Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 155: Sleep together! (Down)


Lin Huayin never thought about the fact that she was about to become a mother, which made her panic, in her heart for a long time, just like a three-year-old child never thought that putting his finger into an electric plug might electrocute him to death. In their world, there is no such cognition.

Lin Huayin has wisdom and tenacity that are different from ordinary people. She can bring ENN from a small studio with only a dozen employees to its current height. She can also give up her generous salary and leave Wall Street to become a doer from scratch. . He is not afraid of any challenges and can properly clear all obstacles. However, she never thought about how to face the possibility of a little life appearing in her belly. She even carelessly and selectively forgot about this matter, even though she has never been a careless woman.

If it weren't for Xiao Zheng's reminder, she might not have any questions related to the pregnancy test in her mind in the next few days or a week. Whether it is active or unconscious forgetting. All of them can prove the fact that she is not mentally prepared to be a mother, let alone do not have the conditions to be an excellent mother. So far, the only thing she can take care of is her own life. Even because of Xiao Zheng's appearance, her personal life became a mess and chaos.

Xiao Zheng's unconscious questions made her fall into confusion, and her thoughts were confused and difficult.

"Not yet." Lin Huayin replied succinctly.

Xiao Zheng was stunned for a moment, then asked doubtfully: "Are you worried?"

"The doctor told me that 100% results can be obtained after two months, and a certain degree of pregnancy reaction will occur." Lin Huayin did not directly answer Xiao Zheng's question, but used his own perspective to respond to the futility of early pregnancy tests. sex. "Whether you take a pregnancy test or not, you will know in two months."

"Same." Xiao Zheng grinned. He said half-jokingly and half-seriously. "If it is confirmed in advance that you are not pregnant, I have no reason to hold on."

Lin Huayin frowned slightly and did not answer.

"By the way, Mr. Lin. If you are really pregnant, have you decided on a name?" Xiao Zheng said with a cautious look. "After all, pregnancy or not is a matter of this month. It's better to choose a name to be prepared."

"I never thought about it." Lin Huayin said in a calm tone, and the palms placed flat on both sides involuntarily covered his lower abdomen.

"The surname Xiao is quite easy to choose." Xiao Zheng said very proudly. "There are also many celebrities. Like Xiao Feng, Xiao Shiyilang, Xiao Jingteng..."

"I choose the name." As if to declare his sovereignty, Lin Huayin frowned deeper. It was obvious that she was very dissatisfied with Xiao Zheng's aesthetic level. Even rejection.

"As the father of my child, I should have the obligation to think of more names for my child, right?" Xiao Zhengbao said in a consultative manner.

"Your cultural level is too low." Lin Huayin said mercilessly.

"Having said that, in my limited student career, I have always been a top student at the academic level..." Xiao Zheng argued weakly.

But in fact, his so-called top student looked a bit cheap in front of Harvard-educated Lin Huayin. Even a woman like Shen Manjun, who is unrestrained and has no cultural qualities at first glance, can completely abuse him.

Faced with the bargaining from Xiao Zheng's mother-in-law, Lin Huayin remained silent in disgust, seeming to be worrying about the name of her child.

"By the way, if we really have a child, will you transfer all the property to the child's name?" Xiao Zheng probed with sinister thoughts.

"Why?" Lin Huayin asked calmly.

"Isn't everything that parents strive for is prepared for their children?" Xiao Zheng asked matter-of-factly.

"The reason why everyone strives is to realize their own value, and it has nothing to do with others. Don't kidnap children as an excuse for your own selfishness." Lin Huayin said rationally and calmly. It seemed to have hit her weak point, and her attitude was quite cold.

Hearing this, Xiao Zheng did not dare to discuss it in depth. He laughed and said, "Why don't you tell me about your interesting experience of studying abroad? According to my guess, you must be a famous figure at Harvard."

"There's nothing to say." Lin Huayin said dullly. “In addition to studying, I also want to find a job.”

"No way?" Xiao Zheng asked in a wicked way. "You are so beautiful, why doesn't anyone pursue you?"

The conscience of heaven and earth, although Xiao Zheng has seen many beautiful women, none of them can compare with Lin Huayin's stunning beauty. Apart from being a bit cold, there is no shortcoming in either software or hardware. As perfect as God's beloved.

"What does it have to do with you?" Lin Huayin frowned slightly, but secretly thought: I am your wife, and you really want me to be pursued by another man

Xiao Zheng said awkwardly: "I'm just curious, so I asked casually."

"I'm not interested in answering your casual question." Lin Huayin said expressionlessly. Even in the dark night when he couldn't see his fingers, Xiao Zheng could smell a chill that was so cold that he felt deep in his bones. He couldn't help but move his body and keep a distance from Lin Huayin.

Late at night. After a relatively relaxed chat, the two of them no longer felt awkward and embarrassed, and gradually adapted to the strangeness of having each other lying next to them. Once his nerves relaxed, Brother Azheng was hit by waves of fierce fatigue. His eyelids became heavy and he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

After Lin Huayin's inhumane and indifferent response, Xiao Zheng became silent. Ben was still a little guilty, feeling that his words were too harsh. But within a few minutes, Xiao Zheng's snoring sound like thunder could be heard at his feet. That little bit of guilt disappeared in the blink of an eye, and she closed her eyes and prepared to sleep.

But just as she was slowly getting sleepy and her brain gradually fell into absolute calm, she suddenly felt a sticky feeling on her instep. Her delicate body immediately tensed up, and strange emotions surged through her body like an electric shock.

What's that slimy thing? Not only was it warm, but it also spread to my feet, making me feel sick from the bottom of my heart.


Just as Lin Huayin suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, decided to endure the sticky touch silently, and moved away her 'violated' left foot, something suddenly crossed her instep and licked her smooth and jade-like skin like lightning. The instep left a large pool of ***...

This time, Lin Huayin could no longer bear the perverted violation.

Gein—she fully understood what was happening under her feet!

At first, the sticky liquid should be Xiao Zheng's saliva. Then, the soft and hot foreign object should be Xiao Zheng's tongue!

And why did he lick her feet? It must be the abominable behavior that occurred while Xiao was sucking saliva!

She licked her right after she fell asleep. She slept until the middle of the night and why didn't she lick him all over her body

Lin Huayin finally understood why he was bullied unconsciously when he was so drunk last time. It seemed that the more unconscious his grandson became, the more obscene his behavior became and the more obscene his behavior became!

Lin Huayin, whose scalp was numb, couldn't bear it anymore, raised his left foot and stepped hard on Brother Azheng's intoxicated face!

PS: Chapter 4 will be released tomorrow.