Blue Dragon

Chapter 6: An autumn dinner for the Western Shoshone


Then Nulu turned around and touched the young girl's head and said, "This is my daughter Celine. Celine will come to say hello."

The girl who was still staring at James just now made a deep and powerful voice: "Hello."

"Oh, hello, Celine!" James was startled by the girl's low voice.

"At that time, our tribe was expelled to the alpine region by white people. Her mother was suffering from typhoid fever due to overwork. In addition, she was in a bad environment at the time. As a result, she died... Celine kept crying until her voice became like this." Nulu choked a little.

"Well, Nulu, at least she has a good father like you." Robert comforted.

James also expressed his sympathy when he heard Nulu's account.

Nulu shook his head helplessly and said, "Stop talking about this, please come with me, distinguished guests!" After speaking, he turned around and took James and Robert to the depths of the jungle...

When the evening breeze hit, the Western Shoshone tribe started the grandest and lively bonfire dinner in this autumn. It was meant to thank the god of nature, celebrate the fatness of livestock, enjoy delicious food and pray for a beautiful coming year.

People wear all kinds of colorful masks. Both men and women wear white dresses, holding hands around the bonfire, shouting loudly and dancing wildly.

James and Robert were sitting around the patriarch as distinguished guests, watching the festive and enthusiastic scene together. Nulu kept talking with Robert, sometimes excited and sometimes depressed. Across the patriarch, James couldn't hear clearly. But Celine, who was sitting next to him, had been toasting him all the time. James was too drunk and had been drunk and embarrassed by his classmates several times in college, so he appeared to be extra cautious and did not dare to accept. But at this time, I was very worried and bored, and seeing Celine drinking so easily, I couldn’t help but look up and drink a glass like Celine. Who knew that James almost didn’t choke to death with one sip, and he was silent on the side. Celine actually laughed out loud, which made Robert and Nulu suddenly notice this side, they got up and walked over and sat down next to James.

"You know, I haven't seen Celine smile since her mother left, James, how did you do it?" Nulu asked with a puzzled look.

When asked by Nulu, James was ashamed and whispered: "It's nothing, I just choked by accident. But then again, it looks like your daughter can drink very much. She hasn't stopped since I was sitting here. "

Nulu laughed and said: "I forgot to tell you that my wife is Chinese. It is a Chinese minority girl I met when I participated in the'Peacekeeping Operation' in the Asian League. That Chinese girl's family has been making wine for generations. Everyone can drink. The method of brewing this wine is from China and it is a strong liquor."

Robert smiled knowingly, took a glass of wine in his hand, took it and took a sip and said, "It's so fragrant. You have to drink this wine slowly to feel its weight and strength. The aftertaste is endless."

Under Robert's guidance, James took another sip slowly, only feeling that his tongue was like a ignited fuse, and the flames burned down his throat quickly until it reached the bottom of his stomach. After a slight convulsive tremor, James felt a rush of heat rushing out of his abdomen, along the intestines, stomach wall, esophagus, and throat until his tongue and lips. Finally, the heat flowed back to the end of his nose like a golden hook. The scent makes people fascinated and forgets about it.

"Haha, not bad, James." Robert smiled when he saw it.

James nodded vigorously, squeezed his eyes again, raised his head and shook his head gently. This kind of invigorating feeling has never been felt before.

Robert went on to say: "West Shoshone refers to the Western Inland, or in the Western Valley. At the end of the 20th century, they were expelled by white colonists and forcibly demolished from their homes. The Nepalese had to leave their hometowns and began their "home-finding journey", but for decades they would be squeezed by other tribes wherever they arrived. No place could be used as a long-term habitat. In the end, they had to be transformed from a farming tribe. Hunting the nomadic tribe for the grassland, living a life of no fixed place, but this tribe has always maintained the clan branches firmly, not only has not weakened, but has become stronger with its amazing ability to survive."

James was listening intently, and suddenly heard a noise in the crowd. It turned out that the lads of the tribe were hanging a special totem statue on a straight wooden stake. The lads stepped on one by one and set up the human ladder until they successfully hung the statue on the top of the pillar. Then the people of the tribe cheered loudly, bowed down to the ground in accordance with the yelling of the patriarch, and then danced around the pillars with totem statues...

When the dew came, the people who attended the dinner gradually dispersed.

Nulu took Robert and James to a quiet cloth tent, and the three sat on the ground, silent for a long time. In the end, Nulu broke the silence and spoke first: "Let's talk, old friend, what happened? I felt something wrong when I was chatting with you just now, and I kept grind and refused to say it."

Robert put down his pipe and sighed deeply, "Nuru, Webber died not long ago."

"What, General Weber? Isn't it true?" Nulu said angrily. "Damn Gerald, that damn guy must have killed General Weber!"

"Wait, who did you say killed my father! Gerrard?!" James asked eagerly.

Nulu seemed to realize something, turned to look at Robert, and said to James: "This is hard to say, James, you'd better not ask so much. Your father won't want you to get involved, you will die! "

Nulu remained silent, seeming to be making a difficult decision.

When James saw this, he turned his head and looked forward to Robert's explanation, but Robert reluctantly shook his head and said: "I haven't seen your father again since I was injured, sorry. Nulu, tell us everything you know. James came all the way to find me just to know the truth. I don’t think I should hide anything."

James also anxiously said on the side: "Robert has already told me, I know who Gerrard is, and I also know this damn military operation! Well, well, how Gerrard killed my father! I have to know. The truth!" James was very sad and indignant.

When Nulu saw Robert say this, and saw James' decisiveness, he had to tell what he knew one by one: "That's really terrible. After encountering the monster in the lake in Execution Area 2, Robert was injured and left. Although the morale of the remaining soldiers fell sharply, under Gerrard’s lewd power, he had to bite the bullet and continue to perform this damn task. After passing by an uninhabited village, Gerrard ordered a rest on the spot. Replenish water. However, when we were conducting routine searches in the village, we found a strange sight—what kind of scene was that: a dry well in the village suddenly spewed out a bright red smell full of fishy smell. Disgusting mud, many human wreckages surfaced in the mud and scattered on the ground. Many soldiers vomited on the spot. The army was even more panicked. However, Gerrard did not intend to stop at all, and ordered to continue into execution area 3. Until we passed one. While in the canyon, we encountered a fierce ambush from the local indigenous people. Both sides suffered a lot of casualties, but in general our weapons had the advantage. After some fierce fighting, we finally captured one of their brains. We searched him and found a pair of them. A picture of animal skins with monsters with limbs and beards, and the mind suddenly looked terrified and shouted "Moche!" Moche! "Aludu is quaint!..." the translator said: "Go to hell! Go to hell! The devil is killing you!"

"Wait, is the monster you mentioned like this?!" James took out the mysterious pattern drawn by his father.

Nulu was a little surprised, and replied, "That's it, yes! Where did you get it?"

"Found it in my father's notebook." James was very excited.

Nulu looked at the pattern that James had brought, and then said: "At that time, we couldn't help but breathe in the air. Isn't that the monster we encountered at the lake that night?! It's just that the monster didn't have wings. Then we bet. As the aboriginal man continued to walk into the depths of the canyon, God knows what we encountered later." Nulu's face suddenly showed a horrible and distorted expression, Robert and James both held their breath, and did not dare to release the atmosphere.

Nulu paused, and continued: "At first, everything was so quiet, only the cold mountain winds let us know that we were alive. Then, something strange happened. When we were about to walk out of the gorge where the fierce battle took place, we discovered There is a huge sinkhole hundreds of meters ahead. When you walk into it, it is covered with dense and unusually large tropical plants. What’s even more amazing is that the wind blowing from the hole is very warm and humid, and it is completely different from the outside of the pit. The world. Just as everyone was amazed, the face of the indigenous mind once again showed a horrified expression, and his mouth shouted:'Moche! Moche! Abdul Ruguya!...'Because at the bottom of the valley, this weird spell-like The sound became extremely loud. Everyone couldn't help but horrified. At this moment, everyone felt that the ground under their feet began to vibrate, as if a volcano erupted. Then Gerrard ordered the army to retreat urgently and leave the valley, but it was too late. Tiankeng Thousands of crystalline blue pythons sprang out from the dense vegetation at the bottom. They were much smaller than the one at the bottom of the lake, but they were huge in number. The army suddenly became chaotic, with guns and guns roaring, howling ghosts and wolves, blood and blood, and hundreds of people. I was killed on the spot. At this moment, a bullet hit my left shoulder mercilessly, and I was lying on the ground. In order to save me, your father turned back from a distance and ran out desperately with my back on my back. The sky began to flash and thunder, and the heavy rain fell sharply. The soldiers struggled more and more in the mud, until they finally escaped the canyon, they were nearly half casualties. The ghost knew where the damn Gerrard was going at that time, and he completely ignored it. We don't care about our life and death!"

Nulu took a sip of water, and then said: "After this terrorist incident, I heard that the military team meeting had disagreements over whether to continue to enter the No. 4 enforcement area. Actions are contrary to human nature, coupled with a series of terrorist incidents, make people feel more physical and mental fear and exhaustion, demanding to withdraw from the area and stop this tragic plan. On the other hand is the opinion represented by the devil, Gerrard. . The ghost knew what they were thinking, why they insisted on moving forward. Until later, your father was shocked and showed his hand-saying that he took samples of the corpses in all the villages in the execution area and found no virus infection. Signs, questioning our military mission. Gerrard immediately ordered the imprisonment of your father. Later, I was sent back due to injuries and never saw your father again. But I’m sure that your father’s death was related to Gerrard is concerned! James, we will always stand with your father! We want to expose this shameful, pathetic, and tragic plan! We want to expose Gerald and the so-called upper-level politicians to the world, see Look at what damn things this League Council is doing! But having said that, how can we further investigate the truth? Besides, I just heard Robert said that you have been targeted and are in danger."

"Next I want to take James to find Jason. The three of us are the ones who stayed until the end. Maybe we can get the answer from him." Robert took the words of Nulu through a mouthful of smoke.