Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 101: The contradictory overlord flower!


After Tang Ming finished his patrol, he was about to go back to the office to have a cup of tea and take a short break to have lunch. But in the corridor of the security department, Bai Yujiao was walking with her arms behind her back, a looming look of worry on her pretty face, her thick eyebrows slightly frowned, and a hint of annoyance hidden in her jewel-like eyes. Seems to be troubled by something.

"Team White, what are you doing here?" Tang Ming walked over with small steps and asked with concern.

"It's nothing." Bai Yujiao shook her head and said. The worried look on his face did not diminish at all.

"By the way, is Xiao Zheng back? When I was on patrol just now, I saw Manager Wang from the Human Resources Department going to the financial settlement. He must have been fired by Manager Han." Tang Ming looked regretful. "I don't know what's going on with Xiao Zheng. Alas, this kid is just a liar. If he goes to work on time, won't he be fine? He has to be so blind."

"Manager Wang was fired?" Bai Yujiao looked at Tang Ming and asked. "Is the news accurate?"

The mood was quite exciting, which shocked Tang Ming.

"It shouldn't be wrong." Tang Ming explained. "I saw that the people from the inspection team accompanied her to the finance department. If she hadn't been fired, could she have been promoted?"

Bai Yujiao was immediately panicked and clenched her teeth. He showed an expression that outsiders could not understand.

Tang Ming took a few furtive glances and couldn't help but wonder to himself: Didn't Team White always dislike Xiao Zheng? Now Xiao Zheng is very likely to be fired by Mr. Han, so why does he look worried? Could it be that, as Xiao Zheng expected, Team White fell in love with him

Impossible—Team White didn’t know his gender at all, so how could he fall in love with Xiao Zheng, who was only average in temperament and appearance? Even if I want to like him, he should be the handsome chief security guy!

"Where is Mr. Han now?" Bai Yujiao looked up and asked after concentrating for a moment.

"It should still be in the president's office, right?" Tang Ming said with emotion. "Mr. Han conducts a large-scale monthly inspection every month, which simply drives us ENN employees to death. I heard that there were seven employees named by him this time. There is also a manager-level He is a very generous person."

Although he said this, his face was full of admiration: "But he has been preparing branch business in Yanjing for a long time, and he can be so precise in picking out employees who are not doing their jobs properly. He is really extraordinary -"

Bai Yujiao didn't want to listen to his nonsense. Before Tang Ming finished speaking, she dropped a word and walked towards the security department door: "I'm going to find Mr. Han."

Go to Mr. Han

Tang Ming scratched his head and thought to himself: "Are you trying to plead for Xiao Zheng? No, Team White always does business and doesn't break the rules for anyone? What's going on today?"

In fact, not to mention Tang Ming, even Bai Yujiao herself couldn't understand her uneasy mood. Didn't he and Xiao Zheng play alone for a long time, get into trouble together, and then part ways? Even if he is fired by Mr. Han, what does it have to do with him, and what impact will it have on him? On the contrary, without this harmful person, Bai Yujiao can better manage the security department and be a dedicated captain.

So why are I so worried about Xiao Zheng being fired? As Bai Yujiao walked away, she was confused by her own conflicting thoughts.

At the corner of the door, as soon as Bai Yujiao went out, she suddenly bumped into someone who was very proud. He grinned in pain and complained: "Team White. Why are we going in such a hurry?"

Bai Yujiao took a closer look. If it wasn't the Xiao Zheng she was thinking about, who else could it be

"How is the situation?" Bai Yujiao grabbed Xiao Zheng's arm and asked eagerly without having time to greet him politely. "Did Mr. Han fire you?"

The attitude was so intense that it was as if Xiao Zheng was a college entrance examination candidate who had just come out of the examination room, and she was the parent of the student who had been waiting outside the school for a long time.

"You hurt me..." Brother Azheng said aggrievedly, his face full of resentment.

Bai Yujiao is a martial arts practitioner, and when she was in a hurry, she grabbed her and gave in as much as a dragon waving. Even though Brother Azheng was thick-skinned and thick-skinned, he still couldn't bear it. He complained: "Not only did Mr. Han not fire me, . Instead, big news came out.”

Not fired

Bai Yujiao's anxious heart finally dropped, and then she realized that her behavior was quite extreme. She hurriedly let go of her hand and asked in a subtle mood: "What's wrong?"

"What big news!?"

In the distance, Tang Ming, the president of the Bagua Association, rushed over and asked excitedly: "Azheng, you just said there is big news. What news is it? Come on, tell me."

Bai Yujiao looked at Xiao Zheng curiously, wondering what he had experienced in the president's office. Even Manager Wang was fired, why wasn't he fired by Mr. Han

Seeing the two of them staring at him, Xiao Zheng couldn't help but light a cigarette and said with emotion: "Oh, I have been fighting wits with the bosses in the president's office for more than an hour. Not only is my mental pressure huge, but I also have a lot of trouble. The physical exertion has also reached the limit of the human body—" Xiao Zheng glanced sideways at Tang Ming and said slowly. "My stomach is already growling with hunger."

"No problem!" Tang Ming was very clever and said happily. "I'll buy you lunch, eat with your cheeks wide open!"

After that, he invited Bai Yujiao with a playful smile: "Bai Yujiao, why don't we show your face and have lunch together?"

Bai Yujiao was also curious about what Xiao Zheng's so-called bombshell news was. After a moment of silence, she nodded and said, "Okay."

The three of them went to the restaurant and ordered a variety of dishes, as well as desserts and cold drinks. Even though many dishes were free, Xiao Zheng still cost Tang Ming nearly three hundred yuan, which shows how luxurious this lunch must be.

"Tell me, tell me, what's the big news?" Tang Mingfu asked eagerly as soon as he sat down.

Brother Azheng took a bite of the plump chicken drumstick and drank a sip of the frozen milk tea. Then he bowed his head and said solemnly: "My news is huge news. Even if I tell you, it will definitely stay in your stomach." Here, you can’t make it public, let alone tell anyone, otherwise—even if Mr. Han doesn’t have the chance to fire me, the big boss won’t let me go easily.”

Tang Ming's eyes were red, and he nodded desperately and said, "Brother Azheng, don't worry, even if I am served with a leather whip dripping wax and a tiger stool, you won't say a word."

Seeing that Xiao Zheng's appetite had been whetted, Xiao Zheng stopped talking and opened his mouth to reveal the breaking news: "Mr. Han, our ENN Vice President Han Bin, was fired by the big boss half an hour ago! "

"What!?" Tang Ming almost jumped up from his chair, his face flushed.

"Be low-key!" Xiao Zheng said in a low voice. "I told you not to say anything, but you want to kill me?"

Tang Ming immediately covered his mouth and said with a trembling voice: "Is this true? Mr. Han was fired by the big boss? Impossible, right? I heard that Mr. Han and the boss were old classmates and had a very good relationship. How could he be fired for no reason? What about getting fired?”

Bai Yujiao couldn't believe Xiao Zheng's so-called big news. Putting aside the friendship between the two bosses, Mr. Han's business acumen and strong work ability alone made Mr. Lin determined not to fire him easily. Unless Mr. Han made a huge mistake and dealt a fatal blow to the company.

However, I haven’t heard that Xinao has any serious problems? Moreover, Mr. Han has been working in Yanjing recently and has not returned to Mingzhu for several months. He just arrived at the company for a monthly inspection today. How could he have made such a huge mistake

The two of them showed obvious disbelief, and Xiao Zheng was not in a hurry. He slowly ate chicken drumsticks and rice, drank frozen coffee, and said unhurriedly: "Don't just use your eyes to see things, you have to rely on this."

Brother Azheng pointed at his head and said mysteriously: "How can high-level affairs be as simple as we think? I can guarantee that there will be many department leaders accompanying the big boss to the cafeteria for lunch today. .And this meal must have been extremely unpleasant.”

As soon as Xiao Zheng finished speaking, a uniform sound of high-heeled shoes clashing came from the first floor of the restaurant. Looking around, it was headed by Lin Huayin, nearly thirty senior managers of ENN poured into the restaurant like a tide. Shocked the whole audience.