Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 142: you are fired!


Shen Manjun's inflammatory words completely drove the sick Brother Azheng crazy. If you don’t play like this, do you really want to make yourself so black that your wife and children are separated before you can feel at ease

Xiao Zheng realized that Shen Manjun's ability to open his mouth was definitely not inferior to his own, and with Lin Huayin present at this moment, this woman could penetrate into everything and do anything against him if she wanted to blackmail him. I couldn't help but wisely shut my mouth and stay out of the matter.

If the argument continues, maybe this bitch can claim that kissing her means she fell asleep. That would be crazy.

Obviously, in this battle, Shen Manjun was fighting one against two. Not only did Shen Manjun lose the slightest advantage, but he completely tortured the couple. It can be described as a great victory and high morale.

But she also knew that Lin Huayin was not weaker than her, he just didn't want to lose face and compete with her in such a low-key nonsense. In Shen Manjun's eyes, Lin Huayin was always an exquisite woman who drank coffee, ate Western food, and was used to the sunshine. Rather than being as generous as myself.

At the moment, he no longer pushed for an inch, walked around Lin Huayin and walked out of the bathroom. When he passed the hospital bed, he gave Xiao Zheng a personality-suggestive look and walked away with his plump waist twisted.

Originally, Brother Azheng was already a little unable to withstand Shen Manjun's unabashed talk. But when she really left, Xiao Zheng became more and more uneasy. In the final analysis, he and Shen Manjun had only met a few times. They were considered acquaintances to the point of death, and they might not even be friends. Even if she made something up out of nothing, Xiao Zheng could just laugh it off and not pursue it further. But in front of Lin Huayin—

If getting along with Shen Manjun is a farce, and getting along with Lan Xin is a romantic drama, then getting along with Lin Huayin is a CCTV drama. There is no room for falsehood, and there is no room for a grain of sand. Want to muddle through? gag

Lin Huayin would never give him such a chance.

So Brother Azheng was worried. I wonder whether this iceberg strong woman will cry, make trouble, hang herself, or even return to her parents' home in anger like the wives in most movies and TV shows.

Although it is not in harmony with Lin Huayin's painting style, when faced with family disputes, don't women always use this trick to suppress men

Brother Azheng has silently prepared himself mentally and opened his mind to welcome the violent storm launched by Lin Huayin.

However, after he waited for five minutes, Lin Huayin still didn't come from the bathroom. Except for the slight sound of the air conditioner, there was no sound in the ward.

This made Xiao Zheng feel more and more uneasy and hesitant. What on earth is that woman planning to do

finally. Lin Huayin appeared.

There was no emotion on her face, as if everything that happened just now was just a dream, leaving no trace in her heart, and she even forgot about the quarrel with Shen Manjun just now.

She approached the hospital bed and sat calmly on the chair where Lan Xin and Shen Manjun had sat. She looked at Xiao Zheng slowly with no emotion in her eyes: "If the wound hurts too much, let the doctor prescribe it for you." Take some painkillers."

what's the situation

Xiao Zheng became increasingly confused.

Shouldn't I scold myself? Why do you care about yourself instead

Before Xiao Zheng could speak, Lin Huayin continued, "The company will reimburse your medical expenses. You can stay in the hospital as long as you want."

"It's okay. I can stay for a week at most and then go back to work in the company." Xiao Zheng said confidently.

"You're fired." Lin Huayin said expressionlessly. His eyes were extremely cold.


Xiao Zheng's head exploded instantly and he completely lost his ability to think.

"What - what did you say?" Xiao Zheng said with a gloomy face and disbelief.

Lin Huayin did not escape. He stared at Xiao Zheng with cold eyes and said word by word: "I said. You are fired. From now on, you are no longer an employee of ENN."

"But I just made a great contribution to Xinao, and I was injured because of it..." Xiao Zheng struggled feebly.

"The company will provide you with bonuses and compensation." Lin Huayin said calmly.

When Xiao Zheng heard this, he felt chills running down his spine. He looked back at Lin Huayin with subtle eyes and asked tentatively: "What do you want to do?"

"Our relationship as husband and wife will last for forty-one days before the contract expires." Lin Huayin said with cold eyes. "The doctor told me that your injury will require you to stay in the hospital for at least a month. But I hope you can stay in the hospital for forty-one days. This way you don't have to bear my unintentional cold eyes, and I won't be upset."

Xiao Zheng was confused. Got it too.

He understood what Lin Huayin meant. I also understood the meaning of her words.

She said she had to stay in the hospital for forty-one days. Because she doesn't want to live with him anymore. She said that the company would compensate him and bear his medical expenses because she did not want to owe Xiao Zheng anything.

Xiao Zheng knew that she still had a subtext that she didn't say: No matter whether I am pregnant or not, you can't go back to Xinao, and you can't continue to live in the Lin family. Because I will be unhappy and upset when I see you.

That's enough, she doesn't want to have anything to do with Xiao Zheng anymore. Even if she is pregnant, she will think of a way to get the best of both worlds. Her only request is not to see him again.


After a long silence, Xiao Zheng asked with a gloomy expression.

Lin Huayin glanced at him and said nothing.

Yes. She decided. Just now, she finally made this decision. There may be temporary discomfort, but for her, it is the best and most correct choice.

She doesn't want a life of ups and downs, nor does she want a life that is too chaotic. She has her own ideals and the life she wants. But Xiao Zheng couldn't give her what she wanted. No man can give it. Especially her father.

"Okay, I will resign." Xiao Zheng forced a smile, and then carefully took out the key stained with body temperature from under the pillow.

The key is tied with a very ordinary red thread, which was done by the careless Xiao Zheng to prevent the key from being lost.

He stretched out his hand and handed the key to Lin Huayin: "I made the key secretly and give it back to you."

Lin Huayin's expressionless face flashed with a strange color, but he did not reach out to pick it up: "You still have to go back to get your luggage, just put the key on the shoe cabinet when you leave."

Xiao Zheng's reaction surprised Lin Huayin. She didn't expect Xiao Zheng to be so happy, and she didn't expect that Xiao Zheng would secretly engrave the key.

Before, when Lin Huayin kicked him out, he was not so easy to talk to. He looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water and would not leave even if he died. This performance made Lin Huayin's plan too easy to implement.

"That's fine." Xiao Zheng smiled and nodded. "I have a lot of stuff, and it will take some effort for you to move it to the door."

Lin Huayin didn't answer. He stood up with cold eyes and said, "Good night."

After that, she walked out of the ward without looking back and closed the door.

After leaving the door, she stood motionless. The expression was unexpectedly complicated and throbbing.

She never thought of driving away Xiao Zheng. I really haven't had such a thought for a long, long time.

After slowly getting along with Xiao Zheng, she has become accustomed to living with a man at home. Especially since this man rarely affects her work and life.

From the initial disgust and rejection, to the gradual adaptation, to the worry and nervousness at noon today, Lin Huayin even thought that even if there was no love, as long as she had children, she could still go on with Xiao Zheng. Like ordinary people or relatives, reaching the end of life.

But tonight, everything changes.

It was as if history was repeating itself, destroying all her illusions.

She still couldn't accept it, really couldn't accept it. But why is it that my heart aches even though I clearly can't accept it

How can the writing end so plainly? The story does not accept being ordinary at the beginning. Use every minute of excessive burning to determine where the plot should go

That's probably it.