Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 126: Be kind!


As if to make his definition more convincing, Xiao Zheng expressionlessly continued a cigarette and said unhurriedly: "The night I killed the dragon across the river, I used up all three knives I prepared in advance. The first knife was cut into the leg bone of one of his younger brothers, and I had no time to pull it out. The second knife was cut off by me because of too much force. With the third knife, I stabbed directly into the heart of Guojianglong. His There was a big hole in his chest. Blood flowed all over the floor."

Xiao Zheng slowly raised his head, looked at Lin Huayin, whose pupils shrank violently, and said, "This is my past."

Lin Huayin was completely confused.

Countless brilliance flashed in the pupils, which was extremely chaotic.

She held the wine glass in both hands, holding it tightly, not daring to let go an inch. Her throat seemed to be swollen, her stomach was churning, fine beads of sweat oozed from her delicate body, and her breathing was disordered and rapid.

She received a frank answer from Xiao Zheng, but she was not satisfied at all. At this moment, she would rather she had not asked and Xiao Zheng had not answered.

Because she couldn't accept Xiao Zheng's answer at all!

She raised her glass tremblingly, trying to soothe her throat and her bitter mouth with a sip of beer. But when she hurriedly took a sip of beer, she squirted out all the beer. There was no ladylike image and it was not at all in line with her past style.


A mouthful of foamy beer was sprayed on Xiao Zheng's face, wetting his hair and extinguishing his cigarette. The atmosphere was extremely depressing.

"I'm sorry-" Lin Huayin never expected that she would behave in such an indecent manner and quickly expressed her apology to Xiao Zheng. "I did not do it on purpose."

"Understood." Xiao Zheng wiped the water stains on his face and grinned. "That's just your normal reaction."

Lin Huayin's face was complicated and he was speechless.


Sitting opposite her was a heinous murderer, an executioner with blood on his hands. No matter how rich and calm she is, she is still just a woman in an ordinary world. How can she remain calm enough to face such a man

At this moment, she was restless, with a different look on her face than usual, her bright red lips pursed slightly, trying to control her slightly stiff body, and asked calmly: "You are good at studying, and you are also very good as a soldier. Even in You can make a name for yourself even if you are just a mess on the road. Why should you ruin your future again and again?"

This time, it was Xiao Zheng's turn to be surprised.

He originally thought that Lin Huayin would be like Lin Xiaozhu, fearful, evasive, and even condemned for what he had done. But she didn't. She just asked him in an extremely serious manner why he gave up his great piety, again and again.

Don't you appreciate everything you have at all

Xiao Zheng took a puff of cigarette and said with a slightly solemn expression: "What is a future? What should be used to prove the future? Wealth? Status? Or, women?"

Xiao Zheng smiled and said casually: "Maybe I don't have any ambition. If I have enough food to eat and a place to sleep, I won't deliberately pursue more things. Money and status are far less important to me. The bowl of braised pork is tempting. Of course, if you think I gave up a better future, I don’t agree. Because so far, I am very satisfied with my life. Maybe I give up I didn't have the opportunity to be a doctor or a lawyer, but I experienced two years in the army. In the life in the army, I learned to be self-reliant, learned what it means to be brave, and also learned to take responsibility. Of course, I was not dismissed from the army just because of impulse. Sad to be expelled. If I had not left the army and had not killed anyone, I would not have traveled across the ocean to a completely unfamiliar city to live a life that might be lonely, but never lonely—"

"If I study hard, if I work hard in the army, if I stay overseas, if - I don't come back to Mingzhu. How could I know you? How could I live in your house? How could I sit and eat hot pot with you? ?”

"Most people disagree with and oppose every decision I make. But why should I listen to other people's opinions and live a life I don't like? Why should I live according to other people's ideas? I don't think I Life is very hard, and I don’t think my life is that difficult. I enjoy every day now because it makes me feel fulfilled and satisfied.”

Lin Huayin listened silently, making no sound from beginning to end. The panic and uneasiness in her heart gradually subsided, and she no longer escaped Xiao Zheng's eyes, even though a layer of cold sweat had broken out on her delicate body. She agreed with Xiao Zheng's statement and was surprised to find that Xiao Zheng's life attitude was very similar to hers.

She doesn't care what anyone thinks, and she doesn't want to live her life according to anyone's plans. No one can change what she wants to do and what she wants to do. If she wants to leave the Lin family, no one in the world can stop her. She wants to open a company and become a strong woman, and no difficulty can defeat her. This is her. The iceberg goddess of Xinao Company, Lin Huayin. A woman who looks well-behaved on the outside, but is rebellious and extreme in her heart.

And Xiao Zheng, isn't he just a man like her

The only difference is that he has killed someone, but she has not and does not dare to.

"What was your first reaction after the murder?" Lin Huayin asked boldly. There is a subtle sparkle in the eyes.

"Nausea, nausea, and vomiting. I kept washing my hands and bathing, as if I wanted to peel off the skin." Xiao Zheng said lightly. "I also had nightmares for a while."

"Did you kill someone for Lin Xiaozhu tonight?" Lin Huayin finally asked this question.

She waited all night, and she also brewed all night.

She had already guessed it. He guessed that Lin Xiaozhu's abnormality was because of Xiao Zheng.

Faced with this problem, Xiao Zheng suddenly became silent, no longer as talkative and desperate as before.

"Did she tell you?" Xiao Zheng asked with a complicated expression.

"No." Lin Huayin shook his head lightly. "She just asked me a question."

"What's the problem?" Xiao Zhengqi asked.

"If you kill someone for me, what will I do?" Lin Huayin said simply.

"Did you answer?" A hot light flashed across Xiao Zheng's eyes.

"Answered." Lin Huayin nodded.

"How did you answer?" Xiao Zheng asked.

Lin Huayin paused subconsciously, then raised her head and looked at Xiao Zheng with a calm expression: "I told her, if you kill someone for me, I will not be afraid of you, nor will I run away from you. I will marry You, be your wife. If you live, I will live. If you die, I will die."

In an instant, Xiao Zheng's heart seemed to be burning with fierce fire, and his blood boiled instantly. In the calm eyes, there were hot tears flowing, and it was difficult to control them.

"You said, if I die, you will die?" Xiao Zheng asked in disbelief, his voice trembling. It seems as if the emotion has reached its peak and will collapse at any time.

"Yeah." Lin Huayin nodded lightly.

"In the future, I will try my best to endure it. Once I lose my mind, I will think of you immediately and think that you may be pregnant with my child. I will stay calm and try to be a mature man." Xiao Zheng said movedly.

A hint of subtle pride flashed in Lin Huayin's eyes, but this pride was a bit deformed and perverted: a vicious murderer became a good man under his own guidance.

As a woman, isn't this something to be proud of