Blue Dragon

Chapter 8: Jason's memories of an abandoned nuclear plant


According to the address provided by Jason, the James trio found an inconspicuous waste recycling station in the southwestern area of Wake City, which was full of used cars, home appliances and even airplane cannons from amusement parks. At the same time as they arrived, a tall, rugged, tan-skinned man with brown linen cowboy hats, a full-faced beard, and a mixed-blood white with characteristics of Inca descent came out from an old tin room not far in front of the three of them. A man of this kind, followed by a huge black-haired dog with a supernatural appearance, an open chest, and a huge head.

Seeing James and them, Jason greeted him from a distance: "Hey! Who is coming! My old guys!".

Robert and Nulu embraced Jason warmly.

"Haha! You bastard is alive!" Robert punched Jason's stout arm.

"Yes, I am so lucky! Hahaha!" Jason patted his chest vigorously, "What's wrong with you, man, how can you become so melancholy after a few days." Jason looked at Nulu and asked. Nulu kept sighing without answering.

Upon seeing this, Robert hurriedly changed the subject, turned around and introduced: "This is Professor James, the son of General Weber."

Jason flashed a surprised expression, then quickly stepped forward and shook hands with James enthusiastically: "Hello, Professor James, it's nice to meet you. Um... Come on, guys, please inside!" But The big dog suddenly made a strange noise, which made the three of them nervous. "Dick, be friendly to my brother!" Jason stopped. "It is the Chinese Tibetan Mastiff, also called Dragon Dog. I asked an Asian friend to buy it. This guy cost me a lot of money! But let's be honest. The nursing home is really useful, more powerful than a wolf." Jason said.

Jason let the three James into the house. The simplicity, clarity, and order of the house and the piles of mess and chaos outside the house are nothing like two worlds. A huge crocodile headdress hung on the wall of the living room is particularly noticeable, especially the attention of James, a professor of biochemistry.

"Where did you get such a huge crocodile?" James asked.

"Well, a friend caught it while hunting, who knows, hehe maybe some kind of prehistoric giant crocodile, I don't know it clearly, it feels very domineering, so I hang it here," Jason replied, "please sit down." Guys, the journey has been exhausted. I will give you a taste of the special coffee beans that I have newly acquired, planted at an altitude of meters high, so that you can get rid of your fatigue." Jason said, turned and left.

The three James sat on the sofa and waited. The house has very good lighting. The huge floor-to-ceiling hall windows allow sunlight to reach every corner of the house to the greatest extent. The refracted, reflected, and direct light makes the house so warm in the late autumn, as if the summer morning makes people feel The fire is full of fire.

"Coffee is here, guys, it's best to taste it with your eyes closed, there will be a windfall."

The three picked up the coffee and tasted it.

Robert first nodded and said: "Indeed, the typical Caribbean flavor. Close your eyes and taste it carefully as if you are sitting on the Caribbean coast with the warm, humid, salty and energetic sea breeze. Well, it feels good."

Nulu was still listless on the sidelines. And James is not interested in this, he wants to turn to the topic as soon as possible.

Robert and the two were not interested, they would smile and turn to Jason and said: "Old man, why are you back here, has the'task' been completed?"

Jason smiled knowingly: "It's hard to say a word. Needless to say, I can guess what you mean when you see you and James come together... James, I deeply regret the death of General Webber." At this time, Jason slowed down. Slowly sat next to James, with a heavy tone: "James, emotionally, I can understand your feelings and thoughts, but I still advise you not to pursue your father's affairs. I think you are also from Robert and Nulu. I learned some things there. The level and relationship involved are far beyond what you and I can imagine. It's not just the military, the parliament, and even more terrible things..." Jason stopped talking.

James shook his head and said, "Jason, since I found Robert, Nulu, and you, since I have come here, and being pursued and killed, etc., etc., etc., I am not afraid, I only have one thought. I must figure out the cause of my father’s death! For this reason, even if I save my life, I will not hesitate!"

Seeing that James was determined, Jason said it was useless, so he fell silent.

"Jason, please tell me what you know, about my father's death, please!" James has never begged, and this time he almost put down all his decency and self-esteem, almost begging.

"Well, who made me owe your father a life." Jason said in shock, and several people glanced at him.

Jason sat down on another single sofa with his hands folded to support his chin, and began a heavy narration: "The four of us, including your father, General Weber, were the first to leave with the injury during the implementation of the'plan'. Then came Nulu, and I was the only one who stayed with your father until the end, but he did not expect him to save me..." Jason choked, "Well, that's it. Your father was caught by him because he disagrees with Gerald. Send someone to imprison, remember that there is also an aboriginal who was locked up with him, probably a tribal chief or something. After the weird canyon in the No. 4 enforcement area, we overturned another hill and we arrived at the No. 5 enforcement area. The terrain here is complex, potholes, sometimes mountains, sometimes basins, sometimes dry and cold, sometimes damp and warm. But the jungle is denser and gloomy, and swamps are everywhere. What is especially strange is that when we keep walking inside, we find that the animals and plants inside are beyond the norm. , Very huge. Those big mosquitoes and flies that are bigger than a slap make us panic and mad, and people shoot from time to time. It’s fine during the day. At night, all kinds of huge insects make us sleepless at night, every night. Soldiers disappeared inexplicably, and fear suffocated people.

For three days, we did not find any villages or tribes. Some officers and soldiers began to riot, but they were quickly killed by Gerrard and calmed down. Until the fifth day, when we stepped out of the last jungle, what appeared before us turned out to be a desert. All this is sudden, without the excessive form of gradient changes in the natural world. But the team did not stop there, but was ordered to speed up the march. In the end, under the scorching sun, a huge abandoned factory appeared in front of us. There was no grass around, and there was a dead silence. The interior of the factory is very large, but there are ruined walls everywhere, and all kinds of cars and airplanes are covered with larger moss and vines. Gerrard ordered the army to garrison and rest, waiting for orders. So the dilapidated soldiers quickly got into the tent and fell asleep after quickly consuming their compressed food pellets. I don't know why, but I can't sleep.

Later, I remembered that it was more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and a shrill cry cut through the silence, followed by a burst of gunfire. I knew something was wrong! The battle sirens sounded immediately, and the soldiers were fully armed and ready to fight back. News soon came from the front. During the lunch break, a soldier who was on guard was bitten by an unknown'moncler' that suddenly appeared and dragged into the hinterland of the factory... I thought that no one would dare to chase this terrible monster anymore. But what was unexpected was that this sudden horror made the soldiers who had been suppressed for several days seem crazy and restless. Out of instinct to resist the unknown and terrible things, the soldiers finally broke out. The soldiers chased the'Monkey Python' like crazy. After a stubborn fight, the'Monkey Python' was quickly beaten into a beehive by the crazy soldiers, although we also lost more than a dozen brothers. But soon, when everyone calmed down, they still shuddered at the scene in front of them. After measurement, this'monkey python' is 21.5 meters long and 2.2 meters in diameter. What's more distinctive is that the abdomen has four limbs that look like fins but not fins and feet but not feet. The head Stretching forward, there are two huge tentacles on both sides of the mouth. The mouth is full of barbed teeth, spirally arranged inwardly! Where did the soldiers have seen this kind of scene? Everyone talked about it. Some talked about the totem pattern that the chief took out earlier, and some said it looked like a dragon. Gerrard was very calm, but ordered a thorough search of the factory. After a while, we found that there were warning signs of nuclear radiation everywhere, and we preliminarily concluded that this should be a nuclear-related factory or base. However, whether it is for civilian use or military use remains to be further verified. It is heard that several staff officers at the military team meeting also advised Gerrard to report to his superiors and request to evacuate, but Gerrard still disagreed and ordered the tracing of the root cause-looking for other monsters. "

The people of James didn't dare to hear it. Jason took a sip of coffee and then said: "Finally, in the deepest part of the factory, next to a huge cylindrical device, we found a huge hole with a diameter of 50 meters and an unfathomable depth. The hole was overgrown with weeds. , It was extremely humid. Compared with the giant hole in the canyon in the No. 3 execution area, it was inferior. At this time, Gerrard ordered the use of the "Z4" bomb (a miniature uranium bomb), but was quickly hit Several adjutants objected, but Gerrard insisted on setting up the "Z4" bomb and led the army to evacuate. 15 minutes later, there was a loud noise behind us, and a miniature mushroom cloud rose...