Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 100: First piss!


Xiao Zheng was completely confused. I admire Lin Huayin's strong performance, and I am also shocked by her ungrateful and ruthless way of doing things.

This woman is so crazy!

Even an old classmate and business partner who has worked together for many years can drive out ENN so ruthlessly. If he accidentally offends her in the future, wouldn't he lose both his life and money and end up living on the street

Brother Azheng was inexplicably worried about Han Bin and felt that this brother was not guilty enough...

Indeed, some of his behaviors made Xiao Zheng unhappy, and it was precisely because his arrogant and arrogant behavior hurt Brother Azheng's sensitive self-esteem that Brother Azheng stayed in the office, preparing to use his amazing eloquence and Han Bin has a good chat. But unexpectedly, in front of the strong and ruthless Lin Huayin, Brother Azheng had no room to perform at all. With just a few words, this famous vice president was driven out of ENN in a vigorous and resolute manner.

"Actually - you don't have to fire a veteran who has made great contributions to Xinao for my sake." Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and sighed in an extremely pretentious manner. "I don't deserve this."

Lin Huayin glanced at Xiao Zheng indifferently, her red lips slightly parted: "I'm not doing this for you."

Xiao Zheng opened his mouth, and said with some resentment and revenge: "Even if you say so, I can't forget the scene when I just entered the house. You were sitting face to face, eating the food he brought to you all the way. delicious snacks. I call you Huayin without being unfamiliar at all. Frankly speaking, we have always been a couple protected by the law. You openly had breakfast in the office with a successful man who is far better looking than me. After all, Have you considered my feelings?"

The more Brother Azheng talked about it, the more he felt aggrieved, and he was reduced to tears and snot.

Lin Huayin's eyes flashed, and there was a slight guilt on his face, but he still responded forcefully: "Compared with the obscene behavior of you and Shen Manjun in public, I don't think I need to explain anything to you."

"I am passive!" Brother Azheng said very firmly. "And from the beginning, I showed a rejection attitude towards her. It's just that this woman is shameless and shameless, so I don't dare to have an attack in public."

"Am I taking the initiative?" Lin Huayin asked.

Lin Huayin was not even in the mood to explain certain things. But there are still some things that even a strong woman like Lin Huayin can't help but defend herself. For a woman, innocence is extremely important. No matter how cold and ruthless Lin Huayin is, she is still a woman. Xiao Zheng, sitting opposite, is her legal husband. She didn't want to leave any moral issues in Xiao Zheng's mind.

"Forget it. Anyway, I'm not qualified to ask what you want to do." Brother Azheng said sadly. "I just ask you not to hook up with other men in front of me in the future. For a man, this kind of thing really hurts his self-esteem and is unacceptable."

Lin Huayin clenched her bare hands into fists, with a violent look in her beautiful eyes. Even on that frosty and charming face, there was no trace of anger flashing across her face.

She's going crazy! Driven crazy by Xiao Zheng’s vicious words!

Why does he say that about himself? Am I, Lin Huayin, the kind of woman who is flirtatious? Is she the kind of woman who has affairs with men? If it weren't for Han Bin's unusual family background and his family friendship with the Lin family, how could he tolerate his various behaviors

In fact, Lin Huayin ruthlessly drove away the duplicitous Han Bin. On the one hand, he was really trying to clear his name. He did not want to be misunderstood by Xiao Zheng and leave a bad impression on him. On the other hand, it was indeed for Xiao Zheng.

Once upon a time, Lin Huayin was so heartbroken that she didn't think she would be interested in any man. So even if Han Bin clearly intended to stay in Xinao and become his business partner, Lin Huayin didn't care about it. But now, she has become Xiao Zheng's legal wife. Even if she does not approve of the relationship, even if she has no feelings for Xiao Zheng, she has indeed taken the first step that a woman must take. Although there are many coincidences and passivity, they cannot change the truth.

Now that she has become a married woman, Lin Huayin must maintain this relationship, at least within the contract period, and protect this relationship from infringement. However, Han Bin's role positioning is destined to damage this relationship to the greatest extent. Coupled with Han Bin's harsh criticism and condescending suppression of Xiao Zheng, as well as his sudden outburst of malice and madness, everything connected together finally led Lin Huayin to make this decision that may seem unbelievable to others. Get rid of Han Bin!

It can be said that Lin Huayin considered this decision from his own perspective, as well as from Xiao Zheng's perspective. But what she never expected was that even though she had already accomplished this, Xiao Zheng still clung to this little problem of hers. Would he be too petty and picky

"I hope to have a pure relationship and don't want too many impurities in what should be a beautiful relationship. Maybe I am such a traditional man, but in this age of impetuous people, aren't traditional men more precious?" Brother Azheng said seriously. As if he were reading Mao Zedong, his waist was straight and his face was shining.

"I only have a relationship with you, no feelings." Lin Huayin said solemnly. "Even if I am really unfortunate enough to be pregnant, the relationship between you and me is just that of the father of my child."

"Unfortunately?" Brother Azheng raised his eyebrows and said seriously. "You actually describe such a sacred thing as misfortune? Mr. Lin, I just discovered today that you are such a vicious-hearted woman, it's chilling!"

"You don't need to change the subject, one is one, two is two, don't confuse them together." Lin Huayin's beautiful eyes showed a cold look.

"Forget it, chatting with an unloving woman like you is simply a kind of mental and physical torture. No more nonsense." Xiao Zheng put out his cigarette and was about to get up and leave, but his expression was subtle. He sat back in his chair, thought thoughtfully for a long time, then slowly raised his head and asked. "Mr. Lin. How many days has it been since we first met?"

Listening to Xiao Zheng's natural questions, Lin Huayin felt extremely uncomfortable. The images of that night kept flashing in her mind, making her feel complicated and unable to calm down. After a moment of recovery, she replied calmly: "Ten days."

"Based on time, we should be able to test it. Maybe it won't be accurate, but at least it will bring us closer to the truth." Xiao Zheng cautiously introduced to Lin Huayin, who had a strange expression. "You'd better buy two contraceptive sticks at once, because according to the psychological characteristics of most women, once they buy it, they can't wait to do the first test. But the scientific test method for contraceptive sticks is after getting up. 's first pee—"

Xiao Zhengji gave the introduction in a casual manner, but found that Lin Huayin, who was sitting opposite, had no response. He couldn't help but look up and asked: "Remember? You must use the first drink in the morning -"

"Get out!"

Lin Huayin cursed hysterically, fell into madness, and completely lost control.