Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 133: You are still a little young!


Bai Yujiao's words made the atmosphere at the scene awkward. Even the two police officers who were familiar with her looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what to do.

Not familiar

If you don’t know him well, you will accompany him throughout the whole process? If you don't know me well, you would come to us to find out the details first, and also tell you not to use the same method of interrogating prisoners to deal with Xiao Zheng

Bai Yujiao knew the rules of the police. Outsiders were not allowed to be present when taking notes. She did not stay because she had experience in the police force. She left the ward without saying she was hungry. Hand Xiao Zheng to the two police officers who had been waiting all afternoon.


As soon as Bai Yujiao left, Xiao Zheng couldn't help coughing dryly and smiled at the older police officer: "Brother, do you have a cigarette?"

The older police officer was slightly startled and said hesitantly: "Are you still smoking in this condition?"

Xiao Zheng was half sitting on the bed and said with a smile: "It's not a problem, just a little skin injury."

If an injury of this level were suffered by an ordinary person, the patient would be hospitalized for ten and a half months at the least, or be transfused into the intensive care unit with blood transfusion at the worst. But how could Xiao Zheng be compared to ordinary people? In addition, the wound was caused by him himself, so he naturally acted in a measured manner. According to his estimate, he would have to lie down in the hospital for three to five days, and after the wound had improved, he would be able to get out of bed and walk.

Of course, this is only if conditions permit, and he lives in a prosperous city where the world is peaceful. In his previous life, no matter how seriously injured he was, he could still travel hundreds of miles a day and make hidden attacks.

The elderly police officer handed him a cigarette and lit it for him politely. Then he pulled out a chair and sat next to him, instructing his companion to take notes and prepare for questioning.

"Mr. Xiao, shall we start?" the older police officer asked in a friendly manner.

"Okay." Xiao Zheng took a puff of cigarette happily and nodded with a smile. "Just ask."

Seeing his cooperation, the older police officer became more friendly and said, "We have basically understood the situation before entering the elevator. According to the description of ENN employees, Liu Qiming lost control because of losing his job. He stabbed one person on the spot and held him hostage. After that, Liu Qiming asked you to be his hostage and enter the elevator together to implement the escape plan."

"So, what we want to know is, what happened to you after entering the elevator? Why did he die under his own weapon?" the older police officer asked rigorously, his eyes falling on Xiao Zheng's pale face, Eyes twinkling.

Xiao Zheng took a puff of his cigarette and said with a slight regret on his face: "I feel extremely sorry for what happened to Liu Qiming."

"What do you say?" the older police officer asked.

"Although he and I have a little misunderstanding, we are still colleagues after all. It is really a pity that he has reached this day." Xiao Zheng shook his head gently.

"Mr. Xiao, what happened after you entered the elevator?" the older police officer asked.

"If I don't say anything, will there be no way to clear away the suspicion?" Xiao Zheng said with a painful expression. "There are some things I really don't want to face again."

"There was no third person present at the time. If you don't tell us, we won't be able to restore the truth and prove your innocence." The older police officer said cautiously. "Mr. Xiao, I hope you understand something. Even before entering the elevator, Liu Qiming showed a certain degree of loss of control, stabbed people with a knife, and took hostages. He had serious violent tendencies, but now he is dead. It is against the rules. In terms of discipline, all his criminal behavior has lost its practical significance with the end of his life. Instead, you became a suspect because of his death. Can you understand what I say? "

Through the descriptions of various witnesses, the police have already come to a conclusion: Xiao Zheng and Liu Qiming have a grudge, and the reason why Liu Qiming abandoned Lin Huayin and chose Xiao Zheng as a hostage was largely suspected of revenge. According to the police's on-site investigation, there were obvious signs of a fight in the elevator. From a perceptual perspective, Xiao Zheng most likely suffered revenge from Liu Qiming in the elevator, and Xiao Zheng accidentally killed Liu Qiming during the fight.

However, they are law enforcement officers and police officers who rely on evidence to speak. Before they are 100% sure, they have reason to make any irresponsible speculations. For example, Xiao Zheng took action first after entering the elevator and killed Liu Qiming on the spot. If so, Xiao Zheng committed the crime of excessive defense. Of course, this possibility is not high, because Xiao Zheng's chest clearly showed signs of being stabbed by a saber, and his hands were restrained at the time. Taking the initiative would involve greater risks to his life, which is inconsistent with ordinary people's thinking and logic.

So from a certain perspective, all evidence and confessions are very beneficial to Xiao Zheng. As long as there is no big difference between Xiao Zheng's confession and the scene environment analyzed by the police, Xiao Zheng will basically be cleared of suspicion. This is also the reason why Bai Yujiao went out to eat generously. As a former law enforcer, she firmly believed that Xiao Zheng was just making a correct judgment under the circumstances at that time, and it was self-defense rather than malicious murder.

"Well, let me tell you then." Xiao Zheng's eyes became blurred, and he used his impeccable facial expression to interpret the sadness and regret in his heart, and said slowly. "When I entered the elevator, Liu Qiming quickly attacked me. In panic, I struggled to break free of the belt. But because the elevator space was narrow, I was also stabbed. After that, he stabbed me again, and I pushed away in desperation. Driving him, he may have lost his footing and somersaulted into the elevator, and the knife fell to the ground."

"That's all?" the older police officer asked with a frown. "what's next?"

Xiao Zheng showed a conflicted and painful look, bit his lip gently, and said: "Then I wanted to pick up the knife to defend myself, but he threw me down. I also choked his neck out of desperation-"

"One hand or two hands?" the older police officer interrupted Xiao Zheng's narration. "At that time, did you choke Liu Qiming with one hand, or with both hands?"

"One hand." Xiao Zheng said.

"Why not use two hands?" the older police officer asked.

"You have also seen that I was stabbed in the left chest. If it had been a little farther, it might have penetrated into the heart. Half of my body was numb at that time, so how could I have any strength in my arms?" Xiao Zheng said.

"Continue." The older police officer gradually entered the state and said calmly.

"Then I pushed him away and picked up the saber on the ground by mistake. Then I saw Liu Qiming rushing towards me fiercely, so I gestured with the saber to force him back. But I didn't expect-" Xiao Zheng regretted said. "Liu Qiming seemed to be crazy. He was not afraid of the saber in my hand. I cut his neck open with just one stroke."

After hearing this, the elderly police officer showed a faint look of recognition on his face and said, "It's basically consistent with the evidence we obtained."

Xiao Zheng said with a sad face: "No matter what, a living person has been wiped out by me. Even if you find me innocent, my conscience will be condemned."

The elderly police officer smiled and said: "Mr. Xiao, I hope you don't have too much burden on this point. Indeed, killing people will cause a lot of psychological shadow to many people. But you can do the opposite. Think about it, without your brave behavior, maybe he would have killed more innocent citizens."

Xiao Zheng said bitterly: "Thank you for your comfort."

"You're welcome." The older police officer smiled warmly, suddenly changed the topic and asked very fast. "Mr. Xiao, I have another question. Since you were already injured during your scuffle, how could you push him away with one hand? You know, Liu Qiming is a retired soldier, and as far as we know, he is still The elite in the military. First-class practical ability."

After the older police officer asked, he stared at Xiao Zheng with extremely sharp eyes, observing his every move.

An ordinary person would be flustered under such gaze, and even if he lied, there would be more or less flaws. This is the oppressive power and wisdom of senior police officers.

He first announced that the confession provided by Xiao Zheng was consistent with the police's investigation results, so that the parties concerned could relax their vigilance and relax their emotions. Then he shot back without warning and raised a question that no one could respond to quickly. If Xiao Zheng conceals something, he will surely be discovered by experienced police officers.

Xiao Zheng heard this without any hesitation, and said in a calm tone with a hint of pride: "Liu Qiming is a veteran, and so am I. He is an elite in the army, and I also won the martial arts championship of the 38th Group Army. If it weren't for the neglect after retirement, Training, he may not be able to stab me."

The elderly police officer's eyes lit up, and he returned to his previous gentleness. He smiled and nodded: "I have no doubts. Mr. Xiao has a good rest, and we won't disturb him."

"Where is that?" Xiao Zheng said with a smile. "Police-citizen cooperation is our duty as good citizens. If you have any questions, you can come to me at any time."

"Okay, thank you for your understanding, Mr. Xiao." The elderly police officer stood up and left.

After watching the two of them leave the ward, a faint smile appeared on Xiao Zheng's face and he muttered: "Old fox, you want to show off to me? You are still a bit immature."