Blue Dragon

Chapter 57: See also Blue Dragon


It is said that Vigo led the three Luna Warriors to catch the nuclear bomb within five minutes, but how to solve it is a headache. Vigo ordered the other two Luna fighters to launch the "Moonlight Cable" at the same time, binding the head, middle and tail of the nuclear bomb at the same time, then raising the elevation angle of the nuclear bomb and changing the orbit to shoot vertically toward the outer atmosphere. In order to prevent the nuclear bomb from running out of fuel and falling to the ground, Vigo decided to finally use the energy reserves of the Moonlight Warframe to push the nuclear bomb out of the atmosphere. In this way, the three Luna Warriors flew away with the nuclear bomb. The higher the flight, the thicker the clouds, reaching 2500 meters, 3000 meters, 3500 meters... The icing warning light of the Moonlight Armor has turned red... The three Luna fighters including Vigo activated the "High Altitude Combat Mode" and followed the nuclear bomb. Keep going up...

By the way, in the giant cave laboratory, Roy was already so tired that his face turned pale, and the high-speed calculations had brought his physical fitness close to the limit. But the effort pays off. The general framework of the dynamic law has been worked out, and only individual fields are being calculated.

At this moment, Rowling sent a micro software for Roy to try. This is the latest decryption software developed by Rowling, which can solve the last bit extension of the password. Roy didn’t have much hope for this software, but a miracle happened after starting the software. Rowling’s little software seemed to have an angel’s hand, and quickly spelled out the remaining 10 jump fields, which Roy and Rowling completed together. In order to make the cyclic decryption program, the dynamic password is always in the decryption state, Roy took advantage of the trend to stop the operating system.

At the same time, all the display screens of the nuclear bombs to be activated under the nuclear bomb silo on the top of the mountain instantly reset to zero, and the display instructions are cancelled to enter the shutdown mode. Major Wood finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Vigo again, they and the nuclear bomb have reached a distance of 1,050 kilometers from the ground. Unsurprisingly, the nuclear bomb fuel tank warning, the speed suddenly slowed down. Vigo and others immediately turned on the super moonlight power unit, and the three accelerated toward the outside of the atmosphere. Ten minutes later, the Moonlight Battle Armor also began to call the police, and its endurance had reached its limit, and it could no longer continue to fly outward. So Vigo ordered the three of them to loosen the moonlight cable at the same time, bounce back in the opposite direction, and turn around and return to the ground. In this way, the nuclear bomb continued to fly into the illusory dark space.

Twenty minutes later, the three of Vigo returned to the giant hole in Mount Orao. Amid the applause of everyone, James also rushed to congratulate him upon hearing the news. Among the slave labor rescued, Vigo found Prunger, who was already dead. The poor man had been festered. From the expression on his face, he could imagine the pain and torment he had suffered. Vigo relayed the situation to Adash, and after a moment of silence on the other end of the phone, he said thank you and hung up.

Major Wood explained the crisis situation to Vigo, and Vigo immediately reported the entire situation to General Simba and Colonel Mark.

The black gang lurking in Singh City was wiped out.

But James felt a trace of hesitation from the flash of Vigo's expression during the call.

As soon as the phone was hung up, Vigo ordered the aftermath of all equipment and systems. Return to the Union military headquarters the next day.

The night in the Orao Mountains is cold and magnificent. The snow-capped mountain peaks are particularly magnificent under the dazzling starry sky. James couldn't sleep, and went to find Vigo alone, only to learn that Vigo was still in charge of the aftermath in the giant cave, so he was aimlessly admiring the beautiful night scenery in the clearing in the mountains and forests.

James, who had been revenge, suddenly felt a sense of nothingness. Looking at the twinkling stars in the night sky, he suddenly lost himself. He suddenly thought of the old chief, of Hull, and of Adele. There is even this race and the blue dragon animal. It’s incredible. I have experienced too many people and things in a short time. It is these people and things that have completely subverted the cognitive system that James had built before. James suddenly felt How ignorant and ridiculous I am as a member of modern civilization.

At this moment, James suddenly found a black figure flying in the night sky, and quickly flew towards him. James's heart tightened and he strode into the forest to hide. But after a few steps, I heard someone calling his name. When I turned around, I realized that Hull and Adele were riding a huge blue dragon and landing on a clearing in the forest. Snow was splashed and the blue dragon was thick and thick. A huge mark was made on his body.

James took a closer look. It turned out to be Murutu’s blue dragon. It looked unusually tall and strong in the night. It glowed with the brilliant light of the orchids under the shining light of the stars, making it extremely sacred. James felt that this was simply God’s Ranch The fetish in.

"James, long time no see, how are you!" Adele and Hull greeted them from a distance.

"Wow, Hull! Adele! Hello!" James greeted the two.

"Don't forget, there are ****!" Adele reminded James.

"Oh, yes, yes, and respected Mr. ****, hello, ****!" James cautiously tried to touch Hawke. Unexpectedly, James hadn't touched the **** before he was slapped to the ground by the huge left wing of the ****.

Upon seeing this, Hull hurriedly jumped off the blue dragon and came over to help James. James was just about to have an attack. He saw a deep and deep cry from ****, like a natural sound.

"Hahaha, it likes you!" Adele laughed.

James had to give up.

"By the way, how did you find me?" James returned to preach.

Adele said mysteriously: "**** and I perceive you are in trouble, here is where to help!"

James shook his head suspiciously and said: "I'm fine now. Hei Cang has been arrested, and Vigo and the others have just wiped out the rest of the party in the Hei Cang. We are preparing to return to Singh City tomorrow. What will be the trouble?"

"James, listen to me, there is nothing wrong with the perception of ****, you can go with us." Adele almost begged.

"Yes, James, Adele is right." Hull agreed.

James still disagreed, and was about to continue the conversation, but found that the wings of the **** suddenly spread.

"Quickly, James, someone is coming, come up quickly!" Adele took Hull to sit on the back of the boss again.

James saw the light beam dangling not far away getting closer.

"Listen, James, I ask you for the last time, whether to go or not to go!" Adele asked when he saw it.

"Professor James! Professor James!..." It turned out that Vigo came back and found that James was not there and sent someone to look for him.

"It's okay, it's your own, you go quickly, don't be found, I will visit you when I have time." James said.

Adele and Hull couldn't persuade James to persuade them, so they had no choice but to give up. They gave an order and **** vacated and disappeared quickly into the night.