Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 122: The courage to love!


Maybe he was tired, but Xiao Zheng didn't go home late as usual. Instead, he first went to a nearby large supermarket to buy vegetables, fruits and some drinks and food, and then went straight to Lin's house.

Xiao is a typical bachelor character. As long as he has a place to sleep and can fill his stomach, it doesn't matter where he sleeps or what he eats. So he has been wandering around for these years, and he has never thought about practicing his cooking skills, so as not to eat takeout every day and be unable to eat by himself when he is hungry. But after moving into Lin's house, although his salary was not high, he took the initiative to shoulder the burden of buying ingredients.

Lin Huayin's taste is light, but everything he eats is carefully selected. A mere piece of steak costs hundreds of dollars. So every time Xiao Zheng goes shopping in the supermarket, he always picks the most expensive ones, from vegetables to meat, and never worries about his pocket. Just like tonight, he only bought two bags of ingredients, which cost a total of five to six hundred. It was enough for him to eat seven or eight meals at a roadside stall by himself.

When she returned home, Lin Huayin was sitting in the restaurant eating fruit salad and reading financial news. She was as quiet as a virgin and her face was as cold as ice. Xiao Zheng didn't even cast a glance at him. On the other hand, Xiao Zheng, uncharacteristically, did not take the initiative to say hello. Instead, he entered the kitchen with his bag, put the food in the refrigerator, walked out silently, and went directly back to the room. No words were spoken from beginning to end, let alone eye contact with Lin Huayin.

After Xiao Zheng entered the room, a look of surprise appeared on Lin Huayin's frosty jade face, curious about Xiao Zheng's abnormality.

Lin Huayin didn't say anything or say hello to Xiao Zheng because they had an argument in the afternoon and were kissed by Xiao Zhengqiang. She felt unhappy and angry, so she didn't say anything. What about Xiao Zheng? He usually takes the initiative to find topics to talk about when he comes home. Even if it is nonsense, he will chirp for a long time, instead of being so silent like today.

Feeling depressed because of what happened in the afternoon

After many contacts, Lin Huayin firmly believed that Xiao Zheng was not the kind of man who would languish after being scolded by him. His face is thicker than the city wall, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invulnerable. So why is he so silent today

Lin Huayin fell into deep thought, and even missed several important pieces of information about the financial news that she must read every day.


The cell phone placed aside buzzed, and Lin Huayin glanced at it. It was from Lin Xiaozhu. Unable to help but frown, he opened the text message and read it.

"Sister, are you still busy?"

The content of the text message was not as lively and naughty as in the past. From this text message alone, Lin Huayin could guess that the moody sister was in a bad mood. So he no longer blamed her for playing with her phone in class, and replied with a message: "Eating dinner. What's wrong?"

After putting down her phone, Lin Huayin originally wanted to clear the dining table and then go upstairs to her room. Lin Xiaozhu's text message was answered instantly.

"Sister, I have a few questions to ask you, but I don't know how to say them..."

Seeing this text message, Lin Huayin frowned even deeper, worried that something was wrong with her half-sister.

You know, in Lin Huayin's eyes, Lin Xiaozhu is lively and innocent. Although she is rebellious and mischievous, she is a heartless little girl. Such complex interpersonal relationships in the Lin family have not been able to break down her sunny and healthy mentality, and she has established a deep sisterly relationship with herself. How can ordinary things make her resentful

"You can say whatever you want. I'm your sister."

Lin Huayin replied with a rather warm message. Maybe she couldn't say it in reality, but she could barely send it out without a face-to-face text message.

This time, Lin Huayin waited for a long time before receiving a text message from Lin Xiaozhu. But Lin Huayin was stunned by the question. His brows were furrowed.

"Sister, I don't know what your relationship is like with your brother-in-law. But if one day, your brother-in-law kills someone to protect you, what will you do? Will you be afraid? Or are you so conflicted that you don't know how to face it?"

Killing to protect yourself

First of all, Lin Huayin felt that although Xiao Zheng could not see through it and had some shady past, she would never believe that Xiao Zheng dared to kill someone easily. The Pearl is a society ruled by law, and the use of heavy codes for serious crimes can fully explain the Pearl system. Even if someone offended him or even hurt himself, how could Xiao Zheng dare to use such a cruel method as murder to protect himself? Not everyone dares to be a murderer, and not everyone has the courage to bear the consequences.

Secondly - why does Lin Xiaozhu ask himself this question? Rao is as smart as Lin Huayin, but he also fell into confusion.

Could it be that someone in the school killed someone for her

No, not likely. No matter how bad the students are, they are still just students. Fighting is understandable, but how can they dare to kill people

Some students severely injured others in order to protect Xiaozhu

This conjecture is very reasonable, and it also explains very well why Xiaozhu pushed this issue to Lin Huayin and Xiao Zheng.

Through this text message, Lin Huayin analyzed a lot of information, but instead of asking directly, she replied with a fairly tactful text message.

"He is an adult and can distinguish what should be done and what should not be done. Do you know the consequences of killing? If it is intentional killing, the maximum penalty is the death penalty. Do you think your brother-in-law would be so impulsive and irrational?"

After sending this text message, Lin Huayin also fell into worry.

What happened to Xiaozhu? Why ask such a terrible question? She couldn't sit still.

This time, Lin Xiaozhu responded quickly to the text message. The content was short but concise.

"What if I really kill him?"

Lin Huayin held her phone and looked at this seven-character text message, lost in thought.

Really killing someone

Killing to protect yourself

Lin Huayin didn't ask specifically why she killed someone. She was just stumped by this false proposition.

If it were anyone else, anyone else, as long as it was not Xiao Zheng, her first conditioned reflex would be to persuade him to surrender. Then, she will do everything she can to help the other person, and even share the burden with the other person.

This is what Lin Huayin, who abides by the law and has a sound outlook on life, would do. In her mind, killing is illegal, and no individual has the right to deprive any life, no matter what the reason. Even if the other party is heinous, he should be punished by the judiciary.

But now, the murderer in Lin Xiaozhu's false proposition is Xiao Zheng. What should she do

Xiao Zheng killed someone to protect himself—

Lin Huayin fell silent, speechless.

"Sister, if my brother-in-law killed someone for you, would you be afraid of him? Or would you be at a loss and unable to face it?"

Before Lin Huayin could finish reading this text message, Lin Xiaozhu sent another one.

This text message made Lin Huayin, who was already confused, feel terrible and moved.

"Sister, is it possible that you were moved by what your brother-in-law did? In fact, except for your brother-in-law and the people closest to you, how could anyone else kill someone to protect you? As you said, killing is illegal. , will be sentenced to death. If you don't love enough, how can you have such courage?"