Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 115: Lin family past events!


Listening to Xiao Zheng's dumbfounded inquiry, Lin Xiaozhu sighed softly, took a sip of ice-cold beer, shook his head and said, "The story of our old Lin family cannot be explained in one or two sentences."

"Then please say a few more words." Xiao Zheng opened a bottle of beer and asked the waiter to bring another box over, saying with relish. "Brother-in-law, I have tonight off. I have plenty of time."

"Tch, I have to go to self-study at seven o'clock." Lin Xiaozhu rolled his eyes, pouted his delicate little mouth, and said angrily. "I've only been good for a few days, and you're going to encourage me to be bad?"

"Speak quickly, tell me quickly. I'll let you go after I finish speaking. Isn't it still early?" Xiao Zheng lit a cigarette and asked calmly. "What grudges and grudges does your old Lin family have? Why does your sister hate your whole family, even her parents?"

Lin Xiaozhu said that time was limited, but there was no sign of urgency on his face. He slowly ate a few mouthfuls of food, took two sips of ice-cold beer, and said slowly: "Speaking of our old Lin family's affairs, that is This is a big event that has shocked the entire Forty-Nine City. Do you know who Aunt Ye is?"

"What's the origin?" Xiao Zheng asked curiously.

"The most beautiful woman in the capital thirty years ago, the perfect goddess in the hearts of countless successful men." Lin Xiaozhu muttered with a look of yearning on his face. "Although my mother is also very good, compared with Aunt Ye, her overall level is far behind."

"How could you say that about your mother?" Xiao Zheng rolled his eyes at Lin Xiaozhu.

"I'm just telling the truth, and I don't want to elevate my mother to a higher position just because she is my mother. This is unfair to Aunt Ye." Lin Xiaozhu said calmly.

"Then how can your mother defeat Aunt Ye and become your father's wife?" Xiao Zheng asked curiously.

"First of all, Aunt Ye divorced my dad, but my mom and dad never got married. As for the reason, I guess my dad feels guilty about Aunt Ye." Lin Xiaozhu said calmly.

"Then your mother isn't angry?" Xiao Zheng asked.

"This is my mother's advantage." Lin Xiaozhu blinked and boasted without restraint. "Speaking of which, before my mother got together with my father, she was just a small assistant next to my father. She was responsible for daily life and some work schedules. For positions like this, my father had no less than ten young and capable girls around him. But, in the end, only my mother got my father's attention, and Aunt Ye divorced her in anger, and became a monk in anger." Lin Xiaozhu said with pride and regret at the same time. "Actually, with Aunt Ye's beauty and talent, even if she is divorced, there are still a lot of successful men pursuing her, but she has escaped into Buddhism, which has become a hot news in the capital. Some people still sigh for it."

Become a monk

Xiao Zheng frowned slightly, never expecting that Lin Huayin had a mother who left home and became a Buddhist monk. What made him even more unexpected was that Lin Xiaozhu could be so broad-minded. Instead of hiding anything about the past, he told Xiao Zheng easily and in detail. Obviously, she didn't think there was anything wrong with what her mother did. Let alone become enemies with Lin Huayin because of this. On the contrary, her ability to become Lin Huayin's most beloved sister is not unrelated to her cheerful personality.

Through Lin Xiaozhu's simple description, Xiao Zheng basically understood the process of this triangular relationship. It is obvious that Lin Xiaozhu's mother acted as the mistress who ruined the family's happiness, while Lin Huayin's mother was the principal wife whose marriage was ruined, and she fled into Buddhism in anger and became a monk. As for their common father, he has not married his mistress because of his guilt towards his first wife, and they just lived a happy life together.

Through this description, Xiao Zheng felt that even if Lin Xiaozhu's mother was only an assistant, her wisdom was beyond that of ordinary women. He couldn't help but look at Lin Xiaozhu and said with sincere admiration: "Your mother can even defeat the most beautiful woman in the capital. I believe she is also a great beauty who will conquer the country."

"Hehe -" Lin Xiaozhu smiled mysteriously and shook his head. "You are wrong. My mother's beauty is above average at best. In the capital, there are eight thousand, not to mention ten thousand, women who are prettier than her. As for why I can grow so cute and beautiful, it all depends on my father. Good genes!”

Brother Azheng has always hated men who are richer and more handsome than him. Even if he is a middle-aged man, he does not want to discuss it. He changed the subject and asked: "Then how can your mother defeat the beautiful Aunt Ye? And how do you get it? Your father’s favor.”

"Because she is a woman who can give everything for her husband." Lin Xiaozhu paraphrased his mother's original words. "My mother said that her father was her god and everything to her. As long as her father lived a good life, she would do anything she was asked to do."

Brother Azheng, as a man with a strong chauvinistic character, understood it instantly.

Under Lin Xiaozhu's explanation, her mother did not have many outstanding points, but she fulfilled her role as a wife to one hundred or even one hundred and twenty points. Such a woman is indeed the wife that all men long for. So what if Aunt Ye is excellent? No matter how beautiful the country is, what if the country is beautiful and the city is beautiful? If she cannot perform the role of a wife well, she is destined to be a failure, at least in terms of family, she is a failure.

"Listening to what you said, the story of your old Lin family is indeed very exciting. But after you have said so much, I still don't understand why your sister hates your dad and doesn't like Aunt Ye?" Xiao Zheng asked confused.

"It's easy to hate my dad because he has my mother. As for why he hates Aunt Ye -" Lin Xiaozhu took a sip of beer and said in a confused voice. "According to gossip, my sister and Aunt Ye have not been close since they were young. It was my father who raised her."

Xiao Zheng was speechless, shook his head dizzily and said, "The relationship between your family is so confusing. It makes my head hurt."

"No need to have a headache! Anyway, just remember one thing. Don't discuss anything related to the Lin family in front of my sister, otherwise you won't really anger my sister. It can be said that the Lin family is her only enemy." Lin Xiaozhu said patiently.

"Understood." Xiao Zheng nodded, suddenly feeling that this little girl was so open-minded that she was almost catching up with him. Born as a concubine, her mother still has no status and has been bullied by Lin Huayin all year round. In this kind of living environment, she was just a little rebellious and did not develop a split personality. I have to say that my sister-in-law is still very mentally strong.

I couldn't help but pinch Lin Xiaozhu's tender face and said with a smile: "Xiaozhu, the more I look at you, the cuter you become."

Although he didn't know why his brother-in-law praised him, Lin Xiaozhu still raised his proud little face and said proudly: "You praise me for being so cute. Who do you think I am?"

Having said that, the corners of his mouth were overflowing with unconcealable joy.