Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 125: I'm an expert!


Between husband and wife, love ranks second. Trust and honesty are the fatal keys to maintaining the relationship between husband and wife. Lin Huayin confessed to Xiao Zheng and gave a sincere attitude. At this moment, when she asked what kind of expert or winner Xiao Zheng had become, she would definitely hope to get a satisfactory answer.

This is Lin Huayin's way of being a husband and wife. It was also the Achilles’ heel in her heart.

Why did the Lin family fall apart? Why does it disgust her? It is precisely because of parents' dishonesty. Xiao Zheng knew this clearly after Lin Xiaozhu's introduction.

The hot pot was boiling, and the mutton thrown in had been cooked into dregs. Even if the air conditioning in the restaurant was turned on, Xiao Zheng could not feel the slightest coolness. As if being cooked by this pot of hot soup, I felt restless.

This was the first time Lin Huayin had a serious chat with him, and it was also the first time she asked him about his past. Xiao Zheng knew that with Lin Huayin's temperament and family background, if he concealed anything, she would be disappointed in him and even despair.

But in Xiao Zheng's opinion, can talking about it make the relationship between the two further

Lin Xiaozhu's attitude and reaction already represent the psychology of all women living in the ordinary world. They cannot accept the reality that is too dark, and they will not have any interest in a man who is covered in carnage and whose hands are stained with blood.

To say or not to say

Lin Huayin stared at him with a look of expectation in her eyes. Xiao Zheng's eyes were somewhat evasive, and slowly fell on the boiling hot pot.

"The meat is overcooked." Xiao Zheng picked up the spoon, took out the mutton from the pot, mixed it with the sauce, and put it all into his mouth.

Xiao Zheng's behavior aroused Lin Huayin's dissatisfaction and made her a little disappointed.

Is he escaping

He doesn't want to face his own questions

Or, in his eyes, there are some things that he is not qualified to know

No matter which reason it was, Lin Huayin couldn't accept it. If she gets pregnant and has Xiao Zheng's child, they will become a legitimate couple. Today, he can hide something from himself, but what about the future

"Mr. Lin, based on your rich experience in reading people, what kind of person am I?" Xiao Zheng asked.

He remembered that this was the second time he asked Lin Huayin the same question.

"I don't want to guess." Lin Huayin's tone was rather unkind. "I'm asking you just to tell you yourself."

"At least the question you asked me was, am I an expert or a winner?" Xiao Zheng casually lit a cigarette and looked back at Lin Huayin with a deep look. "At least it proves that you don't think I'm an idle guy who does nothing all day long."

Lin Huayin frowned slightly, feeling that Xiao Zheng's wisdom was definitely not inferior to his own. He is cynical all day long, maybe he is just hiding something.

"I have been on the street. I am a second-rate person in people's eyes." Xiao Zheng puffed out a puff of smoke, his expression slightly solemn.

"I know." Lin Huayin said calmly. To her, Xiao Zheng's answer was purely perfunctory, and she was a little dissatisfied.

"I have liked fighting since I was a child, and I am not a very lovable child. But I have always been good at studies. If I had not dropped out in my senior year of high school, I would now be either a lawyer or a doctor." Xiao Zheng narrated himself in a very calm tone. past.

This time, Lin Huayin stopped talking and became a silent listener.

"The first time I got into a fight was because a group of gangsters asked the old dean to collect protection money. The old dean gave me the money to pay my tuition and had no money to give them, so I was beaten up by those gangsters. I was furious. Then he started fighting with them."

"After that, I slowly developed the habit of using violence to solve problems. But it turns out that in many cases, violence is the best way to solve problems, even if you will be punished for it. But over time, I also learned How to avoid risks and penalties, and gained a lot of experience.”

"Perhaps you are curious about why I dropped out of high school in my senior year despite being an excellent student. It was not because I was expelled from the school for fighting and causing trouble, nor was it because I was ostracized. In fact, the people I fought with were never classmates or ordinary people. I just I fight against people on the road and rarely lose. At this point, I am still very proud."

"I dropped out of school because in an accident, I witnessed the old dean scavenging in a temperature of nearly 40 degrees in order to raise money for me to go to school. That is, collecting rags. This is a reality that I cannot accept. I would rather not study than let the old dean do this kind of thing for me. I don't deserve it either."

"Later I dropped out of school and joined the army as a soldier for two years. During my time in the army, because of my excellent performance, I was regarded as a key training target by the military leaders. In the foreseeable future, as long as I don't make mistakes, I may be able to serve in the army. I worked as a part-time official and embarked on the bright road of joining the army. But unfortunately, I missed success again because I disabled a second-generation soldier. For this reason, the other party drove me out of the army at all costs. "

Listening to Xiao Zheng's description of the past, Lin Huayin found that the private detective had collected too little information. It is just a skeleton, and tonight, Xiao is filling this skeleton with flesh and blood, showing his past in front of him fuller and richer.

"After being kicked out of the army, I returned to Mingzhu. But I had no shame in going back to see the dean. So I hung out with my friends on the road for a few months. During those months, I fought more and more frequently. Compared with reading During this period, it grew exponentially. And because I slowly made a name for myself in Mingzhu, my opponents became more and more powerful."

"To put it bluntly, if I could use a little more brains to get around on the street, maybe I wouldn't be an Xinao security guard now, but a leading brother who deserves the name. If I don't have a thousand and eight hundred in my hand, why? I could have a hundred and eighty younger brothers. But once again, I lost it all because of something I did."

"What's going on?" Lin Huayin asked hesitantly.

"I killed someone." Xiao Zheng said plainly, without any modification.

Lin Huayin was stunned. There was a deep look of shock on her snow-white jade face.


Has he killed anyone

Did he really kill someone

"Speaking of which, this is also my first time to kill someone. But I am not afraid, because I think I am doing something meaningful. The other person is a ferocious big brother on Mingzhu Road. There are several younger brothers who work with him. 100. My brother and I had many conflicts with him. Out of spite, he planned to hack one of my brothers to death. For this reason, I was so angry that I hacked him to death on the street with a watermelon knife. Speaking of which, I kill people. That year was exactly the year before you returned to Mingzhu. Otherwise, you should have heard about it."

"After that, I went abroad, smuggled in, took a month's boat ride, and finally arrived in the United States. I started a five-year life on the run."

"I have never won in my life, so the winner cannot be placed on me. But since you asked, I will try to find a word to describe me."

Xiao Zheng thought for a while and blurted out: "I am an expert, an expert in murder."

Asking for flowers and votes on Monday!