Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 105: I'm free tonight!


Based on their trust in Lin Huayin, tonight's date can be regarded as their first official date. Xiao Zheng did not discuss Xinao's issues too much. In a relaxed mood, he and Lan Xin had a sumptuous dinner and discussed where to go for fun in the evening.

"Watch a movie?" Brother Azheng said solemnly. "I still owe a website several movie reviews. If I don't pay them back, it will escalate to a personality issue."

"Okay." Lan Xin smiled and nodded.

In fact, after Han Bin resigned, as the chief financial officer of ENN, she did not have that much free time. But compared with Xiao Zheng, she didn't care about those complicated things and spent this rare night with peace of mind.

After dinner, Xiao Zheng and Lan Xin took a walk in the commercial street for a while. Then they chose a nearby movie theater, bought the most popular movie tickets, and walked into the theater hand in hand. Because it was a Monday, there were not many viewers in the theater, and the two people in the last row had no one around them. It was a reserved theater.

The movie tells the story of a group of young girls fighting each other for various reasons, making it difficult for the audience to prevent them. However, the core value of the movie is not as literary and artistic as the movie title. Instead, it is a crazy journey to show off wealth. The heroines live together in a mansion after graduating from college. They wear mink coats, drink high-end red wine, wear Chanel LV, and date all the handsome men. They are either domineering CEOs or warm and refreshing men. . It is simply a perfect life that most little girls can’t ask for.

After watching it for a quarter of an hour, Lan Xin decided that the movie was basically not to her liking, so with the help of two glasses of red wine, she gently leaned her side face on Xiao Zheng's strong shoulder, and quietly moved her white bare hand. Place it on Xiao Zheng's palm and interlock his fingers.

The whole process took less than fifteen seconds, but consumed all Lan Xin's energy. Her face was as red as a delicate peach, and her watery eyes shone with uneasiness. Her soft and delicate body was tense, her breathing was rapid and disordered, and she didn't dare to raise her head at all.

On the other hand, Brother Azheng, who was enjoying the various splendid luxury goods in the movie, took advantage of the opportunity to hold Lan Xin's waist and said with a smile: "This movie may not be in line with your values, but it is what I have longed for since I was a child. life. Alas, sometimes it’s easy to deny your own life when you look at other people’s lives.”

Lan Xin was hugged by Xiao Zheng's waist. After a slight tremble in her delicate body, she slowly relaxed her tense mind and said softly: "Actually, compared to those boys in the movie, your life is more colorful."

"Are you talking about the me who loved to fight in high school?" Xiao Zheng quipped while cracking melon seeds in a very unqualified manner. "When it comes to fighting, all the male protagonists in the movie combined are not enough to fill my teeth."

Lan Xin pursed her lips and smiled: "In addition to not being able to fight like you, all of them combined are not as handsome as you."

"Have vision." Xiao Zheng said seriously. "Those heroines put together are not one ten thousandth as good as you."

Lan Xin chuckled and said angrily: "Fortunately there is no one around, otherwise we would definitely make people angry if we were so boastful."

"I'm telling the truth, why are you angry?" Xiao Zheng's face darkened and he said gloomily. "Are you just complimenting me and not really sincere?"

"Of course not." Lan Xin hurriedly expressed her position and said solemnly. "In my heart, you are the most handsome man."

"Then I'll be relieved." Xiao Zheng grinned and continued watching this movie full of luxury goods. Lan Xin, on the other hand, nestled in Xiao Zheng's arms with peace of mind. Listening to his strong heartbeat, she felt that she was the happiest woman in the world.

After the movie ended, the two held hands and walked aimlessly on the busy street, enjoying the rare world of two people. Lan Xin only hoped that time would stand still forever and she could see Xiao Zheng's strong-lined face all the time. Familiar faces. The so-called work, the company's internal strife, including the listing plan that Lin Huayin had entrusted with the important task, all seemed so vulnerable and worthless at this moment.

This is the real blue heart. A woman who has no power, no big desires, and no need to deliberately pursue basic necessities. She can live a life of fine clothing and fine food, and she can also accompany Xiao Zheng to live a simple life every day. All these years of hard work are just because there is no man around me that I can rely on and no one to trust in my heart, so I put all my energy into work. When she met Xiao Zheng again, she and Xiao Zheng confirmed their relationship. Lan Xin thinks about him every day, no matter whether she is working or sleeping, her heart can never get real peace. Only at this moment, holding Xiao Zheng's hand and staring at Xiao Zheng's face, did she feel that life was fulfilling and happy.

"If you keep staring at me like this, others will think you are crazy." Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette in the wind and said with a smile.

Lan Xin came to her senses slightly and said with a blush on her pretty face: "I just want to see you a few more times."

"If you want to see it, you can recruit me into your office at any time. Is there anyone who dares to point fingers at Director Lan?" Xiao Zheng said with a smile.

"It's different." Lan Xin shook her head slightly and bit her lip. "Only now do I feel that you are exclusive to me. Only now can I look at you wholeheartedly."

Xiao Zheng smiled bitterly and shook his head. He didn't know why Lan Xin said this, but through the woman's tender eyes, Xiao Zheng could tell that Lan Xin was probably deeply in love with him. Otherwise, Tangtang Xinao would How could the chief financial officer, a rich woman with a net worth of over 100 million, show such an idiotic expression

Is it true, as the old saying goes, that once a woman falls in love, her IQ plummets

"Azheng, do you think we will always be together and be this good?" Lan Xin asked worriedly.

"Why, are you ready to kick me away when you get tired of playing with me?" Xiao Zheng said in a deep voice with a straight face. "If this is the case, I will definitely claim high breakup fees and mental damages from you."

"Of course not-" Lan Xin said excitedly. "I will never leave you in my life, nor will I make you angry. Even if you don't want me, I will stick with you, wait for you, and love you forever."

She spoke sincerely, and her gentle and pretty face showed the solemnity of an oath. Xiao Zheng was very moved when he saw it. He held the woman's delicate and soft palm tightly and refused to let go.

Not to mention Xiao Zheng, how many men in this world have the heart to reject a woman as talented, beautiful and affectionate as Lan Xin? What are feelings? What is love again? Xiao Zhengtong didn't know, he only knew that Lan Xin's feelings for him were real and deep, and they were worthy of his careful protection and eternal supervision.

"I remember, you live alone?" Driven by burning emotions, Brother Azheng's eyes became hot.

"Yes. After I graduate and work, I will move out and live by myself." Lan Xin bit her red lips and invited softly. "When you have time in the future, you can come to my house often and I will cook for you."

"I have time tonight." Xiao Zheng said boldly. "And you can stay up all night."

Lan Xin's delicate body trembled slightly, her pretty face was shy and blushing, as if juice would splash out with just a pinch, which was extremely tempting. She buried her hot cheeks, not daring to look directly into Xiao Zheng's fiery eyes, but her bare hands tightly held the corners of her clothes, creating a stunning scene where she couldn't stop talking.