Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 130: Crazy Liu Qiming!


Hearing what Liu Qiming said, Tang Ming's expression suddenly changed from petrified to soothing. The boulder hanging in his heart finally fell. But immediately, he cast a pity look on Xiao Zheng and whispered: "Liu Qiming has always been unhappy with you. You have to be careful."

"I didn't say I wanted to be his hostage." Xiao Zheng said with a livid face.

"Didn't you say that you and the big boss are old friends? How can you, as a man, back down at this moment?" Tang Ming said in a low voice.

"Why should a man worry about not having a wife..." Xiao Zheng said sadly and angrily.


While the two were discussing in low voices, Bai Yujiao stood up and said with an indifferent face: "Liu Qiming, if you want a hostage, I will do it. Don't embarrass Xiao Zheng."

Are you kidding me

Let Xiao Zheng be his hostage

Wouldn't that push Xiao Zheng to death

Who doesn't know that Xiao Zheng and Liu Qiming have always been at odds with each other, and now Liu Qiming is on a road of no return. Who can guarantee that he will not take Xiao Zheng's back? What's more, even if Xiao Zheng is very skilled, his methods are only used for ordinary fighting, while the moves Liu Qiming has practiced hard are used for killing enemies. When the two of them really fight, Xiao Zheng is no match for Liu Qiming.

So no matter what, Bai Yujiao couldn't let Xiao Zheng become a hostage. This is tantamount to pushing him into the abyss.

"Why is Team White so concerned about him all of a sudden?" Liu Qiming narrowed his eyes slightly and sneered. "But now, it's not your turn to make the decision."

Bai Yujiao looked embarrassed and was faced with a difficult decision.

"Wouldn't it be safer for me to be your hostage?" Lin Huayin, who was silent, suddenly spoke up, his red lips slightly parted. "Xiao Zheng has always been a well-trained security guard in your security department. Aren't you afraid that he will turn his gun around?"

"Mr. Lin, do you want to show your selflessness in front of your employees?" Of course Liu Qiming didn't know the relationship between Xiao Zheng and Lin Huayin, so he just said sarcastically. "Or do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

"It's not important." Lin Huayin said calmly. "What you need now is a hostage who won't pose a threat to you. I should be your best choice. It doesn't have to be so troublesome."

"I said, I am the one who can make the decision now, not you." Liu Qiming's eyes darkened and he glanced at Xiao Zheng coldly. "Xiao Zheng, what are you waiting for? Do you want to watch Mr. Lin die here?"

The saber in Liu Qiming's hand gently pressed Lin Huayin's delicate neck, and bright red blood flowed out. The employees in the corridor were so frightened that they screamed and turned pale.

Xiao Zheng's struggling and contradictory expression gradually calmed down after witnessing Liu Qiming's cruelty. He raised his arm and said, "Okay, I'll be your hostage. Don't hurt Mr. Lin anymore!"

Liu Qiming smiled. The eyes seemed to say: Xiao Zheng, you will pay a heavy price for your pitiful face!

"Tang Ming, tie Xiao Zheng's arms with the belt around your waist. If I find out that you are tying a slipknot, I will make you my hostage." Liu Qiming said heartily.

Even now, he still wants to start a fight. It can be seen that the darkness of his mind is chilling.

Tang Ming pulled out the belt, came to Xiao Zheng helplessly, and said anxiously: "Azheng, you still have time to regret now."

Even Tang Ming could see that Liu Qiming would not let Xiao Zheng go, and hoped that he would think it through.

The hostage was Lin Huayin, so Liu Qiming might not really dare to do anything. After all, his status was here, and killing him would cause a huge sensation. But Xiao Zheng, a small security guard, formed a life-and-death relationship with Liu Qiming. Liu Qiming, who was on the road to a dead end, might have had a bad intention and took the opportunity to retaliate...

"Tie him up." Xiao Zheng said calmly. "If I die in the line of duty, you must tell everyone why my brother Azheng died!"

Tang Ming's face darkened and he thought to himself: This guy is still in the mood to joke at this time. Although I didn't dare to tie the slipknot, I didn't tie it too tightly either. Try hard to give Xiao Zheng a chance.

"Tie it tight, lest the grandson makes trouble again." Xiao Zheng said with a frown.

Tang Ming was immediately moved to tears and gritted his teeth and said, "Azheng, if you don't die this time, you will be my eldest brother from now on."

"I don't care about a idiot like you." Xiao Zheng curled his lips.

"Come here." Liu Qiming glanced at Xiao Zheng coldly.

Hearing this, Xiao Zheng had no choice but to stride towards Liu Qiming and Lin Huayin. When approaching the two of them, Xiao Zheng saw a strong hint in Lin Huayin's eyes.

She didn't want to go there, and she didn't want to become Liu Qiming's hostage. But Xiao Zheng just pretended not to see it and walked over slowly.

Perhaps because he was still afraid of Xiao Zheng, Liu Qiming rushed up and slammed his knee into Xiao Zheng's chest. The moment Xiao Zheng bent down, Liu Qiming made a bold move, grabbed Xiao Zheng's hair, and put the saber in his hand on Xiao Zheng's neck.

His movements are smooth and smooth, and it can be seen that his fighting foundation is quite solid.

"Mr. Lin, you are safe." Liu Qiming destroyed Xiao Zheng's authority and looked at Lin Huayin with a calm expression. "Get out of the way, I want to get into the elevator."

Lin Huayin didn't move. Even though she had just escaped from danger, there was no luck in her eyes. Facing Liu Qiming's expulsion, she just stood motionless at the elevator entrance, her eyes resentful and blank.

"Mr. Lin. I know you have already called the police. If you don't go away, I will think you are stalling for time. By then -" Liu Qiming said with a cold expression. "Even if I die, all of you will be buried with me!"

"Get out of the way." Xiao Zhengzheng advised. "This man is crazy, don't be impulsive."

Lin Huayin gritted her teeth tightly, but refused to move an inch.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Zheng's face darkened and he shouted. "If I anger him, I will be more dangerous!"

Lin Huayin's eyes flashed with some kind of crystal lust, and she finally gave way unwillingly. But there was a strong anger in his eyes.

She swore that if Liu Qiming dared to hurt Xiao Zheng, she would retaliate against Liu Qiming at all costs and kill him!

Ding dong.

The elevator door opened in response, and Liu Qiming kicked Xiao Zheng in the lower back and kicked him into the elevator. Perhaps it was because Liu Qiming's kick was so powerful that Xiao Zheng, who had his hands tied behind his back, stumbled and hit the inner wall of the elevator with a bang.

Liu Qiming looked at Xiao Zheng's ugly behavior, and felt a long-lost sense of joy in his heart. He quickly got into the elevator, twisted Xiao Zheng's hair, and sneered: "Today, we should settle the accounts clearly."

The elevator door slowly closed, leaving everyone with nothing but Liu Qiming's terrifying and terrifying face.

Everyone's heart sank to the bottom. Everyone guessed the subtext of Liu Qiming's words.

Now that he has decided to flee, how can Liu Qiming care about the life of a hostage? What's more, this hostage still has a deep hatred against him

Maybe - when the elevator door opens again, the bloody corpse lying inside is Xiao Zheng