Blue Dragon

Chapter 7: Target Wake City


"So where is Jason? How can I find him?" James then asked.

"Don't worry about this, Robert's'alarm clock' should work." Nulu smiled.

"'Alarm clock'?" James knew what it was.

Nulu continued: "It was a radio link made by us for the convenience of communication when we graduated from the military academy. It has a special frequency and code, and only a few of us know it."

"I just used it once, James." Robert said to James. Then took out the "pocket alarm clock" with the antenna from the bag and started to operate it. Several people held their breath and waited for the "alarm clock" to ring. After a while, the "alarm clock" rang.

"Nuru, Jason seems to be'out' too. He is not far from us, in a mountain town called Wick down the river." Robert said.

"Very well, I will leave tomorrow. You should go to bed first. I will go around and see if there is any suspicious situation. I still have a shotgun here. You hold it just in case." Nulu finished speaking and picked up another gun. Get up and walk out of the account.

Robert and James were so exhausted that they fell asleep...

Early the next morning, strong sunlight pierced into James’ tent. James hadn’t slept in a tent in the wild for a long time. He felt very good. Maybe he was too tired. Perhaps this primitive mother-to-earth sleep is more in line with natural sleep. A sleep made James full of strength, ready to go. James got up and walked out of the tent and found that Robert was squatting on a wooden pier not far from the tent, dangling a pipe while cooking a huge hanging pot with firewood, and the smell of cornmeal penetrated James' nostrils.

"It smells so good, Robert, good morning!" James said hello as he walked over to Robert.

"Good morning, you finally woke up, I was about to call you. Oh, yes, look, this is the fish that Nulu went to the river to catch early in the morning. There was a striped perch in it. This season can It's really rare to catch this kind of fish, and we are really lucky." Robert said excitedly.

James sat down next to Robert and helped fill the firewood. At this time Nulu and Celine brought many sharpened wooden strips and began to wear fish. "James, I'll let you taste my grilled fish, you will like it," Nulu said.

"Yes, I remember when we were in the military academy, we often went outside to taste Nulu's game. It was top-notch. We had always persuaded him to open a local barbecue restaurant after he retired. He just didn't listen and had to run. Come back and say he likes to live this kind of life." Robert added.

James nodded and said: "If people can get close to nature like Nulu, they won't be desperate to move so fast. Now we have begun to bear the consequences of greed."

Robert sighed helplessly: "If it weren't for this, maybe we wouldn't carry out the damn plan, and your father would not leave us."

Having said this, the three of them felt sad. James patted Robert on the shoulder and got up to help Nulu grill the fish.

After the meal was full, Robert took James back to the tent, cleaned up briefly, and came out to bid farewell to Nulu.

Nulu expressed that he wanted to go with Robert and James, but he was sternly rejected by Robert: "We can understand your feelings, but you are still Celine's father, she can't live without you, old classmate, you should take good care of Celine. , The matter of General Weber should be handled by my old bones."

James also resolutely discouraged Nulu from accompanying.

During this period, Nulu kept looking at Celine, and Celine also looked at Nulu. In the end, Nulu, who was thick and delicate, had to stay and take care of Celine.

Nulu prepared dry food and some common items for Robert and James, and Celine kept sending the two to the river, reluctantly saying goodbye.

The weather is fine and the sun is particularly bright. James and Robert went smoothly, traversing dozens of miles without much effort.

"According to the contact device, Jason is only twenty miles away from me. After walking for most of the day, let's find a place nearby to get something to eat." Robert said to James. James agreed and parked the kayak on a relatively flat and empty shore.

Robert scanned the situation on the shore with the unique eyes of a professional soldier, and after eliminating the possible danger, he signaled James to get off the boat and go ashore. The two went around looking for some dry branches, and a fire broke out in a relatively dry place, and they grilled the fresh fish that Nulu gave them, and the aroma was overflowing for a while....

Robert had planned to have a meal and grilled fish to go a little further, but it was raining without any warning when the weather was unexpected. The two had no choice but to take out the tent given by Nulu and set up a camp, and they both sighed in their hearts that Nulu was thoughtful and prepared for the rainy day.

An autumn rain and a cold. The coldness in the mountains and forests was so severe that James and Robert came out without clothes, so they had to stay close to each other to keep warm. Until the rain stopped, the two quickly got up and went out to light a fire, but the firewood was completely wet. Robert walked to the kayak, uncovered an oil lamp from nowhere, walked straight to the dry pyre and spilled out the little oil in the oil lamp, took out the match he was carrying and lighted it up, and finally slammed the pile of wood again. Was lit. James hurried over and stayed warm by the fire with Robert.

However, at this moment, James and Robert heard a clear splash in the river not far from them at the same time, but the weather was bad and there was neither moon nor stars. They stood up and watched for a long time and saw nothing. I only saw the dark river meandering into the distance. James suddenly thought of the serpentine monster that Robert and Nulu were talking about, and he couldn't help feeling hairy.

It was Robert who was more calm, let James lie on the spot, quickly pulled the pistol, and crawled to the riverside to find out. Seeing Robert so, James also plucked up his courage, followed Robert and crawled towards the river.

As he got closer and closer to the river, Robert vaguely saw a large raft floating in the river. He was about to take a closer look, but found that there was a black ball floating on the water near the shore. Robert Gu Not so much, so I picked up the pistol and aimed at the "black ball" and prepared to shoot, saying that it was too late and that time, only to hear the "black ball" suddenly yelled. Both Robert and James were surprised by this shout, and they were very puzzled.

"Robert! Is that you?!"-It turns out that the "black ball" is not someone else, it is Nulu. Robert knows too much about his unique deep and deep voice.

"Nuru?! Why are you here, Celine?!" Robert stretched out his hand and went ashore. James also got up and came to help.

Unexpectedly, Nulu Gu didn't say much, and after going ashore, he sat down on the ground and cried loudly.

This cry caused Robert and James to feel confused for a while, and both of them asked anxiously: "What happened, Nulu, tell me!"

"Celine is dead! Celine is dead!" Nulu couldn't restrain his grief, and the bereavement of his middle-aged wife and son had caused the once strong soldier to collapse in his heart.

Robert and James looked at each other and held Nulu to the fire.

After Nulu calmed down for a while, Robert continued to ask, "Who did it?"

"I don't know, a group of soldiers, it looks like they have received professional training. We were all killed soon after you left. We couldn't fight back at all. The firepower of the other party was too strong. Celine was terrified. I was too careless. Hold her and watch her fall in front of me!!! I am so damned!!!..." Nulu blamed himself deeply.

"I shouldn't go to you, Nulu, I'm sorry!" Robert, a tough guy with an extremely strong character, couldn't help crying at this time.

When James heard this, self-blame was also in his heart for a while, and a young life was lost in this way. This is what he did not expect, this matter is so complicated and cruel.

The three people surrounded the fire and fell into silence again. Sadness enveloped everyone's heart. Only the blazing flame represented their heart of revenge. Before dawn, the three set off for Wake City...