Blue Dragon

Chapter 58: Heikura's farewell


After Hull and them disappeared completely, James shouted to the people who came: "Hi! I am here! I am here!"

Early the next morning, Vigo came to James’ bedroom and said solemnly: “Listen, James, after returning to Singh City, General Simba may talk to you. If you need my help, just ask me. ."

"Oh, okay, Vigo, but I don't know what he wants to talk to me?" James suspiciously.

"You will know this at the time, maybe there are their considerations above." Vigo embarrassed.

James sees it hard to ask again.

While James and Vigo were destroying the remaining party in the black warehouse, the black warehouse, who had already been trapped in prison, sat silently in a windowless room.

It seemed that years of fatigue hit at the same time, and Heikura suddenly felt that he was old.

He closed his eyes, and a lot of pictures flashed in his mind—fighting and killing, feasting, feasting, car beauties...

Suddenly, it was pitch black! Heicang couldn't see anything, so he sat up all of a sudden.

Heikura once again found his dream again! The huge black ship, the mysterious samurai, the misty sea, the cry of the baby...

At this moment, the mysterious man wearing a Mongolian shirt and a black mask is still sitting on the opposite side. He is still watching him silently, but he hasn't spoken anymore. He just reveals more ardent hope and hope from his eyes. Sternly blame.

For some unknown reason, Kurokura no longer felt scared, but he felt motivated and returned.

Suddenly, the samurai stretched out a huge hand to Kurokura. Without hesitation, Kurokura reached out to be with me as a samurai.

At this time, the cry of the baby on the sea suddenly stopped, and the black warehouse instinctively looked out, the fog had cleared, and the sky began to brighten.

Kurokura suddenly felt his whole body full of power, and the samurai took Kakura and walked out of the cabin. Hei Cang saw a red boat approaching in the distance, which looked particularly dazzling against the blue-black sea. A beautiful young woman stood on the bow of the boat, and the baby in her arms was smiling at the side of Kurokura.

Heicang's mind was full of clarity.

The red ship slowly leaned up, and the samurai suddenly pushed Heikura, and made a strong and powerful voice: "Go, my child, you will be reborn!" Heikura was shocked, but magically landed steadily. On the red boat. The beautiful young woman handed the smiling baby to Kurokura, who caught it and turned and looked at the samurai and the black ship. He had already sailed away.

Turning around again, the Red Ship is left with the black warehouse alone. Hei Cang was shocked, and seeing the red boat swiftly sailing away, a brand new world in the distance appeared in front of Hei Cang...

Then came the shocking news from the military prison-Heikang smiled and died without trauma. Some people said that the room was filled with red mist when he died, some said that he heard the cry of a baby, and some said that he heard the weird laughter of Heikang...

But Jason, who was several rooms away from him, was indeed murdered, and his heart disappeared mysteriously.

Early in the morning after the battle in the Orao Mountains, Vigo's troops returned after the arrival of the follow-up troops.

After returning to Singer City, James was arranged to meet with General Simba. But this meeting made James feel very depressed.

General Simba said straightforwardly: "Professor James, we succeeded, the election was over, the crisis was lifted, and the end was perfect. Shangfeng appreciates your ability. This clean-up operation proves this. You will receive the Purple Heart. congratulations!

"Thank you, General." James said, "I think my mission has been completed and I can leave here."

"Oh, Professor James, I forgot to tell you that your friend has left, but we still hope you can stay and leave you as a special talent in the Special Bureau of the Alliance Army to serve the special missions of the Alliance Army. .

But James has no interest in serving in the military department. He doesn't like to blend in with the secular battles. Now the military leaders keep him under house arrest in disguise-maybe they think he knows too much. Therefore, James repeatedly declined, and General Simba saw that the persuasion failed for a while and let James consider it for a few days before replying.

Coming out of General Simba's office, James found Vigo directly.

"Why is this? I just want to return to my normal life. This is not for me. You should understand, Vigo!" James complained.

"You should understand what General Simba meant, James." Vigo said helplessly.

"What do you mean, Vigo, don't you think so too?" James was a little surprised.

"Listen, you are an excellent scientist. What's wrong with being with us? The Alliance military is also part of the Alliance. Working for the military is also for the Alliance. It's just that one is in the university and the other is in the military. , Is there any difference?"

"You want to put me under house arrest! I'm afraid I know too much, don't you?!"

"Well, since you think so, I have nothing to say. Think about it for yourself. I am a soldier. It is my duty to obey orders." Vigo turned and left after speaking.

With years of experience, Vigo has also noticed the strangeness of the military department.

Sure enough, a few days later, surprising news came from the military: Jason and Heicang were killed in a special prison of the military a few days ago. The military has been infiltrated by foreign forces, and there are even bigger ones behind the scenes. The black hands are manipulating behind the scenes.

The military department Shangfeng has secretly appointed people from the Military Intelligence Department to investigate the ghosts. Including Vigo, James and many personnel have been included in the surveillance area, the military environment is quite depressing.

James began to find a way to leave.