flashed through James' mind.

"Vigo, Vigo!" James's voice gradually increased, "Do you feel anything? This huge hole is beginning to shake! It's getting stronger and stronger!"

"Yes, James, I feel it."

"Should we do something?!"

"Attention everyone, now spread out, everyone is close to the cave wall, don't move!" Vigo shouted.

It was too late, it was fast, and at this moment, a huge black shadow drove towards them quickly, rushed out in an instant, and disappeared.

Fortunately, Vigo gave the order in time and no one was injured.

"Thank you, professor, you are an excellent scout." Vigo patted James on the shoulder.

James smiled slightly, curled his eyebrows, and said, "I think, let's leave this ghost place as soon as possible!"

Vigo nodded, looked forward vigilantly, and signaled the team to speed up.

In this way, after easily fixing a few guards and shielding a few monitors, the three teams went deep into the bunker within 10 minutes. Similarly, the instrument showed that the nuclear radiation here was exceeding the standard. After the change of equipment, several teams began to carefully observe the bunker they reached.

The first squad, Vigo’s unit, arrived at the bunker, very quiet and very clean. There were only a few porters who had just been subdued. They were carrying finished weapons to a land and air carrier, which seemed to be weapons. Library.

The bunker that the second team arrived at looked like a processing line for processing raw materials. The smell was relatively unpleasant, but it was unusually warm and the temperature was higher. Through the high-rise steel mesh, you can see the same situation as the underground factory in the black warehouse. There are hundreds of people. Slave workers in gray protective suits are helplessly busy on the primary raw material processing line of uranium ore. The mercenaries are still on the top, constantly monitoring from a distance, whether they are using megaphones to berate and intimidate the slave laborers named after their numbers.

The bunker reached by the third team was full of huge equipment daggers, reactors and related heat dissipation facilities, as well as scattered laboratories. Dozens of workers are pouring some liquid into each container in an orderly manner. This looks like a production and processing room.

After the three teams described their respective situations, everyone began their ultimate action. One was to find the location of the nuclear weapon launcher, and the other was to technically destroy all nuclear production and processing facilities and finished products.

The Vigo team started a carpet search in the dry warehouse, and his instinct told him that the launcher was nearby.

After searching for a circle, apart from getting a few guards, no enemy was found around the warehouse. It seems that the remaining party in the black warehouse did not expect Vigo and the others to find their base camp so quickly. James looked around and found huge steel doors, and the most striking thing was a huge steel door on the left side of the weapon arsenal, which was marked with various warning signs.

"Roy, you open this door." Vigo said to a young soldier with blond hair.

"Yes, Colonel!" Roy is a special soldier with the best skills in the special forces stunt team, a computer expert, and he learned everything from an expert in high school. Fortunately, his father was forced to serve in the army. Did not fall astray.

Five minutes later, the steel door code was cracked by Roy, and the steel door opened.

"Good job! Roy." Vigo praised.

"It's nothing, sir!" Roy smiled lightly.

James looked forward. Inside this steel door was an internal bunker space as large as a standard football field. There were nuclear warheads embedded in the nuclear bomb racks. The scale was so big that Vigo and James were amazed. There were hundreds of them neatly arranged. A nuclear warhead, which is enough to destroy the earth nearly a hundred times!

At this moment, James yelled: "Quiet! Be quiet, everyone!"

The soldiers soon heard a series of "didi...didi...didi..." sounds, which made everyone's scalp numb.

Following the sound, James found that there was an electronic device counting down under the pedestal where the nuclear warhead was shot. When he fixed his eyes, he felt cold behind his back and bursts of cold sweat came out of his head. "God, in 10 hours, this nuclear bomb will be activated!" James said to Vigo who arrived later.

Vigo immediately ordered people to check all the nuclear warheads and found that they were all controlled by the same system. The system display showed that 6 nuclear warheads had been activated, but only 3 nuclear warheads were found, and the other 3 were unknown. Traced.

At this time, James discovered that a nuclear bomb rack base was empty, and there was obviously a gate passage under the base. "Vigo, it seems we are running out of time, this nuclear bomb is likely to have entered the scheduled orbit!" James said.

"Damn it, where does this damn warhead lead! Now we need to find it!" Vigo's team began a more rigorous search, but after half an hour they still found nothing. There were steel plates everywhere and no access to the underground. Just when everyone was almost disappointed, the third team sent a signal saying that they had found a nuclear bomb launcher in operation in a huge laboratory, enough to hold 6 nuclear bombs. There were already 3 nuclear bombs. The nuclear bomb was in the launch frame. The situation has been brought under control. One leader was killed, the other leader escaped, and the rest of the personnel were under control.

"Tell Sergeant Klin where we are, and we must get there as soon as possible!" Vigo shouted loudly.

Under the reminder of the arrested laboratory personnel, Vigo and James found a hidden button at the steel door directly in front of the warehouse, and that button was the warning slogan, and someone inside the other bunker also pressed the button at the same time , The steel door opened instantly, the thickness was amazing, several meters.

Vigo and his party filed in. After entering the giant laboratory, James saw that the three nuclear bombs had been put on the shelves and entered the standby mode. The fastest one was scheduled for 4 hours, which is 1 o'clock tomorrow morning, and the nightmare is about to begin.

"Roy, stop this damn nuclear launch system!" Vigo said seriously to Roy.

"Yes, sir!" Roy quickly entered the operating system and began to decrypt.

Everyone held their breath, waiting for Roy's progress.

But the situation is not optimistic. The password setting of this system is quite complicated. There are 4 password letters hidden. Roy has cracked 3 paragraphs, but still has no idea about the 4th paragraph composed of 142 letters. Roy felt unprecedented pressure and became more and more nervous, but he knew it would only get worse. James twisted his sweat for Roy. He suddenly thought of Rowling. Maybe Rowling had a way. James thought of this and dialed Rowling's phone.

"Listen, Rowling, now I can't explain the rest to you. There is a four-segment code in front of me that needs to be cracked. Listen..."