Bodyguard of the Goddess

Chapter 170: Kneel down and worship him!


Xiao Zheng offended Ye Shiguan, and also offended most of the prominent people in the Zhao family. Although he felt that he was forced, he had to admit that he had only offended the two most powerful forces in Mingzhu for only half a year after returning home. Now being hunted on the streets, he was not surprised at all.

But he believed that these people were definitely not Ye Shiguan's younger brothers. At least they weren't these gangsters on the surface. After all, there was a black bear here, and Ye Shiguan wouldn't be so open and honest looking for someone to kill him. This is against the rules of the world and will also affect his reputation.

Zhao family

Probably. After all, I beat him half to death, and now it is so logical to find someone to chop me down. He is also the most suspected mastermind.

This group of gangsters were very professional. They hit Xiao Zheng on the head as soon as the fight started. As long as one is hit, the head will basically be broken and the combat effectiveness will be severely reduced.

But they are professional, and Xiao Zheng is even more professional. They are professional street gangsters, and Xiao Zhengze is a professional killer!

When he knocked down a gangster and took the steel pipe from his hand, he hit the gangster on the head without stopping. One iron bar at a time, and in just ten seconds, he placed seven or eight of them. Among them was a professional killer who was hiding in the crowd and trying to sneak attack Xiao Zheng.

He struck hard, and every time he struck, there was a dull and suffocating impact sound. Every time there was a crash, blood would spurt out. Not only was it bloody, it was also brutal.

But Xiao Zheng is now an ENN employee. He can kill killers whose identities cannot be found out and who are not protected by the law - at least not protected by Chinese law. But he doesn't want to kill this group of people with names and even family members. Wife's gangster. First, the killing is too heavy, which will affect his normal emotions. Secondly, too many people died. Even if they were all gangsters who gave the police a headache, they would eventually cause a lot of unnecessary trouble. So every time he hit the stick, he would beat the opponent to a bloody head, causing him to faint on the spot, but not to death. This can be regarded as Xiao Zheng's good behavior after returning to the city.

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Zheng waved the iron rod in his hand, beating the gangsters around him with ease. But because he often clashed with the gangsters' iron rods. After two minutes of fighting, he had to throw away the bent steel pipe, then pick up another one and continue fighting.

Some people say that a random punch could kill the old master, while others say that two fists are no match for four hands. But for Xiao Zheng, this argument does not exist. At least it won't happen when facing this group of gangsters. In Xiao Zheng's eyes, these gangsters were like ants, with no ability to fight against him. It is also unable to cause even the slightest harm to him. During the entire battle, except for the fact that he wasted a certain amount of physical energy by constantly waving the steel pipe, there was no threat to his life at all.

Gradually. Following Xiao Zheng's unhurried beating. There were more gangsters lying on the ground than standing, and the group of gangsters who originally attacked very ferociously also gradually became fearful. And opened the encirclement group. No longer dare to charge recklessly.

one time.

Even just for a moment!

As long as someone can hit Xiao Zheng, even if it is only an innocuous minor injury, it can give them the courage and motivation to continue charging.

But the current situation is that his companions are constantly being knocked down by Xiao Zheng, but he is not injured at all. Not even a single hair was touched!

The huge gap gave the gangsters a mentality of retreating. Once someone showed signs of retreating, everyone would be infected, and then they would slowly distance themselves from each other, not daring to charge rashly.

"Let's go. Even if you're not tired, repeating the same actions will get annoying." Xiao Zheng looked around and said in a very calm manner.

A gangster was angered by Xiao Zheng's arrogant attitude and rushed forward. Then without any suspense, he was knocked to the ground by Xiao Zheng with a stick.

"I don't know." Xiao Zheng glanced at the gangster who fell on the ground with a look of pity.

This time, no one dared to move forward. The signs of withdrawal are becoming more and more obvious.


They are just gangsters. Even if they can't deal with the boss when they go back, what's the point of continuing to fight? The strength is not equal at all, and there is no chance of winning. The gangsters hang out on the road just to live a more majestic and happy life than ordinary people. Not to seek death.

The gangsters were finally forced by Xiao Zheng's terrifying fighting power and left the scene one after another. Some relatively moral gangsters did not forget to drag away their companions. Soon, only a pair of abandoned steel pipes and shocking blood stains were left in the parking lot.

Of course, there are also five killers hiding in the crowd, completely exposed to Xiao Zheng's sight at this moment. Frontier killer.

They won't leave. No matter how terrifying Xiao Zheng's fighting power is, no one can let them leave.

Unlike the gangsters, they have professional ethics. The gangsters are working for the boss. Even if their core pursuit is still fame and fortune, at least on the surface, they are not obligated to risk their lives for the boss. But this group of frontier killers is different. They perform tasks not for anyone but for money. Encouraged by money, they are more capable of execution and more willing to sacrifice their lives. So the gangsters left, but they stayed without hesitation. His eyes became more and more fierce. Like jackals, it makes people’s hearts tremble.

"Stop hiding. Come out." Xiao Zheng glanced at a dark corner.

There was a black car parked there, and if you didn't look carefully, it would be hard to tell that anyone was sitting in it. It was during the fight that Xiao Zheng realized that an extremely dangerous aura was spreading from this corner. That is the aura that only masters have, and it is also the terrifying pressure that can only be unleashed by true peers.

Like substance, it spreads throughout the audience.


The car door was slowly pushed open, and a tall and tall young man got out of the car. His movements were very steady, his face was thin and resolute, and his pair of gloomy light gray eyes shone with a bloodthirsty cold light. Very oppressive.

It was obvious that he was the leader of this gang of killers. And tonight's killing scene was also arranged by him, including the Lin family's accident that night, Xiao Zheng also had reason to believe that it was inseparable from him.

But why? Have you ever offended him

Xiao Zheng stared calmly at the young man walking slowly, silently.

Xiao Zheng remained silent, but Liu Qing, who was slowly approaching him, said calmly: "My name is Liu Qing. Liu Qiming's brother."

oh. I see. No wonder he was willing to cooperate with a group of gangsters. It turned out that besides work, he also had personal vendettas.

"My younger brother is a kidnapper, and my elder brother is a killer. Your old Liu family is really hopeless." Xiao Zheng said lightly.

"What about you? Being a gangster has a bright future?" Liu Qing continued to approach Xiao Zheng, and the five murderous killers also approached from different directions. There is a strong tendency to encircle and suppress Xiao Zheng.

"The gangster was my former identity. Now, I am the deputy captain of the Xinao Security Department. If your brother had not died, he would have flattered me and affectionately called me Captain Xiao." Xiao Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly. Play with flavor.

Liu Qing frowned, with murderous intent in his eyes: "Tonight, you will follow my brother's footsteps and go to another world to kneel down and worship him!"


Cold light suddenly appeared, and six daggers glowing with blood stabbed Xiao Zheng at the same time, with high-spirited killing intent!